Can't wait to see you at the festival. <3
"How am I supposed to find this person if I don't even know who they are?" Felix huffed.
He and Yeji were walking through the school festival arms linked, as they looked at all the booths that were selling stuff. Occasionally they would stop to buy stuff.
"I think you'll just know it is the person or maybe they will come up to you," Yeji said paying for the two corn dogs.
She handed Felix his corn dog and they continued to walk towards the stage where they could see the band preparing to perform. As they got closer, Felix could see Ryujin's face light up seeing Yeji.
The drummer hopped off the stage and pushed passed the crowd of people to get to them, "Hey guys! I'm glad you guys got here in time," She said looking at Yeji.
Yeji smiled, "Yeah, I really wanted to see you- all of you perform,"
Felix rolled his eyes.
"It is really weird, your brother is like really nervous. I mean he was dropping his mic and stuff earlier," Ryujin mentioned.
"Nervous? Hyunjin doesn't get nervous, especially in front of crowds like this. I mean you guys have performed in larger places and he's never been nervous," Yeji said.
Ryujin shrugged, "I think it has something to do with the special performance he is doing. He even brought out that one mic he never uses cause he doesn't want it to break,"
Felix raised his brows. That is why he never used it? Felix figured he just didn't like it.
"The pastel blue one?"
Ryujin nodded.
"Lix, isn't that the one you got him for our sixteenth birthday?" Yeji asked her best friend.
"Uh, yeah... I figured he never used it because he didn't like it," Felix said.
Ryujin laughed like what he said was funny, "Please, that is like his most prized possession. He does not let anyone touch it,"
Yeji hummed, "Interesting,"
The younger nodded and turned to look at the stage, "Ah, I have to go. Try to get to the front. I know for sure Hyunjin wants you guys to see the first performance,"
The two gave a nod and watched Ryujin bounce off towards the stage.
"I wonder what special performance is," Yeji muttered.
Felix shrugged. The two wove their way through the crowd towards the front of the stage. Ryujin was right, Hyunjin did seem pretty nervous and it seemed to worsen when Yeji and Felix appeared at the front.
Felix took notice that Minho had joined the band on stage as an extra guitar, because Jisung seemed liked he was going to play the piano.
Hyunjin took a deep breath and put a hand on the microphone stand, "Two things before we begin, I hope you enjoy this new song and Yeji, I am sorry," He said.
Yeji looked at Felix completely confused at the apology. Felix shrugged, he had no clue where this was going.
A familiar beat started, it was one that Felix had heard a couple times in passing during his office aide period. Then Hyunjin started to sing and it sounded great, it was beautiful as always.
Then Felix's heart skipped a couple beats, because he recognised lyrics.
"Can we walk, and maybe share our lives?"
Yeji's eyes widened and she looked at Felix drawing the same connection that second earlier Felix had found.
"Oh my... Felix, the notes," She said.
Felix shook his head not wanting to believe it. There was no way this was actually happening.
However, as he watched Hyunjin pull the mic off the stand and walk over to where they were, he knew it was. Hyunjin got off the stage and walked over to Felix.
His voice was soft as he sung, "Yeah, no matter what, I will give you my heart, since you're living in the breeze that I breathe. It's okay to sеll me some pain, love me,"
Hyunjin smiled and pulled Felix close when he saw the tears forming in the younger's eyes. Tears fell from Felix's eyes.
Hyunjin pulled away and stopped singing for a moment to kiss Felix softly. After that he went back on stage.
Yeji pulled Felix to her side a big smile on her face, Felix was still crying. It all felt overwhelming.
When the whole set was over Hyunjin came off the stage and over to Felix and Yeji.
"You're a jerk," Felix muttered hugging Hyunjin.
Hyunjin laughed softly and kissed the top of Felix's head, "I'm sorry, Lixie,"
Felix held Hyunjin a little tighter, "You could have just told me,"
"I could've, but I wanted to do this," Hyunjin said softly.
Felix pulled away, it was evident on his face that he had cried earlier. Eyes slightly puffy and nose a little red.
"So, my heart, will you accept my confession?" Hyunjin asked.
The blond smiled and nodded, "Yes, I will accept your confession,"
Hyunjin smiled, "That confession would have been really awkward if you didn't accept,"
Felix laughed a little and kissed Hyunjin softly.
"I love you," Hyunjin said softly as they pulled away.
"I love you,"
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