~RJ's POV~
"You" Demetri helps me down to the kitchen after going to the bathroom for the fourth time, these babies are really making it hard on me. I'm glad I'm not a surgeon since they have those long crazy hours and if you needed to use the bathroom you may as well use an adult diaper "look so stunning in the morning"
"I look like a whale" muttering as the babies kick, Demetri places his hand on my belly where I was rubbing it. He smiles as the kids kick their tiny feet like their playing soccer.
Once we are in the living room we see Kimmy grab the package from DJ, why? "Someone" they look my way "is all dressed up"
"Felix is coming back from Italy today" she tells me "so I want to be all dressed up for him"
"What did you get?" Demetri asks
Kimmy smiles "It's this Argentinian dress Fernando wants me to wear for the New Year's Eve party tonight"
"You two are still together?" I ask, she nods her head "why?"
"Because" she tries to come up with a reason but can't "because" she whispers "how do I break it to him that after the holiday's I want to end our relationship? There's this guy" she smiles "he is so funny, sweet, amazing and how do I tell Fernando before the holiday's and Ramona that it's over over?" We don't say anything "so back to the" she pulls out the most hideous dress I've ever seen.
"My god that's hideous" I say then I need to pee again "I need to pee" walking aka waddling off. Once I'm done and cleaned up, I go to the kitchen and grab some food.
"Let me" Demetri takes the food and sets it down as he helps me sit down, I gasp out feeling like I just ran a marathon.
"If I didn't love you" he looks at me "you'd be dead right now"
Cupping my face "I know" the babies kick and he looks down "and apparently my sons know too"
"We agreed to be surprised" I say as he leaned down to kiss my belly, Demetri is amazing. He treats me like a pregnant goddess and sometimes I just get so emotional and cry land why" I cry "do you have to be so amazing?"
He smiles hugging me, the side of his face against my belly "I know my little ones, mommy is a beautiful woman"
"You" Becky smiles to me "look amazing, god I know how it felt when I was pregnant with Nicky and Alex" Demetri helps me sit down after walking down two flights of stairs. Right now I'm in an black colored off shoulder long sleeves dress with black flats, my hair is up in a bun with some makeup on. Red lipstick and some smoky eye.
"I feel" I say "like these babies are now just tapping on my bladder for fun"
"They" Demetri massages my back "want you to know that they have a gorgeous mother who is looking so stunning that even though they can't see it, they know it"
"Aww" the girls Aw at that.
"Why" I ask "does Fernando look so upset?"
"Because the dress I got for Kimberlina got lost in the mail" he tells me, Kimmy nods her head giving a sheepish smile. I know she asked Demetri to run it down to the Marina Trench, he didn't since that would have been too long. So instead he took it to a donation place at Goodwill or some place like that "I checked the tracking online and it said it was delivered here today"
"You did?" I ask
Nodding his head "Yes, so I've been going up and down the street thinking that it was misdelivered so I kept saying have you seen my dress? And they were like" in a Micky Mouse voice "I'm calling the police"
"Maybe it's for the best" I say
Shaking his head "No! This was to be a perfect night!"
"Demetri" he looks at me "babe, can you get me some food?"
"Of course" nodding his head "what do you want?"
"Fried chicken with the casserole, some honey melon and a steak" he nods his head getting me my food before coming back over where I gobble it down.
"When are you guys getting married?" Stephanie asks us
When are we? I mean we were going to but then the whole fiasco with the Cullens happened. Then there's my due date, we'll have to do it when the babies are a bit older and then Demetri may have gotten my pregnant again knowing him "We'll get married before the next pregnancy"
"The next?" She asks
"Someone" discreetly motioning to Demetri "may get me pregnant again before the next wedding"
"I probably will" Demetri confirms
"Help me to the living room" I order Demetri, he nods his head picking me up "how am I not a beach whale to you?"
He looks at me as I cry "To me, your a goddess. You always have been and always will be" leaning up, I kiss him. He brings me into the living room where CJ and Steve are.
"Wow" CJ says "carrying you around? My ex never did that" Demetri sets me down on the couch "How are you feeling?"
"I feel like a whale" I answer "but the words Demetri says" taking his hand "it makes me feel better"
"What does it say?" Steve asks
"I tell her how she's a goddess, like the reincarnation of Aphrodite" Demetri tells us "that no matter what, she will always shine brightly"
"That is so beautiful" CJ says. For the next few hours we all talk until CJ leaves in anger, why? We watch and Steve gets down on one knee "Okay, I'm listening"
"A burrito" he says "my mind is nothing but a burrito" I share a look with Demetri "DJ help me" I see Melody is recording this "words say you"
"Really?" She asks and the look Steve gives her has her get down on one knee. She then starts this speech and in the middle of it the door opens to Felix who has flowers in his hand and stares shocked.
"I'm so sending this video" I now see Demetri with his phone out "to everyone back in Volterra"
"Will you marry me?" She asks
"Yes" CJ answers bringing her up and hugging her "Steve"
Felix then understands and looks at DJ who orders "Kiss me"
Looking at Demetri as he looks at me "If you ever" I warn "am in that position and I catch you, I'm taking the kids and leaving you"
He nods his head "same with you"
Smiling at one another we kiss when the countdown hits zero "Happy New Year"
When I wake up, I see I'm in Demetri's lap outside as Becky and Jesse have their new baby named Pamela. We all greet the baby before I go over to the girls.
"Last night was crazy" I say
"I know" Stephanie agrees "I never thought I'd see DJ on her knees proposing"
"To a woman" Kimmy adds and DJ lets out a laugh.
"And your cool with Steve being engaged" Stephanie says "because you have Felix"
Nodding her head "I imagine a future with Felix, at first if Felic wasn't here I probably would still be wondering who I should choose. But with Felix...there are no words to describe how I feel" biting her lip "Felix talked to me about something big and I really want to do it"
"What?" Kimmy asks and I know what she's talking about.
"With my help" I say, they look at me "DJ and Felix are going to try to have a baby"
"I thought" Stephanie asks "he can't do that"
"Apparently cold one males can" I confirm "but for a long pregnancy I'll need to make a potion"
"So" Kimmy jumps up and down "you'll be trying for a baby?" Nodding her head and we squeal. I notice Felix smiling with Demetri. Vampire hearing.
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