~Demetri's POV~
"Why" I ask Jackson when I smell this strong scent of cologne come from his room "do you have so much cologne on? And why?" Waving to him and his attire.
"For Lola" he smiles
"Can I make a few tweaks?" I ask. He nods his head and I walk around "Firstly it's night outside so no sunglasses and your not a vampire"
"Makes sense" agreeing "also who's blood do you drinks or is it personal? Also can you see people's past through blood?"
"I get my blood from prisons, RJ set it up that way" now, before I drank whoever came into the castle but now with RJ's contacts. Felix and I drink blood from humans in prison "and no, I can't see people's pasts through blood. Also no hat"
"I do have great hair" agreeing with his own statement I'm guessing.
"It'll be hot for you humans so no jacket" taking off the jacket and I see chains "and no chains because your not in a gang—better"
"But I'm me?" He asks
"And that is all you need to be" crossing my arms "you need to have confidence in yourself to get the girl"
"What's going on? Why do I smell so much cologne?" Stephanie comes in
"Demetri's helping me with the party tonight since Lola will be there" he says "by being me"
She sees the chains and the extra stuff "Well he's right, Lola will want to know you not whoever that is" waving to the extra stuff
"RJ says you were a ladies man before you met her" Jackson looks at me "were you yourself?"
"Yes" nodding my head "because I have confidence in myself which you should have too, any woman knows when us men don't have confidence and they won't come near us"
"He's right" Stephanie agrees "us women can sense it, besides if Lola doesn't like 'just you' tons of others girls will. Have faith in your swagger"
"Oh, I have a can of swagger"
"No" Stephanie and I stop him from spraying anymore cologne
"Look" I say "if Lola doesn't like you for you, Felix and I will take you down to the beach and Felix will show you his confidence since I'm only for RJ" plus this weekend we're going down to the beach for family bonding time.
"Okay" nodding his head "is it true you stalked RJ for months"
"Yes" nodding my head "she's my mate and she keeps me sane"
"Cool" nodding his head before sniffing his breath "I've got to go brush my teeth"
He runs off and Stephanie smirks at me "What?"
"Your amazing with kids" she says "much better than Andrew"
"What do you mean?" I ask, did he do something cause if he did I will make him regret I didn't kill him. I'll find a way to rekill him.
"Andrew loved RJ yes" nodding her head "but he didn't like children, sure he was a father figure to Melody but only for RJ. He used her is all and RJ couldn't see past the pain from what she thought happened, your a better guy than him. Also we can all see why RJ couldn't stop thinking about you"
~Time Skip~
"So" RJ asks me as we watch the teenage girls surround Alec "does Alec have some sort of other gift?"
"Apparently" Felix laughs recording this just then the lights go out.
"Sorry guys" Stephanie calls out "apparently out fuse box didn't get the memo, but we can still have fun"
"I'm going to check the fuse" RJ leaves along with Jane, the two have gotten to know each other better which I'm glad about. Jane is like a sister to me.
"Okay everyone" Stephanie calls out "pair up and make out"
Felix snickers when the girls run to Alex tackling him "Are you going to send this to everyone in Volterra?"
"Oh yeah" nodding his head
"No body pair up" DJ runs out "no body make out!"
"Demetri" we see Alex come over with Melody in his arms "I believe this belongs to you" he hands me Melody who pouts.
"You will be mine" she declares
"I thought you liked that one human?" I ask
She shrugs her shoulders "I'm a preteen, I can like whoever I want—and mama likes him" pointing at Alec who raises his eyebrow to her. Oh god she's like me.
"Melody, I need to talk to you about something" taking her inside I set her down in a chair.
"What?" She asks
"See when a man and a woman"
"Oh no" she shakes her head "mom already told me that"
"Yes but did she say that it doesn't have to be just out of love" I say so wishing I wasn't having this conversation but I am because maybe this gets her our of wanting guys for a long time "that at any age guys will be horny and you definitely need to be careful and make sure you have"
"Mom!" Melody yells covering her ears
"What's going on?" RJ comes in confused
"Demetri's talking to me about sex" Melody says as RJ crossed her arms to me.
"Demetri" she nods her head over and we walk away "why are you talking about this?"
"Because she likes guys" I say "she's like me where when she's older she's going to have sex twenty four seven and she might one day get an STI"
She sighs "Demetri" placing her hands on my face "look and listen to me when I say this—Melody may be our daughter but she is smart, sometimes too smart for her own good at times. When she has sex or thinks about it we have to trust that she comes to us or more like me and asks to take her to get the pill" I growl "this whole overprotective fatherly love she appreciates it I know, but we also have to step back and let her make her own mistakes at times"
"And if she ends up pregnant?" I ask "what if she gets her heart broken? What if she meets the wrong guy?"
"Then we will be there" she says "because we are her parents and with you I doubt any guy will want to break her heart and I'm very certain with you here she knows from the both of us what kind of man she will want. Or woman cause she's still young and maybe one day she'll want to be with a woman"
"I still don't like it" crossing my arms
"She'll always be your daughter" she reminds me "don't forget it"
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