"RJ" DJ asks me as we are packing up my things from my room "why do you have so many journals?" See we are packing up my things before moving into the Tanner House and it's taking a long time. Two days if your asking how long and we haven't even finished half of the things since we also have an estate sale.
"The journals are my diaries" I tell her and Stephanie and Kimmy "since I broke up with him, I've written in them"
"Do you miss him?" Stephanie asks "your Italian guy?"
I'm silent "Sometimes...but I then remember how he lied to me about being married and the pain just-when are we going to tell the kids about supernaturals?"
"Maybe tonight" DJ says "I mean, do they have to take the potion?"
I nod my head "All humans do, in the supernatural community there are exceptions for humans knowing but they must take the potion since it prevents them from speaking about supernaturals to human who don't know while they can to humans who do and to other supernaturals-I can go into further detail later"
"Hey RJ?" Stephanie asks "is there a face book for monsters or"
"On Instagram and Facebook" confirming "yeah, Melody thought about it and we made it so that there this app called Monstergram and it connects to your social media accounts so that you can post about supernaturals but only other supernaturals can see while humans who don't know just think it's more posting about random places or things"
"Must be a hit" Stephanie says
I nod my head "Yeah, Melody since she created it gets an income from it since you need to pay a ten dollar monthly fee to use it-it all goes to her college fund"
"Smart" Kimmy nods her head "how much is in her college fund?"
I think about it "Last I checked...about five"
"Hundred?" DJ asks
"Million" they stop and stare at me "yes, dollars"
"Your daughter is rich!" Stephanie exclaims
"I'm pretty sure her whole family is rich" Kimmy says "how much do you make a month, RJ?"
I think about it "Five hundred grand" they stare at me "you guys forget that besides the bakery my mom's family invested well and taught me how to add more to my bank and-good investing"
"You make like over a million dollars a year!" Stephanie exclaims
"Mom" Melody comes in with the land line-yes, we still have land lines "there's a phone call for you" frowning "from a Charlie Swan"
The others look at me "As in your birth father?" Kimmy asks
"What does he want?" DJ asks, holding my hand out Melody gives me the phone.
"I don't know" I haven't talked to him in years "hello?"
"Ruby?" I hear Charlie Swan ask "it's Charlie Swan, your father"
"You haven't been a father to me in years" my voice is cold as I stare at the wall "don't pretend to call yourself my father when you don't have a right"
"But I do" he insists "I am still your"
"You aren't" denying "a man named Danny Tanner is. He, Jesse Katsopolis and Joey Gladstone are my dads-they showed me what it's like to have a good male role model in my life and showed me the love that you never did when you cheated mom" I feel my powers act up that the lights flicker. I take deep breathes "now, why did you call?"
"I called because your sister"
"Don't" I warn feeling more anger "don't call that person my sister"
"Bella is your sister" he insists "and"
"She is not!" Yelling now that the glass of water that was nearby sprays all over the place and the ground starts to shake.
"Don't mind it" Melody waves her hand as the girls jump to the ground while Max yells "Earthquake!"
"What" I demand "do you want?"
"Bella is going through a breakup, I want you to come to Forks and"
"Hell would have to be freezing" I growl "for me to even consider going back to that town, I will never consider you as family. Not now, not ever" hanging up, I turn to the girls who stare at me.
"Wow" Kimmy breathes "what did he want?"
"My half sister" I tell them "he wanted me to help her"
"He didn't want to call about you?" Stephanie asks, I shake my head no "wow"
~Time Skip~
"Okay, kids" DJ, Kimmy and I are before the kids since Stephanie is watching over Tommy and Violet "there's something we need to tell you"
"Mom?" Jackson asks "what is it?"
"First" DJ says "you boys cannot tell anyone what we are about to tell you"
"Same for you Ramona" Kimmy orders her daughter "you can't post about this or tell anyone"
"What's going on?" Ramona asks
"I'm a witch" I tell them
They stare at me before bursting out laughing, they stop when I create a ball of fire in my hand. They stare at it before screaming bloody murder.
I put the fire into the fire place as Max runs around in circles while Jackson is hiding behind the couch and Ramona is pointing to me then to my hand and then the fireplace.
"Their taking this better than I thought" Kimmy says
"Better then you two" I laugh
"We weren't that bad" DJ shakes her head
"Oh really?" We think back to the time we told them about the supernatural world.
"Your a witch!" Kimmy and DJ exclaim
"Ah!" Kimmy runs out of the house then she runs back in and all over the place screaming while DJ is on her knees praying to god.
"Okay" DJ admits as I laugh "we could have reacted better"
"Kids!" I clap my hands and they look at me "I know this is a lot, but remember you can't tell anyone about this. The supernatural world has rules. Which is why you all need to take this" I hand them potions "this will keep you from telling anyone about the supernatural world unless it's to other supernaturals or other humans who know"
"I have so many questions" Ramona asks excitedly
"Me too!" Jackson and Max agree
"After you kids" DJ points to the potions "drink" we watch as they drink it all. The purple glow goes around the kids indicating that it's working.
"First question?" I ask them and they start to bombard me with questions.
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