Chapter One: Us.
The music is blaring in the speakers of his black Audi Rs7. Celine Dion's 'my heart will go on' is the song he has been listening to on repeat for a while now. He sighs as he adjusts his sunglasses, the fact that he has been waiting for this girl to finish lectures is what amazes him. He is not good at that and in fact he doesn't want to be there and he hates that he is the one to break the news.
Jawahir calmly picks up her books from the desk and into her shoulder bag , her mother : Mama called her that their driver Malam Ibrahim is currently occupied so instead her cousin Ahmad is the one picking her up. She doesn't like that at all. Not that she doesn't like him but she has a secret she doesn't want her family finding out, just then that secret of hers name flashes up on her phone screen. She grins happily then clears her throat before answering.
"Hello my love!" She quickly says as she stood and making her way down out of the lecture theatre.
"Assalamu Alaikum nace kina fada. Koh Kina so muyi fada ne?( It's Assalamu Alaikum you should say or you want us to fight?) " Karim answers through the phone which makes her quietly laugh. He likes teasing her so much but this tease is good tease. One major reason why she likes him is because he is very religious and sometimes she tease him back by calling him Sheikh.
"Wa Alaikum Salam. How have you been? You are not in school today." She says wondering if his feverish state is what made him miss work.
"Oh no I have other things to take care of. I'm good, how about you? Are you still in school it's almost Maghreb time." She gently opens the lecture hall door and there is Ahmad's car parked right in front.
"Don't worry I'm about leaving. Hope you feel much better."
"Yes I'm alright nothing to worry about."
"Alright then. I'll call you later my cousin is here to pick me up."
"Okay do have a lovely day." And with that she quickly ends the call and climb down the stairs to Ahmad's car.
She stands at the door but it's like he doesn't notice her so she gently knocks on his heavily tinted rolled up window.
Ahmad who has started dozing off jerks back to life. And he unlocks the door for Jawahir to enter.
"Celine Dion? Since when?" She asks while entering the car.
"Jojo! What's up? And since last month." The moment she enters before closing the door she decreases the volume. "Hey! But that is not even loud and it's good music ." She smiles and gently pulls the door shut.
"Ohhh AC!" She breathes then leans back into his soft seats before removing the pins to loosen up her hijab. "Well it's not very loud but it's a bit loud."
"It seems you're not in the mood at all. Your lecture took long."
"No, I have been waiting for you for ages, where were you ?" She exclaimed and looked over at him as he gently puts the car in drive.
"I've been here!" They argued for some minutes before he finally decided to ends it. "Okay Jojo, next time I'll call you when I get here to notify you."
"There won't be next time." She murmured but he heard her so he turns his head and glances her over then looks away.
They talk about random things for some time as he drives home but well it's the city of Abuja. Not to exaggerate but everyone's going home around this time so the kind of hold up is a big factor on when they get home and also have a good rapport with whoever is driving you home so as not to get bored. He asks her if she spoke with Mama and the looks she gives makes him think perhaps that shouldn't have been how to approach the topic . He quietens for a while as she presses her phone and laughing every now and then. Sometimes she brings the phone over his face to see what is making her hysterical.
"So...." He starts again.
"Ahmadidi." Then she laughs because she knows how much he absolutely detest that childhood name of his.
"Don't start please Jawwww." And they laugh together. Well at least they do have fun when they are with each other.
"Our parents arranged for us to get married." He blurts and as a result he silently swears.
"What do you mean?" She questions, it obvious she understands but her brain is just refusing to register whatever he is saying. "To bring someone to get married or ..." she further questions then trails off.
"Us Jawahir. For us to get married." Well he absolutely doesn't mind repeating for her just so she understands. She laughs very loudly some might even consider it rude.
"That is crazy H. Subhanallah but it's not going to happen." He glances at her a question at the tip of his tongue but yet he couldn't ask. "We will tell them. I don't want this and you don't want this khalas!" He glances again, but, he does want this. He absolutely doesn't mind, he was delighted because it was a good surprise.
The car was very quiet when they reach the house cept for the sound of the gate as it opens and closes for them.
"I'm sorry you had to find out this way."
"Thank you Ahmad. Actually I should have known, Mama talks about you a lot these days and the fact that she sends you herself, that speaks volume." They both laugh. "I'm sure they won't force us so we both tell them we don't want. Right?"
"Right." He answers with a smile not quite reaching his eyes. Well at least they tried. Right there they see Malam Ibrahim making his way to open her door, that confirms their suspicion of Mama's hands in this.
Mama has been eager to see Jawahir and asks her how it went. She couldn't contain her excitement especially when she wasn't the one that proposed the marriage but Ahmad's father. Alhamdulillah Mama kept saying she even had to wake up in the middle of the night to pray and thank Allah.
The moment she hears the gate she jumps out of the couch and stands by the window hiding in the curtains watching the car but she couldn't see them and it took a while before they came out of the car however the smile never left her face as she rushes to the door.
"Maraba maraba! (Welcome welcome!)" Mama says the moment she opens the door.
Jawahir frowns slightly when she sees her mother by the door, she hugs her. " Your radiant smile is showing since from the gate." Jawahir whispers in her mother's ear but instead she receives a smack her on the arm before being gently pulled inside. Mama observes Ahmad's face, he looks neutral so she doesn't know what to conclude. She welcomes them in, offered them drinks but Ahmad gently declines and bids them farewell before leaving for his house while Jawahir goes to her room claiming she needs to pray and bath as she is exhausted.
Mama stands there utterly stunned thinking of who to follow for update.
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