Chapter Seven
Jacks pov
'Damn you anti! What do ye want with her!?' I thought to myself. I just sat there hugging Sabrina. I didn't want her hurt it would kill me. "Tá mé aneso." I said in Gaelic. She seemed to understand and hugged me tighter. I knew she could speak it because she said Vanessa was teaching her to so that's good.
I kissed her head gently and smiled. "Jack?" She said looking up at me. "Yes?" I looked back down at her. "Is breá liom tú." She said I smiled. "I love you too Sabrina." I replied and we just sat there cuddling.
----------------- Le time skippe LIKE A BOSS!!---------------------------
It was now lunchtime and I was making Everyone grilled cheese. Sabrina was napping and Mark and Vanessa were recording an impossible challenge for their 900,000 subscriber milestone. Mark was doing a wasabi challenge and Nessa was doing the bean boozled challenge.
As I made the grilled cheeses I could hear complaints and cringes from their rooms. Tone honest it was quite funny. I finished their sandwiches and decided to take Sabrina's into her first. I knocked on the door and I could hear a muffled "come in."
I opened the door and saw a tired Sabrina sitting up. "I made you lunch love." I said as she smiled. "Thank you Jack." She scooted over so I could sit. "How you doin'?" I asked.
She smiled as she ate. "Better." She said. I kissed her cheek. "I gotta go give Vanessa and Mark their food. I'll be back." I said getting up and walking out. I grabbed the plates and started walking over to Vanessa's room. I lightly knocked and I heard a faint "Come in." In a strong Irish accent. I walked in to see her editing the video. "Here I made ya' a grilled cheese and brought you some ice cold water." I said smiling.
She smiled and took her food. "Go raibh maith agat Jack." She said in Irish. I smiled and walked out. I grabbed marks sandwich and juice and took it to him. "Here's your lunch bro." I said giving him the sandwich and juice
He smiled "thanks Jack." He said and I nodded walking out of the room. I started to go back to Sabrina's room but was immediately stopped by a very familiar headache. "AGH!" I screamed. Then everyone came rushing out of their rooms. "JACK!? WHAT THE FUCK!?" Sabrina screamed. "RUN!" I yelled then Mark grabbed both of the girls hands and ran away.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ marks pov about ten minutes of running~~~~~~~~
After about ten minutes of running we stopped. "Mark? The hell was that!?" Sabrina yelled crying. "His evil self.... Antisepticeye." I said calmly. She just sobbed in Vanessa's arms. "Look. We should camp out here for a while. Until Jack comes back." I said kicking rocks aside. "Wait Mark. L-Look!" Nessa said pointing to her arm.... It's turning pale!!
Her eyes started watering. But what's uncanny is that she looks simmilar to anti. "V-Vanessa?" Sabrina said/asked Nessa just laughs a sinister laugh. "Nessa is gone! Antinessa is here!" She said scaring the shit out of Sabrina. "Why the hell do you look like Anti?" I asked.
She laughed more. "It's because! Sabrina over there is not Vanessa's sibling!" She explained. "That's not true!" Sabrina said. "Oh really? Tell me Sabrina. Where were u born?" She asked. "C-Cincinnati..." (I know Mark isn't born there but just roll with it) Sabrina said. "See? Nessa is Jacks little sister!" She laughed but it soon stopped and Nessa fell to the ground coughing.
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