Taking the Case
Olivia has told Basil her story, who has taken the case, and was enjoying a pipe.
Basil: This case is most intriguing with its multiplicity of elements...its many twists and turns.
He turns to Olivia.
Basil: Now, you're certain you've told me everything? The slightest detail may be important.
Olivia: It's just as I said. And then my father was gone.
Basil starts smoking his pipe.
Maria: What do you make of it?
Basil begins to pace as Maria follows him.
Basil: Hmm. Ratigan's up to something.
Basil walks to the Banister
Basil: A crime of the most sinister nature no doubt. The question is...what would he want with a toy maker?
Basil walks away Maria slowly follows him. Fidget pops down from above the window as lightning strikes.
Maria turns turns to the window and noticed him.
Maria: (screams in fear) Aaaaaaah!
Basil turns around and sees Fidget and Fidget falls off the window.
Basil grab holds the doorknob.
Basil: Quickly Dawson, Maria, we've not a moment to lose!
Dawson: Uh, uh I'm right behind you, Basil.
Maria: Coming!!!
They rush outside, but Fidget was already gone. Basil looks around.
Dawson: No sign of the blackguard anywhere.
Basil gets on his hands and knees to look at the sidewalk, where Fidget has left behind his muddy footprints.
Basil: Not quite, Dawson. He left some rather unusual footprints. They obviously belong to the same fiend who abducted the girl's father - Ratigan's peg-legged lackey.
To add to that pile of evidence, Maria discovers Fidget has lost his hat.
Maria: Uh...Basil?
Basil is delighted and snatches up the hat.
Basil: Ah-ha! Excellent work, my dear. Ha, ha, ha!
Mrs. Judson was standing in the doorway with Olivia, comforting her.
Mrs. Judson: Now... there's nothing to be afraid of, my dear.
As the excited Basil rushes by Mrs. Jusdon pulls Olivia back, glaring at Basil for his insensitivity. Dawson followed by Maria enters behind him.
Dawson: (To Olivia) The scoundrel's quite gone.
Basil: Aha!
Basil takes off his robe.
Basil: But not for long, Miss Flamhammer.
Olivia: (Exasperated) Flaversham!
Basil: Whatever.
Basil has changed into a brown jacket for his detective work.
Basil: Now, we simply pursue our peg-legged friend until he leads us to the girl's father.
Olivia: Then you'll get my daddy back?
She rushes over and hugs Basil tightly.
Basil: Yes!
He pushes Olivia down and pulls his legs free from her grasp.
Maria giggled, and Basil smiles sheepishly at her
Basil: And quite soon, if I'm not mistaken. Now, hurry along, Dawson, Maria. We must be off to...Toby's.
He retrieves an Inverses cape from a suit of armor and puts it on.
Dawson: (Confused) Toby's?
Basil: Oh, you must meet him. He's just the chap for this.
He adds a deerstalker cap.
Dawson: You-you want me to come?
Basil: Ha! I should think a stouthearted army mouse like you would leap at the chance for adventure. As for you my dear(turns to Maria), you seemed to like mysteries just as much as i, so i would be delighted for you to come also.
Maria was touched by his words.
Maria:(Smiling softly at him while blushing) Basil......Thank you.
Dawson: Well, heh, heh. I am rather curious as well.
Olivia rushes to join them
Olivia: Wait for me! I'm coming too!
As Olivia seizes her hat and scarf, it knocks over Basil's violin in the process. Maria dives down to catch it.
Basil: What? Certainly not!
Basil takes the violin from Maria gently, gives her a smile as thanks, and sets the violin back on the chair.
Basil: This is no business for children.
Olivia: Are we going to take a cab?
Slightly annoyed, Basil sighs and puts his hand on his forehead as Olivia puts several crumpets into her pocket.
Basil: Oh...my dear..,
He takes her hand and makes her face him.
Basil: I don't think you understand. It will be quite...dangerous.
Basil sits on his violin, and accidentally breaks it.
He grunts and pulls the ruined instrument out.
Basil: (Bitterly) Why you... Look what...
Basil takes a deep breath, trying to control his rage.
Basil (Growling) Young lady, you are most definitely not accompanying us. And that is final!
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