Jesus Speaks
I imagine hearing Jesus speaking to the masses surrounding the poor woman who was about to be stoned.
Children, the heart knows that fleeting pleasures are but shadows, illusions that fade as quickly as they come. As it is written, "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Matthew 16:26).
Dost thou see the weight of this truth? The treasures of this world perish, but the soul is eternal.
Thou askest if thou shouldst beg for repentance if thy sin. Consider this: when a child errs, does he not return to his father in sorrow, seeking forgiveness? And the father, full of compassion, receives the child with open arms, for his love endureth. So, too, is the heart of God, full of mercy and grace, waiting for His children to turn back unto Him.
Dost thou not feel the burden of thy sins, the weight of choices made in darkness? And yet, there is rest, there is peace in repentance, for it is not a beggar's plea, but the cry of a soul that seeks to be whole.
I speakest of Judgment Day, that day when all shall stand before the throne of the Almighty. Know this, that every idle word, every deed, every thought shall be revealed. As it is written, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done,
Dost thou fear this day, or dost thou look upon it with hope? For those who abide in the love of Christ have no need to fear. The darkness of sin shall not cling to those who are washed in His blood, who have turned from their iniquities and walked into His light.
Thou ponderest whether the Word is but stories, relics of the past. But I say unto thee, the Word of God is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12). Hast thou not felt its power stir thy heart, even in the quiet moments?
My teachings are not mere tales, but the truth that leadeth unto life. To turn thy back on them is to walk in shadows. But to embrace them is to walk in the light of eternity.
Thou hast spoken of the woman who was bent before the Christ, condemned by men, yet saved by mercy. Let this parable speak to thy soul: the stone in thy hand is the weight of judgment, but also of pride. When thou art quick to condemn, dost thou not carry the burden of sin within thy own heart?
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her" (John 8:7).
Dost thou see that mercy is greater than judgment, that love triumphs over condemnation? Wilt thou not cast down thy stones and lift up thy brother, thy sister, in love?
Now, the world around thee is indeed filled with sin. People seek after their own desires, blind to the consequences, deaf to the call of righteousness. But thou art not called to be of the world, though thou livest within it. Hath not Christ said, "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid" (Matthew 5:14)
The light within thee is the reflection of His love, of His truth. Willst thou hide this light, or willst thou let it shine, that others may see and be drawn unto Him?
Thou wonderest if the works of Christ, His miracles, can be done by thee.
"Verily, verily, I say unto thee, "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you" (Matthew 17:20).
"It is not by thine own strength, but by the power of faith, the power of Christ within thee."
The greatest miracle is not in moving mountains, but in the transformation of the heart, in the healing of the soul. Dost thou believe this?
The world may mock the notion of sin, of judgment, and of righteousness, but deep within, every soul knows that there is more than what is seen. The conscience whispers, the Spirit wanders and the soul yearns for something greater, something eternal.
Holy Truth!
Thou hast free will, a precious gift from thy Creator. Each moment, thou art given the choice: to walk in the light, or to dwell in the shadows. Willst thou choose life, or willst thou choose death?
In the end, the battle within thee is not one of flesh, but of spirit. It is a struggle between the desires of the world and the calling of God. Thou standest at a crossroads, as many have before thee. But ye know this: Christ stands with open arms, ready to receive thee. He does not force thee, for love cannot be compelled.
But He waits, with a love so deep, so vast, that no sin, no darkness, or anyone can overshadow it. Wilt thou turn to Him? Wilt thou seek His forgiveness, His mercy, and His grace?
Thou needst not carry the burden of sin alone. For Christ hath already borne it on the cross. "It is finished," He declared, that the price of thy sins may be paid in full. Wilt thou accept this gift, this act of love, or wilt thou turn away, clinging to the world that offers only emptiness in the end?
Let me ask thee, dear soul: What dost thou seek? Is it the fleeting pleasures of the world, or the eternal peace of God? Dost thou long for the freedom that comes in Christ, or art thou content to wander in the wilderness of doubt and sin? The door is open, but thou must walk through it. The Shepherd calls, but thou must follow.
In the stillness of thy conflicted heart, in the quiet of the night, dost thou hear the Christ's voice? "Come, follow me,"
Jesus wept, saying
Wilt Thy Answer?
As He gathers his chosen
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