Chapter 7
You see that pic up top that's literally me. I'm so sorry it's been forever I know you can come for me in the comments once you finish reading. I really hope you like this chapter. _____________________________________________________________________________
-Annie's POV
After a hard few hours of learning the ropes from Levi. I was finally able to clock out and go maybe take a nap. That is until Mikasa came into the dorm. " You should start getting ready for our mission. We're leaving in a few minutes." I almost forgot about that. I was going on my first mission today. Dang. I wanted a nap.
I sighed as I reluctantly got up from our shared bed and moved towards the bathroom to change back into my jeans since I already had my hoodie on. When i came out I didn't expect to see Mikasa in more casual clothes, but i guess that makes sense rather than the normal gang uniform. Although I also didn't expect Mikasa to look so good out of Uniform.
She even managed to incorporate her signature scarf in her outfit which matched perfectly with her jacket. I knew i was staring but i couldn't help it, she looked stunning. " You ready?" Mikasa asked. "Yeah,...Yeah eh what's this mission about anyway." I managed to finally ask. Mikasa smirked at my awe struck face before answering. "We're going to the workplace of a retired Unicorn to see what info we can get." I simply nodded in response as we walked back out into the main room in headquarters.
I was surprised to see the others also be in casual clothes, but i guess i shouldn't have been.
I had to admit they all really knew how to dress. " Are you both ready?" Armin asked us as we approached them. Mikasa simply nodded and with that we were on our way. We made our way out of the headquarters. We didn't seem to have any form of transportation, at least that's what i thought until a dark blue almost black 2017 Chrysler Pacifica pulled up next to the entrance of the ally. There was a brunette with glasses in the driver seat.
" Hanji perfect timing." Levi called out as he made his way to the front seat. " of course." Hanji replied as we all started piling into the mini van, me in the middle of the second row, Mikasa on my left, Armin on my right, and Eren in the third row of the vehicle. As i was buckling i felt a pair of eyes on me, "So you're the newbie I've heard so much about." Not knowing how to really reply to that i just nodded and finally looked at this woman 'Hanji'. She had on a simple black tank top and some jeans. Then Hanji looked over at Mikasa and smiled. " The retired target works at a bar so we're counting on you to get some information from the girl." Hanji explained to her. Mikasa nodded then turned to Eren who sat in the back third row of the mini van.
"You and Annie are coming with me inside while Armin", as she said his name she looked across from me where Armin was seated, " Levi, and Hanji stay in the van and be ready to make the getaway as well as have the feed that goes in my ear, everyone understand?" There were agreements of yes and grunts of approval from the whole car. "Good Because we're here." At that i looked out the window to see that we were indeed parked across the street from a bar.
Mikasa opened the door on her side after putting something in her ear that i couldn't see. I scooted over and got out of the car and Eren climbed his way from the back and out the same door. We made our way across the street to the bar. When we got in I noticed that it was actually not that bad. There was music coming from the stereo system on one side of the room and there weren't as many people as I would have expected. Eren looped his arm with mine and pulled us to the actual bar on the right side of the room while Mikasa went to the left side of the bar. The side that had a small young woman with black hair. From where we were i couldn't hear what they were talking about, but from the unknown woman's blush i could tell Mikasa was flirting.
I could feel jealousy taking over my senses until Eren put a hand on my shoulder. I gave him a pointed look as he spoke. "She's just doing her job, she's not really trying to hook up with the target." Of course i already knew this but i couldn't help it. I nodded to him before turning back to look at Mikasa. That was bad idea. I nearly blew a fuse at the scene before me. Mikasa had her hand on the girls cheek and was whispering to her with the bar being the only thing blocking them from being in full contact. I almost walked over there until Eren squeezed my shoulder.
It didn't help when Mikasa pulled back only to swoop back in and place a quick kiss on the woman's lips. By now the Woman's and my face were probably the same shade of red, even if for different reasons. Mikasa whispered something else on the woman's lips and the woman nodded. Mikasa pulled back completely letting her hand fall to her side. The woman was stuck in place for a moment before she quickly walked to a 'Employees Only' room. Miksas waited no more than five minutes before the woman came out in regular clothes instead of her work clothes. As she took the woman's hand in hers she made eye contact with us and nodded and with that me and Eren were on our way back to the van a few feet away from Mikasa with the woman. Right when Mikasa and the woman got to the car Mikasa pushed her up against the car door and kissed her and before i knew what happened she went limp in Mikasa's arms.
Then Levi got out of the front to help Mikasa place the woman in the third row of the car before we all got in the car like before and made our way back to headquarters.
I Hope you likes it if you did vote for it or just leave a nice comment i do actualy read those and they do make my day. This took me a long time to finish writing but i hope it was worth it. I love all of you and i hope you have an Awesomeness day <3
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