××Someone Who××
Things get ... At the end, feel free to skip when it starts. Lol.
After Kirishima had helped Bakugou, he got locked out of the blondes room. Bakugou laid in bed ignoring the red heads attempts to get him to come out. He remembered all the pride he had as a teen, why'd it all disappear? He sat up, the pride left as a hole had grown in his chest. His life became work and occasionally going out with friends to get drunk. He wanted the excitement of being young once again. A spark, something that would fill the emptiness. A spark, a spark of red.. The red of the boys hair rioted in his mind. The eyes, two red diamonds.. Ruby's..
He had been in his room for hours by now. What was going on outside the room? He had been blasting heavy metal to block out the red head. He opened the door, the red heads room was empty as well as the apartment. He sighed, a second later the door to the apartment flew open. He turned the red head stood there, holding a bunch of bags. A weak smell of alcohol surrounded Kirishima. "Hey.." The blonde said, Kirishima had his eyes wide open. He set the bags on the floor and stepped closer, grabbing Bakugou and pulling him into a hug. "I.. Went shopping.. I think I might have spent to much.." The red head had drunk a little. Bakugou didn't say anything, he stared at the bags. "Idiot." He flicked Kirishima's head, making him step back.
Kirishima regained his footing and leaned over the blonde. Their lips connected, Kirishima kissing roughly as Bakugou stood in shock. The blonde pulled away. "Stop, you're drunk. I don't wanna just be someone you come to when your drunk.." Bakugou said as he glared at the red head. "You're more than that." Kirishima said grabbing the red head. "This kiss is for someone I love." He kissed the blonde passionately and deeply. "This is for someone cute." He kissed the blonde again. "This is for someone who I care about" He kissed his cheek, his soft lips pulling away. "This is for someone who gives me all these weird feelings that I love." He kissed the blonde, his tongue softly licking Bakugou's lips. Bakugou had turned bright red as the red heads tongue pushed into his mouth. Both their hearts raced as Kirishimas hands explored down Bakugous body, their lips still connected. Kirishima's dominance over took the blonde, Bakugou letting Kirishima touch him. As Kirishima sucked on Bakugous collarbone, he felt something hard press against his bulge. Kirishima grinded, Bakugou rotating his hips against Kirishima's. Kirishima turned Bakugou against the wall, cupping Bakugous bulge as he rubbed Bakugous ass with his bulge. The fabric keeping him from pushing in. Bakugou moaned, Kirishimas rubbing pushing the fabric; making it tighter in front. Bakugou led the red head to the door of the room. The both fell in, Kirishima hand had moved into Bakugous pants. Bakugous pants fell as he was pressed against the bed, Kirishima pushed his down. Bakugou felt Kirishima, grip his hard shaft and stroked as he pushed in. Tears formed in bakugous eyes as he felt the pain of Kirishima thrusting in. Kirishima thrusted as he pumped Bakugou's bulge.
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