Settling in part 2 (Edited)
"Okay, Bella, you ready to go home huh sweet girl? I take that as a yes pretty girl" he asks the baby that he had in his arms at the moment and was incredibly happy at the moment she was being held, and not in her crib where she was cold
Bella coos at him cause she was a happy girl that she was finally going home with her sisters which were coming down the stairs slowly cause their legs are different than the other kids that live there, and she was going to be back with her sisters as well cause she hated being away from them a lot of the time and now she was going to be with them all of the time, and she liked that a lot right now
"Girls, it's okay when I get home I will show you everything that you can use to help you girls walk and then we can work on it from there, so you girls can walk a little better then what you do, and soon you girls can run to burn off energy as well" he says as he was going to walk with them to the car cause all of the car seats were in the backseat all secured and ready to go
Ceily and her sister had troubles walking with their bags so George was going to take the baby and the girl's bags to the car and come back for them cause it was not fair on them that they had to carry all that weight since they were little and everything and their arms could not handle the weight just yet, so they were grateful he was there to help them with their bags
"Thank you," Vivienne says to him as she was going to rest for a while cause she could not carry all of that on her own to the car
"Welcome now to take you, girls, home and you guys can see the house, and if your sister is home, you guys can meet her, and get to know her as well cause she is really nice and not at all mean" he says as he was going to get them water cause they needed some refreshment, so they were okay as they were going to go home
Once the girls had their water, they were okay, and George was going to carry them cause they had trouble with their legs and that was fine with them cause he was going to need to build up their strength so they can walk almost as normal as possible even though they are little people
"Thank you," the girls say as they had their water as they were being buckled in their car seats to go to their new home where they were going to live at
"Welcome girls now drink slowly okay," he says as he was going to wait just in case, they got sick or something
George brought them an outfit to wear home and he was going to change them before they left to go home
"There we go you girls look beautiful, and ready to meet your new sister who is at home getting everything ready for you to come, home," he says as he looks at them once they were changed and ready to go to their new home where they were going to grow up at
The twins smile a little bit cause they were excited to meet their big sister or older sister in this case cause they were really going to feel like little sisters in this case and someone was going to look after them for once in their lives cause they did not have anyone looking out for them at all, so they were going to feel special
"You girls will meet your sister who is at home right now and getting the house ready for you girls, so you girls can get around on your own with or without help cause it is truly up to you girls" he says as he was going to sit with them for a little longer cause they weren't so sure right now and that scared him a little bit
The twins were happy about their sister who they were going to meet once they arrived home and was settled in if they did not fall asleep from being up so many hours and they did not get a chance to take their morning nap at all
"These next couple of days are going to be a period of adjustment for you girls," he says as he was going to get in front so they could finally go home, and they could meet their new sister and see where they were going to live for the rest of their lives
Cece and Vivienne nod as they were going to get some sleep since they were a little tired since they were up since 5 that morning for some strange reason or another and when they did try to sleep, they were woken right back up again by the head of the orphanage cause she was a nasty old witch
"Night my angels," he says as he was going to head home with them so they could sleep in their new beds and under the covers so they were warm as could be right now cause they look cold and they were tired from the morning in general, so sleep was welcome in their eyes, and they were going to nap on the way to their new home just in case it was a far drive
"Dad they are so cute," Fawn says as she came out of the house since Kevin back over to help out with the girls since they were coming home that day from the orphanage, and she was busy of course getting last minute things done for their homecoming cause it was going to be special for the three of them cause they were coming from a bad place that she did not want them to remember anymore
(I know Kevin just came out, and he is staying in the story, and I will put a note like this in all of my stories he is in, so you readers know nothing is going to change at all, it is staying the same)
"I know they are fast asleep the little darlings," George says as he gets out to get the baby out as well as what the girls had from the orphanage cause they were allowed to take what they had with them to their new home and that was not very much at all little things that meant the most to them they were allowed to bring, and everything else had to be at the orphanage for the other kids, so they were really upset about that
"Kevin wanna help me with the twins?" Fawn asks him as she was going to get the twins out for George, so they could go in the house to nap or hang out and get to know their new home cause this was a big day for them cause they were going to have a real family that was going to really love them a lot
"Sure, that way we can still talk as we take them to their rooms, and get them in their beds for the time being," Kevin says to her as he was going to do his part, and help out with the new ones that came in the picture
"We can stay with them since dad will get the baby here soon and bring her in," Fawn says to Kevin as she got Cece out first and Kevin got Vivienne out of her car seat and brought her into the house as well so she could nap with her sister in her room
"That sounds perfect," Kevin says as he follows Fawn to the girl's room since he had helped her with cause it was a nice room for the two of them, and they could have great memories in that room
George got Raven from her car seat to bring her into the house as well so she could get situated in her new home like her sisters were going to be as well cause they were going to get adjusted
"Hey sweetie, you waking up huh?" he asks her as she was stretching in her car seat as he was unbuckling her so he could bring her in the house as well, so she could get adjusted
George brought her in and was going to change her outfit as well, he hated to disturb her slumber
"Welcome home Raven Gray," he says as he looks at her as she was looking up at him
George could hear Kevin and Fawn talk to the twins a little bit to soothe them cause they must have woke up and they were a little scared of where they were and who they were with right now, so Fawn was doing her big sister role already, and she was loving the girls a lot
"Sounds like your sisters are up and they are a little scared of their new home and where they are at, right now cause it is different from that horrible place you guys were at for the longest time, until I came and adopted you girls" he says as he was heading to the nursery with Raven so he could change her clothes
Raven had a cute outfit on as well as a headband that had a bow on it, so she felt beautiful
"You must be getting hungry by now love bug," he says as he was going to wrap her up and take her to the kitchen for her bottle, so she could eat her first meal in her new home
George was going to make a snack for the twins, and for Kevin and Fawn as well since they were doing such a good job with the twins keeping them calm cool and collect as they were settling in their new home and their new life cause this was going to be a roller coaster ride for sure, and George was ready for it once again and the girls need as well since they were going to be different in the long run as well and he was ready to help them with what they were going to need later on in life
"Well, I guess the girls can't sleep," Fawn says as she brings her sisters in the kitchen for a snack, so they could nap a little better than the orphanage cause they had a hard time falling asleep for some reason
"Probably they are hungry and might want a snack," he says as he was going to give the girls their snack, so they could take a little nap before supper that night
The girls ate their snack happily as they sat at their little table that was in the kitchen
"Maybe once they have their tummy full, they will go to sleep," he says to her as he was thinking of dinner that night for the four of them
"Yeah, I think they needed food in their system," Fawn says to him as she had her snack as well cause she was a little bit hungry, so she needed nutrients in her system
The first night is up so check it out and we see what happens next with this story
This chapter will get edited after my little break maybe if I can get one
I might have to add to this to break a tie with another chapter once again sadly
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