Settling in (Edited)
This is where
Vivienne Isabella
Ceily Brooklyn
Arabella Caroline
Will finally meet me and they get settled in, and remember this book is a work in progress with my schedule and everything else I have going on, so there is a chance Ceily name is going to be changed as well to something else what I do not know right now off the top of my head we will find out later what her name will be changed to, and it will be better I promise
George pulls up to the orphanage where the girls were and he could see them they were outside and by the looks of things they were going to get punished for something they probably didn't mean to do or just to be rude and pick on them and that was not right in his eyes, and he was going to take them away from there, and take them home where he was going to raise them as his daughters cause he had fallen in love with them and he wanted to protect them from harm and anything else that they have cause they are so little
"Stop right there," he says as he approaches the girls before something bad happens to them
Whoever was going to torture them stopped what they were doing, and they went off in a different direction as he approached the girls that were going to get tortured for I don't know what
"Hello little ones what's your name?" he asks once the crowd had gone away, and it was just the three of them
"My name is Vivienne," the one girl says to him shyly
"Yours?" he asks the other one as he was wiping her tears to make her feel better as well
"Ceily," the other girl says to him with a cute accent to match the sister accent that her sister has as well
"We are sisters," Vivienne says to him
"We get picked on cause we are different" Ceily says to him in a whisper so no one else heard what was going on with them
"Well I won't make fun of you girls, cause you are different I will love you girls for who you are on both the inside and the outside," he says as he looks at them as he was ready to give them a hug
"Will you adopt us?" Vivienne asks him after a while cause she was curious if they were going to get adopted out of that horrible place that they had called him for the longest time
"Yes do you girls have any siblings?" he asked them as he heads into the orphanage with them cause they were going to be adopted by him
"We have a baby sister named Raven" Ceily says as they headed in so he could sign the papers that were needed to adopt them and take them to their new home of course away from the orphanage and their nightmare
"That's fine I don't mind you girls will be something special," he says as he heads to the office to adopt the girls, and take them home
The twins smiled at him as they were going to show him their baby sister first
"Okay I don't mind that way I can come up with a different name for her," he says as he was following the girls to the nursery where the baby was at the moment cause the babies didn't go outside at all they stayed inside
"There she is," Ceily says as she heads to see her sister cause the girls were the only family she has left
George goes over to her and peeks into the crib at her
"She must be Raven," he says as he looks at her as she was laying in her crib at the moment
"The same' Vivienne says to him
"Oh it's okay Raven," he says as he rocks her once he picks her up and holds her for the first time
The twins were shocked with how used he was to kids already
"You will have an older sister at home you will meet later cause i am adopting you girls as my own daughters cause how could i say no to you girls or how could anyone say no to you period" he says as he was rocking the baby in his arms to soothe her a little bit since he was going to need to feed her at home and he was okay with that cause he was ready to go through that again for the kids if need be
The girls went to go pack so they could go with him to their new home cause they were excited to have a family
"I am going to sign the papers and we will go," he says as he had the baby in his arms
George headed to the office to adopt the girls so he could take them home and get them settled in and they could get used to their new home and their new lives as well and used to him
"Okay, Bella you ready to go home huh sweet girl? I take that as a yes pretty girl" he asks the baby that he had in his arms at the moment and was very happy at the moment she was being held, and not in her crib where she was cold
Bella coos at him cause she was a happy girl that she was finally going home with her sisters which were coming down the stairs slowly cause their legs are different than the other kids that live there, and she was going to be back with her sisters as well cause she hated being away from them a lot of the time and now she was going to be with them all of the time, and she liked that a lot right now
"Girls, it's okay when I get home I will show you everything that you can use to help you girls walk and then we can work on it from there, so you girls can walk a little better then what you do, and soon you girls can run to burn off energy as well" he says as he was going to walk with them to the car cause all of the car seats were in the backseat all secured and ready to go
Ceily and her sister had troubles walking with their bags so George was going to take the baby and the girls bags to the car and come back for them cause it was not fair on them that they had to carry all that weight since they were little and everything and their arms could not handle the weight just yet, so they were grateful he was there to help them with their bags
"Thank you," Vivienne says to him as she was going to rest for a while cause she could not carry all of that on her own to the car
"Welcome now to take you, girls, home and you guys can see the house, and if your sister is home you guys can meet her, and get to know her as well cause she is really nice and not at all mean" he says as he was going to get them water cause they needed some refreshment so they were okay as they were going to go home
Once the girls had water they were okay and George was going to carry them cause they had trouble with their legs and that was fine with them cause he was going to need to build up their strength so they can walk almost as normal as possible even though they are little people
"Thank you," the girls say as they had their water as they were being buckled in their car seats to go to their new home where they were going to live at
"Welcome girls now drink slowly okay," he says as he was going to wait just in case they got sick or something
George brought them an outfit to wear home and he was going to change them before they left to go home
"There we go you girls look beautiful, and ready to meet your new sister who is at home getting everything ready for you to come, home" he says as he looks at them once they were changed and ready to go to their new home where they were going to grow up at
The twins smile a little bit cause they were excited to meet their big sister or older sister in this case
Good news this cover is okay so it is staying put and I am not going to change it unless I need to down the road or I find a different cover for this story
Part 2 up check it out, and when the tie is broken the next chapter is up and will be edited in time I plan a new chapter for this week maybe or my vacation maybe
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