Getting the girls (Edited)
This is the chapter where
Vivienne Isabella
Ceily Brooklyn
Raven Caroline
Come into the story and it will be worked on as well as I see fit as well with work being the way it is right now anyway; I wish it were better
Raven's name will get changed later on in the story once she gets adopted to something else, and her name will be Arabella at the end of the chapter
"I can't wait to do all those things again, and this time I won't miss out on anything that they do like I did with you," he says as they were still looking at little ones
"Will you be okay with twins or more?" Fawn asks him as they looked at twins who were younger and they have been there for a while, and no one has adopted them
"I think so," he says as he kisses her as he was thinking of adopting those twins
"Is this why you put two of everything in here?" she asks him as she looked at the room
"Of course, I did and there is a nursery done just in case there have a baby sister or brother," he says as he was still looking at the little ones he was going to adopt and that was going to be his little ones, and he was going to see the world through their eyes
"Makes sense car seats?" she asked him as she was looking at him cause she wanted the kids to be safe like how she was in the car
"Fawn, I got all that," he tells her cause he had gotten car seats and a bigger vehicle as well like a van so the kids could watch movies or TV as he was driving
"Okay just checking," she tells him as she was going to go use the bathroom for just a moment cause she had to go like really bad
"I think I found the perfect ones," he says as Fawn joins him once she comes back from the bathroom
"Which ones?" Fawn asks him as she comes from the bathroom, and she has washed her hands as well
"The twins cause they are going to be little people and they have a baby sister that is average, so they are perfect for us," he says as he looks at her cause he had fallen in love with them, and he knew they were the right ones to join the family as well
"Dad, are you sure?" Fawn asked him as she was looking at the twins that were on the screen cause she was falling in love with them as well cause they were kind of cute
"I have not been much sure in my life those girls need me, and I need them," he says as he starts to cry
"Dad, I love them too and they look like they will fit right in so go get them, and bring them home to their forever home cause they will get tortured there if they stay there any longer, and god knows what is happening to them now cause they are little than the other that is there, and god knows what will happen to them in the future as well if they stay there longer, and they never get adopted out of that place cause looking at it gives me the creeps" Fawn says as she looks at him cause she loved them too and they were going to be the perfect addition to the family, and they were going to be her little sisters as well
"You sure about this," he asks her as he was looking at her cause he wanted her approval first before he went to get them and bring them home to stay of course cause this was a lifetime commitment and there was no going back at all for anything at any time and he wanted this to be the right thing for the two of them
"Positive and I can help you adjust the house to their needs too so they can get around better and on their own too if they want to be independent after a while, and they can do things on their own too, but some of it they will need our help" Fawn says as she hugs him close cause she did love him with all her heart, and he loved her right back as well
"Okay it looks like I am adopting those three as my daughters" he says as he lets out a breath, he didn't know he was holding cause he was still nervous about this process and adopting them cause they are going to be different then Fawn and this is a roller coaster he is going on with the girls
"They are going to be getting one amazing dad," Fawn says to him as she looks at him cause it was the truth about him cause he was one amazing dad to her, and it showed
"You really think so?" he asks her
"I know so you were the perfect dad to me, and I turned out okay, and the two of us are a bunch of fruit loops, and who knows if these girls will be just like us fruit loops too," Fawn says as she got the album again to look at more pictures that he has of her when she was growing up
Fawn showed him some funny pictures they had together
"This one was the funniest," he says as he looks at the first birthday picture
The picture was cake all over both of their faces from the first birthday party
"I got to get going to the orphanage to get those girls and bring them home that way we can get them adjusted to living here, and everything else, and if they have a baby sibling I will have to get used to the sleepless nights again which I don't mind at all now cause I had to get used to it when I brought you home cause you going to be needing fed every two to three hours, and I was okay with that until you got on a schedule all those years ago, and teething is going to be fun again cause that means I will be up almost all night or have the baby sleep with me as I did you cause when you started to get your teeth in it was a nightmare, but you were okay after a while and I loved the extra cuddles with you, and those made my day better, and sometimes when you were cutting teeth. You had a little cold in you, so I stayed home to take care of you, and got you better as well " he says as he left the house to go to the orphanage where the girls were waiting for him to come and take them home for the rest of their lives, and love them to the end of time
"Okay see ya in a bit with them I will be doing I don't know what in I don't know what part of the house right now I will figure that out later on after you leave I bet, and I will get right to work, so it will be done by the time you come home with them" she says as she was going to do something that she didn't know at the moment and that was okay as long as she didn't get into trouble doing it either which she has been doing
George nodded as he was pulling out of the driveway to go to the orphanage to get the little ones and bring them home to stay
"See you in a little bit," he says as he was waving bye to her
"Ya see ya," she says as she was heading back into the house for the time being
George pulls up to the orphanage where the girls were and he could see them they were outside and by the looks of things they were going to get punished for something they probably didn't mean to do or just to be rude and pick on them and that was not right in his eyes, and he was going to take them away from there, and take them home where he was going to raise them as his daughters cause he had fallen in love with them and he wanted to protect them from harm and anything else that they have cause they are so little
"Stop right there," he says as he approaches the girls before something bad happens to them
Whoever was going to torture them stopped what they were doing, and they went off in a different direction as he approached the girls that were going to get tortured for I don't know what
"Hello little ones, what's your name?" he asks once the crowd had gone away, and it was just the three of them
"My name is Vivienne," one girl says to him shyly
"Yours?" he asks the other one as he was wiping her tears to make her feel better as well
"Ceily," the other girl says to him with a cute accent to match the sister accent that her sister has as well
"We are sisters," Vivienne says to him
"We get picked on cause we are different" Ceily says to him in a whisper so no one else heard what was going on with them
"Well, I won't make fun of you girls, cause you are different I will love you girls for who you are on both the inside and the outside," he says as he looks at them as he was ready to give them a hug
"Will you adopt us?" Vivienne asks him after a while cause she was curious if they were going to get adopted out of that horrible place that they had called him for the longest time
"Yes, do you girls have any siblings?" he asked them as he heads into the orphanage with them cause they were going to be adopted by him
"We have a baby sister named Raven" Ceily says as they headed in so he could sign the papers that were needed to adopt them and take them to their new home of course away from the orphanage and their nightmare
"That's fine i don't mind you girls will be something special," he says as he heads to the office to adopt the girls, and take them home
The twins smiled at him as they were going to show him their baby sister first
"Okay I don't mind that way I can come up with a different name for her," he says as he was following the girls to the nursery where the baby was at the moment cause the babies didn't go outside at all they stayed inside
"There she is," Ceily says as she heads to see her sister cause the girls were the only family she has left
George goes over to her and peeks into the crib at her
"She must be Raven," he says as he looks at her as she was laying in her crib at the moment
"The same' Vivienne says to him
"Oh, it's okay Raven," he says as he rocks her once he picks her up and holds her for the first time
The twins were shocked with how used he was to kids already
"You will have an older sister at home you will meet later," he says as he was rocking the baby in his arms to calm her cries
Settling in is the next chapter and that chapter is up, and the adventure continues for sure, and it will keep continuing as I work on the chapters more and more. The next chapter is up tomorrow night no doubt it will get edited as well hopefully tomorrow night before I go to bed then we continue with the editing until a new chapter goes up before I edit more chapters
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