George's birthday
Fawn was feeding Tabby in her nursery and Kevin was not home yet, so George brought the girls over for the photoshoot cause it was going to be special
"Okay the photographer is on her way here," George says as he was going to set up the spaces a little bit
"Perfect let me get Tabby ready for her close-up," Fawn says as she was going to bathe Tabby and see if she will go to sleep a little bit as they waited
Tabitha was fully awake, and she did not want to go to sleep at all for her mommy
"You going to be up for a little bit huh pretty girl I might as well do your hair," Fawn says cause her outfits she had picked out were ready when the photographer comes
Tabitha looks beautiful in her dress and George had all of the spaces ready for the photos that were going to be happening
"Okay all we do is wait," Fawn says as she was going to chill right now
"Yup," George says as they waited for the photographer to come to take the pictures
The photographer called and said she wasn't coming so George got who does the pictures for the cast take Tabitha's newborn pictures
"She is so photogenetic George," the photographer says to him
"Yeah, she is, and she loves the camera and the little noise as well so that is something," he says as he kept her awake as her pictures were taken cause Fawn wanted just Tabby to have her pictures taken and some were going to be with her aunts and her grandpappy as well which was a good thing cause she wide awake and looking around where she was the whole time
"She gets that from me," George says as he was going to get her ready for the next set of photos
The girls loved having their pictures taken with Tabby and Tabby loved it, she was wide awake through the whole thing
"Fawn why don't the three of us get our picture taken with her," George says to her cause he though Fawn should have one picture of her and Tabby
Fawn gave in and went to have her picture taken even though she wanted Kevin there with her for these pictures and Tabby loved being with mommy the most
(Much later)
"I think I have to go home and get her settled for her first-night cause this was a lot for her," Fawn says as she gets the baby ready to go home
(Months later)
It was George's birthday and Fawn was going to do a surprise party on the set cause it made sense with the little girls right now and Tabby was getting ready to crawl cause she had her first few teeth in and that was a trip right now, and they were not getting much sleep right now. Fawn was getting sleep when and where she could. Fawn and Kevin were not on good terms right now, and she moved into her own place to raise Tabitha on her own, and it hasn't been easy
"Girls stay close cause we get to decorate dad's dressing room before he comes in cause his co-workers took him out to breakfast, so we can do this, and then we can decorate his podium as well. I have the graphic department doing some cool graphics for his birthday" Fawn says as she was getting the babies out and the two older girls were carrying what they could, and Fawn was going to take some as well cause the babies were sitting up in their stroller right now so that was easier said than done right now and they could play with their toys while the older ones and Tabby's mom decorated
"I hope he likes it," one of the girls say as they walked into the studio to decorate for the taping of the show cause they wanted to impress him
"He will I know cause I dropped off goodies last night after the show was over and they are waiting as well as some more decorations that I knew that we couldn't bring cause of the car seats," Fawn says as they headed in to get started cause he was going to be coming in soon and they had to decorate his podium as well
The girls got started and they had the room decorated in no time and it looked very fun with all of the balloons that filled the floor
"Come on we got to head to his podium he will be here any minute," Fawn says as she ushers her sisters out and down to the stage so they could decorate the podium in time and everything else as well
"Will Tabby get to be apart of the baby episode?" Cici asks
"Of course, cause Raven is going to be a year old, so she gets to be apart of it too," Fawn says cause Vivienne went to sit down cause she was over this like a lot, and she wanted to do something else like run up and down the aisles cause that was more fun than this
The girls had everything decorated, and they went to get changed for the show cause they were doing a special showcase dedicated to George and that was going to touch his heart and there might be tears shed as well during the episode
The crew put Fawn and the girls somewhere off stage where George could not see them so they put them behind the first door, and they weren't going to use that door for a while and if they have to use that door for a prize, they will decorate it and the girls will say Happy birthday to George
"We have to stay quiet" Fawn says in a whisper right now cause the show was starting and she had to watch Raven cause she was an explorer right now and wanted to explore everything that she can, so Fawn has to keep them busy and occupied the whole entire time until they were revealed
Cici nodded as she zipped her lips and Vivian was her IPAD right now cause she didn't care
"Cici if you can color the whole time that will be awesome" Fawn tells her in a whisper
Cici loves to color, and she was going to give him a full book of her pictures that she had been coloring lately
"Tabby, can you stay awake a little longer baby?" Fawn asks the baby cause Tabby hasn't been feeling well lately and she might be coming down with something
Tabby was super cranky right now and she wanted to sleep right now, and Fawn tried to keep her up for as long as she could right now cause they were doing the next prize and that was going to be a game as well
"Tabby please" Fawn asks her
Fawn gave her binky right now to help soothe her cause she was really miserable
"I'll take your temperature soon" Fawn tells her as she got the thermometer out of the diaper bag for the baby
Tabby had a fever and Fawn was shocked how high it was when the doors opened too
"Sorry everyone" Fawn says as Tabby fought her a little bit cause she wanted to nap right then
"Tabby come here sweetheart" George says as he takes the baby that was not feeling well right now
"Sorry about this dad" Fawn says before George describes the prize to the contestants
"Apology accepted and it's not Tabby's fault she got sick, and I have her baby medicine in the dressing room I'll give it to her and be right back" he says cause he keeps medicine for the girls on hand just in case they ended up getting sick
Tabby was a little better that she had some medicine in her and she was in her grand pappy's arms as well
"Let's try that again" Drew says as the door closes, and George holds Tabby right now
George loved being with his daughters modeling during his birthday celebration right now and comforting Tabby was the icing on the cake
"Fawn why don't you take a break I got her, and I can watch her a little bit" George tells her cause he saw that she was exhausted in general
Fawn left cause she was going to take a bit of a nap right now and the others were going to follow her to make sure she wasn't getting sick either
"Tabby, I think you have a bit of a bug in you sweetheart" George says as he moves with her cause she was still fussy right now
George loved the cake his daughter's brought out towards the end and he was hoping his oldest and his granddaughter was okay right now and that worried him the most right now for their safety since both were sick right now and he didn't know what to do about it
"Tabby your getting another tooth in sweetheart" he says as he saw the pointy thing in her mouth sticking up
"Mommy is just worn down from taking care of you all the time too. I think you might get to spend a few days with me" he says cause he saw Fawn needed a good break from everything cause Kevin wasn't much help right now and that made him really mad right now
Tabby was happy she was spending the night at grand pappy's house
"I think you need some more TLC, and your mommy is giving it to you all the time and I think it has taken its toll" he says as he was still talking to her as he was calming her down
George saw that Fawn was still asleep right now, so he was going to leave her sleep cause he knew that she had to be exhausted from getting up with the baby night after night
"I'll come back for you sweetheart" he says as he was go and have Kevin watch the baby for a few days so Fawn can come back down to earth right now
Tabby was happy to see her daddy again and be with him for a few days
"Then I'll come back and get mommy" George says as he was going to have Kevin come down and get Tabby
Kevin came and got Tabby and took her home for a few days
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