OMG My BFF is a Vampire
I was a pretty average girl not that special but on that faithful day I was changed forever.
"This is an emergency please come over", my ever so loud sister moaned into her phone."Oh my God Lele it's just a haircut", I told her,"Just a haircut Just a haircut he chopped of all my hair",she said."It's shoulder length come on",I stated,"You're not gonna die are you",I finished giggling. She looked at me with annoyance,"How can laugh at a time like this, my social life is over and done with"."Will you stop being soo dramatic it will grow back",I said rolling my eyes at her."Ugh I can't do this right now",she said and stomped into the bathroom.
"By the way have you seen my cell",I asked. She grumbled then said,"I think it's in the library".
A little while later I arrived at the library and saw my phone. Four missed calls all from Melanie. There was a voicemail, Sorry to bother you but I need your help can you come to my place, woah this has got to be serious." Lele I'm going to Melanie's don't break anything",I shouted before grabbing my purse and car keys,"Whatever Lela I don't really care unless it's a date", she said.
A few minutes later I saw her house,damn this place is huge,and I wasn't kidding."Lela over here", Melanie called out from the backdoor."No offense but this place is giving me a creepy vibe", I said."Yeah it does that to people", she said with,hmm what's the word,peculiar expression on her face. We reached a door,"Let me open the door",she offered."Come on I'm a Latina 17Year old I'm perfectly cable of opening a simple door",I told her and grabbed then pulled the handle. Out of no where flew a bat it flew and settled on Melanie's shoulder. She stroked it fondly and mumbled something I could barely hear,"Hi dad"."Excuse me for prying but did you just say DAD!!",I practically screamed at her. She shushed me and pulled me into the house."Please do not say anything we could get caught",she said with her voice low. Her "dad's" skin rippled then expanded into a tall man."Why have you brought her here?", the man said in a deep voice,"Now she will be put in danger"."Excuse me but I can take care of myself thank-you very much", I said with anger inching into my voice,"And explain to me why I'm here". She took a deep breath then started her story.
"As you can probably guess we're vampires but we don't drink blood like movies have depicted us to do",she said,"We run blood banks and donate half of it to hospitals and.....consume the rest so there is no need to be afraid of us"."Our particular line of vampires goes back thousands of years",she continued,"Your family and mine is tied in many ways but the most significant is the fact that we're vampires". She looked at my horrified face and realized,"You are not vampires but vampire hunters"."So are you gonna kill me", I asked trembling."Like I said we will not hurt you but let me start from the beginning".
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