chapter 8
Lloyd on •
Cord with my cell phone vibrating was Kai
Lloyd: Kai
Yes kai
We all go out we go to the mall and as you were sleeping we don't want to wake you up ok: kai
Ok kai thanks for letting me know so am i home alone?
Sim ...
Hm cool ~
Hahaha relax I know how to take care of myself haha
And the paste will kill you if you catch any missing ball
Cake ~ hm yes of course I will not eat any speech for him be calm hehe
Ok take care I have to go now bye until later
Ok .. until
I turn the phone off
Cake when I don’t eat cake but I don’t want to throw up again but I miss that soft and sweet cake ah I miss you so much I have to do well I’ll find Jack and Elise before i'm going to write a letter because last time i almost got sick well i'm going to write that i'm a friend's house well not and mitigate
As always I put on my green blouse and walk to the door and create my elemental dragon and fly out into the forest
Getting there until I find his house but I am impressed to see the house!
I see someone leaving Elise
Elise : LLOYD!!!
Hi Elise how the house changed from nothing ?!
Elise | rio | we fixed it last night
How soon did you manage to fix that house ?!
Elise:Lloyd we purebred vampires don't Sleep
Wow ok this is really cool and scary because I slept so good
Elise: For us vampires and just wasting time well let's go
We walked to the door of the house
I enter the house
That's a joke, right?
Elise : No lloyd hahaha is not
Jack appears behind me and my ear remains
Ah! Jumped back and blushed
Does jack please want to kill me ?!
Jack: ah I'm sorry lloyd i had to do this * start laughing *
Elise :Let go of being an idiot bro
Jack: the sucker spoke
Elise: It's OTAKU !!
Jack: I don't understand the difference between the two, but I will tell you what will bring you here?
Not that nothing I just saw here to learn but about you and the vampires since the ninjas left me alone at home ..
Jack :I know hahaha was kidding but let's sit right
Me / Elise: RIGHT
We sit on the couch
Jack: well first step: lloyd have you ever taken human blood
Jack: ok ~Well in vampires we are a little bit more delicate than humans so if something a little vampire is tortured and normal that your eye turns red or two colors if you understand me
Wow wow How so torture will I be torture ?!
Jack: What? We would never do that to you I'm just saying because if humans find out you can turn into a rat and I don't want that ever ok
Jack: and if you get too nervous your fangs will show up and your eye will also turn red pure red if you know me try to calm down in front of your friends ok
jack: your friends will realize that you are not eating so take this pill
* Delivers a box full of pills to lloyd *
What are these pills?
Jack: these pills will allow you to eat human food but after a few hours She will give you the bloodthirsty try don't take too many
Well at least my friends will not suspect me but it can also give me a job
Jack: relax we will give you most of our blood
FOR REAL?! THANK YOU JACK AND ELISE I don't know what I would do if it weren't for you
Nobody POV
Jack is surprised to see lloyd's response and at the same time happy because he makes lloyd happy
Lloyd : Speaking of Elise, where is she?
JACK: ELISE? !!! ??
A mountain of molds start to move and Elise comes out laughing
Elise: hahahahah you needed to see their faces hahaha * crying with laughter *
Jack: oh wow how funny [speaks very angry]
Lloyd POV •
I laugh together with Elise
Well, I have to go, the ninjas must have arrived, thanks for everything, bye
Jack / Elise: bye lloyd it was good to see you
I go out and create my dragon
Well thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter of My friend and a vampire [seriously I’m running out of ideas !!] ~
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