"And why hasn't anyone thought to check her medical records until now?" Jimin rarely got the six of them together at the same time, and that usually meant he was unhappy about something. "Sir, medical records are confidential, even you as her husband won't be able to legally get her file" Jung Hoseok replied firmly and Jimin glared at him. "A while ago, we checked several hospitals, but we didn't expect Mrs. Park to be one of the patients we found..." Jeon Jungkook admitted, watching their boss closely.
"How many Park Aera do you think there are in hospitals?!" Jimin yelled at them and Hoseok flinched, looking down guiltily. "Actually, there are currently 1,769, and in the past two years, a total of 4,351 with the same name, at least half around Ms. Park's age" Jungkook replied, looking up from his computer.
"What did you find?" Jimin turned his attention to Jungkook, leaving the others to catch their breath. "Nothing from the first three months around the date your wife left" Jungkook scrolled the mouse, staring at the monitor. "After that, however, she started frequently visiting the emergency room of various hospitals, apparently it depended on where she was at the moment." Jimin walked behind him, leaning in to read in person, humming.
"Frequent and severe panic attacks, arrhythmia, high blood pressure as a result of the panic attacks and stress, she was referred to a psychologist and was treated until very recently" Jungkook continued. "Apparently the frequency of panic attacks has decreased since she started working" he added, looking up at Jimin. "The doctor said that socialization helps reduce the frequency of seizures" Jimin said thoughtfully, standing up.
"So as long as she's distracted and has people around her, she feels calm" Jimin thought as he went back behind his desk. "Jin, I want you to buy this and take it to the apartment" he wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to Jin. "Namjoon, make sure you're with her all day when I'm gone, so we can get her the walks she needs" Namjoon nodded. "Jungkook, research her doctors, I want to know how much they can be trusted and if you have to or judge, find better and more experienced ones" Jungkook mumbled something in response and turned back to his computer.
"Taehyung and Yoongi, you're coming with me" he stood up pulling out his phone. "Hoseok, I want you to find me a puppy" he picked up his coat rummaging through his phone and headed for the door. "Puppy?" Hoseok asked confused and Jimin stopped looking at him. "Animals reduce stress and my wife loves puppies, also don't make it too big" he explained, then turned back to Namjoon. "Go with Jin, when you get everything, make sure to tidy up the second bedroom, I'll see to it that Aera and I are not at home until tonight at least." Jimin walked out, followed by Yoongi and Taehyung.
"So he still cares about her?" grinned Jin. "More than he would admit" Hoseok winked at him and Jin nodded vigorously. "They love each other, they're hurt and they broke up because of misunderstandings and unspoken feelings, but sooner or later they'll work things out and everything will be fine between them" Namjoon walked to the door motioning for Jin to follow him.
"Jimin, what are you doing!" Aera panicked, wrapping her arms around his neck as he lifted her off the couch and carried her to the dressing room. "Did you take your pills?" he asked instead of answering her and she nodded looking down at his chest. "Fine" he answered indifferently and let her go, looking her up and down. "What are you doing?" Aera asked again as Jimin rummaged through her clothes. He pulled out a pair of lightweight light jeans, a cute white shirt, and a sleeveless gray knee length vest.
He handed her the clothes and turned, this time rummaging through her shoes. "Get changed, we're going out" he turned to her again and handed her a pair of sneakers, turning to his own clothes. Aera gaped at him in surprise. "Hurry up, they're waiting for us," Jimin urged her, starting to take off his work suit. "Who's waiting for us?" Aera didn't move from her seat, watching him take off his shirt.
Jimin started to unbuckle his belt when he realized that Aera wasn't moving at all he turned to her staring at his bare chest and down his abs. Smirking, he turned to her and took the distance between them in one step, wrapping an arm around her waist and bringing himself to her neck. "Do you like what you see?" he asked jokingly and Aera gasped as his teeth bit into the corner of her ear.
"Maybe we should postpone the walk and I'll carry you to bed and then..."Aera jerked free of his arms and ran into the bedroom, blushing with embarrassment. Jimin burst out laughing, shaking his head as he changed into gray sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. When he returned to the bedroom, Aera was ready. He made sure he had his phone, wallet and keys and headed for the door."Where are we going, Jimin?" Aera asked impatiently, glad to finally be allowed to leave the room.
"There's someone who wants to see you and make sure I haven't killed you yet" he replied, walking in front of her, rummaging through his phone. "The car is ready sir" Jimin nodded at Taehyung and Aera smiled at Yoongi. "Who is this person?" Aera continued to ask, standing next to him in front of the elevator, Jimin ignoring her, smiling at something on his phone. He wrote a message and sent it, shortly after he got a reply and he hurried to reply too, but hiding his phone so Aera couldn't see what or who he was texting.
Aera pouted. Was it possible for Jimin to have a girlfriend, or rather a lover, since they were still married. Suddenly, her desire to walk evaporated, and as he entered the elevator, she turned on her heel and walked back to the apartment. "Aera?" Jimin sulked and followed her. "What are you doing, I told you we were going out?" he grabbed her shoulder and turned her towards him, looking at her angrily. "Fuck you, Jimin, I'm sure whoever's waiting for us will be happier if you go alone!" she hissed, throwing his hand away and ran to the apartment, surprised to find he hadn't changed the code to the front door, she flew into the bedroom, making sure this time the key to the door was on the inside and no one but her could open it the door.
"Aera?" Jimin tried to open the bedroom door, but was surprised to find that it was locked. "Aera, open the door" he calmly ordered but only got a muffled mumble in response. "Open the door ,baby ,don't make me mad" Jimin insisted, knocking once again, trying to keep calm, this woman was driving him crazy whether she was around him or not.
"Go to hell!" Aera roared from inside and Jimin frowned even more, her voice sounding shaky. On the other side of the door, Aera paced back and forth, seething with anger and jealousy. She flew into the dressing room and found a travel bag, in which she began to collect some clothes, without even noticing what exactly she was putting inside. She didn't know where she was going, but she had to get out, that was all that was going through her head. She wouldn't let him touch her again after being with someone else.
Jimin pounded harder on the door. "Park Aera, open the damn door before I break it!" he stepped back slightly at the sound of the key and almost lost his balance when a furious Aera rushed at him unintentionally slamming into him. His arms wrapped around her body, keeping them both from falling. "Let me go, Jimin!" she flung herself into his arms, dropping the bag. "Damn it, woman!" Jimin yelled in her face as he struggled with her. "I told you to let go of me!" Aera raised a knee and Jimmy let her go, jumping away before Aera dealt him damage they both didn't want.
"For God's sake, are you crazy!" he growled and pushed her against the wall. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he pinned her hands behind her back and nodded to Yoongi and Taehyung to leave them alone. "Me? What's wrong with me?" she hissed, continuing to struggle. "You're the one with the problems, Jimin!" Aera screamed, her body clinging more and more to his and Jimin was far from just angry. "I'm warning you, my love, if you keep fighting, you'll suffer the consequences" Jimin growled softly, his eyes locked on her lips.
"Threaten your fucking mistress, you jerk!" her eyes filled with tears and jimin looked at her startled. "Mistress? What are you talking about?" as much as he wanted to, he just couldn't keep up his cold facade in front of her for long. It had been easy when she was far away, when he blamed her for leaving him, but now that he knew that in fact she had survived their separation no easier than he had, when he realized that it hadn't been easier for her to leaving when he realized that morning that even though she had a fiance, considering herself a divorced woman, she hadn't allowed him to touch her.
The fact that since he had brought her back, she hadn't mentioned this same fiancé even once, which meant that he was irrelevant to her. Jimin really thought he had succeeded in hating her, but every time he got close to her, every time their eyes met, every time she touched him, his heart and soul melted and his body burned in hellfires. "Baby" he pressed her against the wall and buried his face in her neck. "I don't have a lover, baby, I never have" he whispered and she froze.
"What?" Jimin chuckled sending shivers down her spine "You see, my love,I was so busy looking for my stupid wife that I didn't have time to deal with other women" his deep husky voice warmed her and made her shiver. "Jimin..." she sighed and he lifted his head, piercing her gaze. "I hate you, Aera" he tilted his head squinting and memorizing her face. "You destroyed me and now you're trying to reanimate the dead in me" she swallowed nervously and licked her lips, his eyes followed the movement of her tongue.
"Tell me, Aera, why did you leave me?" he asked and she closed her eyes, letting a single tear roll down her face. "Because I loved you and I didn't want you to be stuck with a wife you didn't want when you could have found happiness with someone you loved," Aera admitted with complete sincerity, voicing her thoughts out loud for the first time. "I thought our marriage was just a contract, and when I saw the financial statements, when I realized how far we'd come, as much as I loved you, I couldn't continue this farce called marriage when you showed no signs of wanting more." her tears were already flowing freely, but she didnt dare to open her eyes and look at him, she wouldn't bear what she might see in his eyes.
"Why don't you talk to me baby, why don't you ask me what I want, why..." he suddenly realized what her words meant and fell silent. Aera had chosen to live alone with her love for him, suffering through something that probably, at least in her mind, should never have happened, she chose to bear the pain alone rather than stay and possibly see her marriage crumble before her eyes and to meet the probable accusation in his eyes that she had ruined his chance for happiness.
All this time, Jimin felt abandoned, thinking that the "I love you" at the end of her letter were just words. Everything that had happened in the last almost week went through his mind and he started to piece things together one by one. Her decision to leave him, making sure that he would remain the sole owner of their agency, the way she had left, quietly and without saying goodbye, like a person leaving someone they love and whose "goodbye" they cannot face stood up and bore.
Her subsequent depression, panic attacks, and blood problems were all the result of her broken heart. Even this fiancé of hers, she probably just used it to try to forget him, without much success judging by her body's reactions. He cupped her face and she opened her eyes uncertainly. "Come with me" Jimin took her hand and led her to his office. Forcing her to sit in the chair across from his desk, he walked behind him, opened one of the lockers, and returned to her side, placing papers in front of her.
Aera's eyes widened when she saw the documents. He took a pen, opened the folder and in front of her eyes, signed the divorce papers. Leaving the pen, he spun her around with the chair and spreading her knees, crouched between them, placing his hands on her hips and looking up at her and her teary eyes.
"Jimin, what..." he shook his head smiling. "It's only now that I realize how stupid it all was, baby. Our marriage, your decision to leave" he raised his hand and wiped away her tears. "For the past two years, I've been obsessed with finding you and punishing you, when in fact, the only thing I really wanted was for you to come back to me, to have the opportunity to tell you that I'm in love with you, that I love you, that I want you to give me a chance to prove it to you" Aera sobbed and fell to her knees next to him, Jimin stroked her cheeks, wiping away another tear.
"And the only way I can prove it to you is by starting fresh, Park Aera" she placed her hands on top of his, starting to sob more and more. "Will you give me this chance, my love, after everything you've been through for me, will you let me show you how sorry I am and how much I love you?" Aera smiled with a sniff and nodded, resting her forehead against his. "I haven't stopped loving you ,Jimin" she cried and he held her tightly, stroking her hair. "Me too, my love, I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you" Jimin whispered, feeling his heart finally light and free.
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