Kodys Promise
today there is a chapter giving Kody and Mana a special chance to get more lines!
Y/n Pov.
As Lumine takes my hand at the window as we run our fate was sealed within the authors grasp (No breaking walls Y/n) Fine...... So whatever. Our fates were sealed by simple touch and we ran all the way to Mana and Kodys school. We crossed through the woods over branches and around the trees stomping as the tree branches attempted to grab at our clothes. My smile stayed on my face while Lumines warm kind hand intertwined with my own. I think this feeling is happiness, no I'm sure it is. It was like this on our date too... I made the right choice saying yes to him. This wolf boy is going to be the being that will control my eternal happiness. But then again I think his brother or friend I don't really know what Kody is to Lumine... Is he like a brother they live together with Kodys father... But then again they don't fight or hang out the way brothers... Hmmn... Maybe I should ask but not to Lumine because I don't think he would really know the answer I think Kody and Lumine are like twins but royal twins. The older one is more alone and to himself still doing whatever he wants, while the other can goof off mess around and is mainly more liked than the other. I feel as though all Lumine wants is for Kody to call him his brother or maybe his friend. Maybe they've already had this talk though... Oh well I don't care I'll ask Kody anyway. I leave Lumine and go to a classroom that I think Mana and Kody are in. I think its this way... I think to myself while taking a right turn down the hallway. I'm a bad body guard if I don't even know where my client is.
I take the turn and I dont see a classroom but I do see Mana and Kody laughing on the other side of the hall. Wow Kody can look happy what an amazing discovery! I giggle under my breath and take a quick picture to sent to Lumine. The camera on my phone flashes. Oh god... They've spotted me. I walk to them casually trying to not look suspicious. I put on my brave smile and say "Hey guys what are you guys doing?" Kody death stares me. "I can ask you the same thing" "Uh... What do you mean?" I ask "You took a picture of us... Hey don't give me that look!" He commands seeing my butt face of denial. <(-3-)> He rolls his eyes then asks me again "So why'd you take our picture? And delete it" I growl slightly and take out my phone pretending to delete it. I want that picture for later. Kody looks at me with less serious eyes trying to seem less judgmental but that didn't really work. I look him dead in his emerald green eyes. "Kody how do you see Lumine?" I ask. "With my eyes" I face palm and say again "Really how do you see him?" "I told you with my ey-" I slap his mouth shut. "Boy that's not what I meant... Like as a friend or more like a brother?" he looks at me as though thinking up an answer. "More like a ...brother I guess" I smile seeing Lumine in the corner listening in on the conversation. I laugh "good answer but is he like a friend brother or the weird brother you want to get away from?" "the weird brother but I don't want to get away from him" he says casually then Lumine runs up to Kody and hugs him tightly. "Never mind! I wanna get away!!!"
A few hours later
Lumine Pov.
I lean agents the water fountain looking at Kody who just showed up. Looks like Y/N is still with Mana in class so I guess I should talk with him. "So about earlier..." Kody started. "I thought of should know I really do see you as a little brother" I spit out my water little!? I save you for god's sake! Then he looks me in the eye "Lumine... As your b-brother I want to make a promise to always be there for you and Y/n" I look at Kody surprised. I didn't have to say a word because he knew exactly how I felt. All I really could say was "thank you Kody... I appreciate it. I want to promise you something too..." He looks at me seriously with no idea what I had I mind. "As my new brother I promise you that I'll protect you" "I know that-" "and your girlfriend" Kody blushed deeply. "Who do you think my girlfriend is!?" "Mana you've been hanging out with her often and you were laughing with her... Or perhaps its Calla you like" I say looking at him. Kody answers "I like Mana... Just like you like Y/n..." "Wait manas your girlfriend!?" "Wait! You and Y/n are dating!?" "Yeah..."
Long explanation by Lumine
"I guess it makes sense..." "Yeah I really love her..." "Good make her a good sister in law" I blush because that is my new promise. One i will keep.
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