it's the police!
Y/n Pov
I yawn stretching out. I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. Lumine and Kody already went home and Mana us doing something else with Andy right now so I'm bored. I place my finger agents my lips lightly. I move my finger to my fangs. They're growing fast. They seem to be at waredog size they used to be baby neko sized. They pierce my finger causing it to bleed. I suck the blood off my finger and hold it. It's the fastest way to disinfect it.
Finding someone to be your friend us simple like breathing. But what I did was like finding a grain of blue sand in a red blood soaked sandstorm. I found faithful, kind, brave friends who were with me till the end. I believe in them. That makes me happy. I grin brightly. I hear vicious knocking on the door. Oh well there goes my peace!
I go investigate the sound. It was a door!(we know...😐) I roll my eyes at the author then I look through the key hole in the door. I do not see a face which makes since due to how low the key hole is. I do see pant legs though and because it's not that long after school ended I'm guessing it's a male student. At least thats my guess. But like all my detective work since I moved in with Andy and Mana I was wrong. It was the police. I slam the door shut again. I saw him... It was Jim Gorden! (Gotham fans I'm sorry😂). I turn from the door and think of quick escape. I hate answering their questions. They're into me! They seemed to find me again. Now I find no other option but to dive face straight down out of the window. I don't want to show anything under my skirt so I jumped that way. Then as soon as I get to close to the end of the stop I do a flip onto my feet landing perfectly. Now to get away from the mansion like house before anyone spots me! I have to get away. Right now I have to go... I don't know something is wrong about this. There's a strange aura here. It was like something was watching me. I bet one thing to you though, I bet there will be someone behind me in 3...2...1 "gotcha doggy" I snap my fingers right on que. "The catchers been looking for you" the officer says pointing at me. I wag my tail playfully "oh what are you going to do? I got a new master" "no you don't! Nobody wants you!" He growls the pain hits my heart by those shattering words I growl in defense. I slap him with all my might. He falls knocked out immediately. I guess it was just the police. I run away to a place only I know about it's a place in the mountains only the Wolf can find. It's scent is different so the land knot parts for Wolf sweat. The rocks open up from the fall. The trees behind it coated in darkness. The land was covered but to a wolves eyes it was as simple as stars to an astronomer. Besides this place has free Wi-Fi and all the anime and manga you could ever need! And I'm in need of some blue exorcist!
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