Summer Fun
Me - hey guys I'm back
Killua - sup
Gon - so beka, your title of this chapter, doe it means....
Me - yup, this is the last day of your school term
Killua - finally
Gon - yay I can't wait
Me - haha neither me. You guys better watch out. And my school is closed for the summer as well
Killua - I'm so happy, I'm almost in tears
Me - some sarcasm
Gon - anyway let's just get on with it
Me - bye everyone enjoy
Gon's POV
~time skip to the end of the school year~
I woke up with the sun shining through the window. 'its time to get up' I thought. As I'm about to get up I feel something holding me back. I turned around to see killua's hand holding me. It was wrapped around my waist.
I then face him with our faces inches away. Killua look so cute when he's asleep. I put my face a little closer to his. 'so cute' I thought leaning closer. Our nose touching, and I feel the heat rise to my face. I then leaned closer than i already was and kissed him on his lips. The kiss then turned passionate, that's when I feel something........ Is he kissing back? His eyes then opened.
Our lips were still together. I blushed harder than I was and pulled away turning my head in the opposite direction.
Killua - "G-Gon?!"
Gon - "y-yeah"
Killua - "did you....?"
I heard him say. I then feel him pull me close into a hug.
Killua - "it's ok you know"
He turned me around so our faces were inches away yet again. Killua then leaned in and kiss me on the lips. For a few seconds I kissed back. Not long after we pulled away from the kissed, breathing heavily for air.
Killua - "morning Gon"
Gon - "m-morning killua"
Killua - "it's already time to get up"
Killua removed his hand from my waist and got up. I was still a little surprised to move.
I then adjust to everything that just happened.
Gon - "w-whaaat!!! You aren't mad??"
Killua - "no! Why would I be?"
Gon - " cause I.... never mind"
I got up and head head downstairs, killua following behind.
I saw aunt mito in the kitchen making breakfast as usual. I'm glad everything went back to normal. I can't forget what happened last time.
"Good morning Gon and killua. Did you sleep well?" Aunt mito asked. I nod as a reply.
Mito - "well you guys go take a bath while I finish breakfast, ok?"
Gon - "yes aunt mito."
We then head upstairs to bathe.
After bathing we went to eat. As usual too food here always finish in a flash.
Gon - "hey aunt mito, since it's the starting of summer can killua and go to the beach?"
Mito - "sure no problem 😊"
Yay, we get to go. I quickly grab killua's hand and drag him to get ready.
~time skip at the beach~
Gon - "we finally made it killua"
Killua - "it's crowded and there's a casino?"
Gon - "don't try anything foolish killua. Well I'm gonna swim"
I was about to jump in the water when I saw.......wait is that....
Gon - "brisky!!!"
Brisky - "oh hey Gon, I'm surprised to see you here."
Killua - "that old hag is here!?"
Brisky - *punch killua* "I'm not old!"
Gon - "so what are you doing here?"
Bisky - "it's summer isn't it? So I came here to cool off."
Killua - " great now we have to spend the day with this old thing."
Bisky - "what did you just say?"
Gon - "well I'm-"
???- "hey Gon!!"
Gon - "kurapika!!"
Killua - "why is everyone here??"
Kurapika - "didn't expect you here!"
I then tackle kurapika in a hug
Gon - "where is leorio?"
Kurapika - "he is probably gambling at a casino."
Killua - "about that.." *starts running off to it*
Gon - "hey killua. Don't do anything stupid!!"
Kurapika - "I was about to hit the water"
Gon - "me too"
Brisky - "I'm coming too."
We all went swimming
Killua POV
Finally it's time to get my gambling freak on.
There's so many games here. I was thinking of a game of poker or-
??? - "killua!"
Huh I turn in the direction where someone called me. Then what I see is
It was the Oreo
Killua - "hey Oreo."
Leorio - "don't call me that and what're you doing a casino??"
Killua - "what you think?"
Leorio - "so where's Gon?"
Killua - "probably swimming by now."
Leorio - "oh"
Killua - "man I wish I had a risky dice now."
Leorio - "a what?"
Killua - "never mind. Now how's ready to gamble."
So now killua is off gambling.
Brisky - "who wants ice cream?"
Both me and kurapika answered yes
As we were ordering the ice creams we saw...
Gon - "h-hisoka??"
Hisoka - "look who it is, don't worry I won't hurt you."
Kurapika - "what're you doing here?!"
Hisoka - "well I most ahave a break sometimes."
Gon - "whatever"
I then see killua coming with a sad leorio
Killua - "hey Gon, I've been looking everywhere for you guys"
Kurapika - "what wrong with him?"
Leorio - "I got ripped off!!!!"
Killua - "no one told you to bet all what you had"
Leorio - "it was a good deal. If I had won, I would've been flooded with money."
Gon - "so like leorio.🙀"
Leorio - "so wh-....... Hisoka??"
Gon - "yup we ran into him"
Hisoka "what? Don't look at me like that"
Killua - "well I'm ready to surf"
Well the day went by normal and us doing madness
Me - Kay that's it
Killua - thank God she's finish. I get away from that old hag
Bisky - what did you just say?
Killua - n- nothing, beka why is she here??
Me - not my fault
Gon - oh hey bisky
Bisky - hey Gon
Me - ok. Now another question. If you had to choose between anime and money, what would you choose?
Leorio - that's easy money
Kurapika - no it's animé
Leorio - money
Kurapika - you selfish money grubber
Gon - here they start again
Brisky - anyway bye
Leorio - no gooder
Kurapika - money freak
Me - 😥
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