& episode 3: emily &
johnny's point of view
"have you talked with donghyuck yet?"
"he doesn't want to see me" mark answered, not really acting as if he was concerned by the situation.
"you didn't even try to approach him !"
"I know he doesn't want me to."
our meal today was quite silent.
it seemed like mark was depressed.
a little tear even formed in his eye when i mentioned donghyuck's name.
i guess he misses him.
i often talked with donghyuck during the last weeks.
at first I wanted to help him to forget about mark, but i realised he was so much in love with him, and that he couldn't forget him. also, Mark doesn't know it yet, but the best thing for him is to get back with donghyuck...
donghyuck's point of view
i am going to commit suicide.
mark dumped kelly twelve days ago. twelve. and he is about to ask emily out.
johnny said he needed affection, and emily is known to be an affectionate girl.
anyway. i'm in depression again, seeing her turning around him everyday.
but i'm used to it at this point.
mark's point of view
i finally asked emily out! and she said yes!
she's a shy girl from my english class, and she's very cute. i often hear her giggling with her friends. and now, she's mine.
it has only been two days, and i feel so happy.
she's caring, asking about my day and my friends, staying with me during the breaks and wondering wether I'm too cold or too hot. she's cute and i absolutely love it!
donghyuck's point of view
"will you stop staring at them!" johnny woke me up from my daydream.
"no. i want them to break up."
mark had his hands on emily's waist, and i hate it.
"you're evil..."
"i don't like girls."
"i kinda noticed it."
"that's why i'm gay... i can't even bear them. either they're too selfish or too focused on their style or too sticky. there is no in between!"
"that's excellent donghyuck, and that's totally true!" johnny laughed
"why doesn't mark notice it?"
"about that... don't worry too much. he told me emily was being too sticky and jealous, he can't event talk to his guy friends. he's planning to break up again, but don't tell anybody, you're not supposed to know it" he whispered.
"yeah, he will break up to find another girl in less than a week !" i spat angrily.
"hey! don't worry, he'll come to you someday!" johnny rolled his eyes.
"you said the same thing one month ago, and i see him nowhere around me!"
johnny's point of view
as soon as donghyuck left, crying, i glanced at mark. his eyes were following donghyuck with sadness.
he was stoped in his staring by emily, waving her hand in front of his eyes and telling him something.
i left the corridor to give them some privacy.
mark's point of view
"mark? mark!" emily yelled, causing me to stop looking at donghyuck.
"why are you staring at those two? let them argue on their own, you don't even know them!" she said, placing her head on my chest.
"he was my bestfriend..." i said sadly, remembering all the happy time i had with donghyuck. how we used to say nonsense things, how we used to criticize people we didn't like, how we used to buy lots of food and hide it everywhere around the house so that our parents didn't find out how we spent all our money, how we used to-
"mark! listen to me!" emily said. "it's best you're not best friend with him anymore. he would want to keep you away from me..."
"yeah, but if it's my best friend it's okay."
"no it's not. he's not your girlfriend or boyfriend. i am." she said as if it was logical.
"emily, that's not how it works. listen, I think we should break up." i said.
"what ?! he's not worth it ! don't break up for this!" she said hugging me more.
"no emily." i replied, pushing her away from my chest.
"what no?"
"i break up. goodbye." i said firmly, leaving her crying next to the lockers.
i ran through all the school's corridors to find donghyuck. i know it's late, but I have to apologize for what i have done.
i miss him so much. he was so kind with me, and even when we were together, he was perfect and never deceived me. he was caring, but not too much, he helped me when I needed help, and he made me laugh with his lame jokes and his pranks.
i don't know how i could be so blind about my feelings...
i heard someone sobbing in the toilets of the 3rd floor, so i approached them and noticed donghyuck, sitting next to the sink, crying with his head between his knees.
i went in front of him and placed my hand on his knee.
"donghyuck, i'm so sorry for everything i did to you, i-"
"i don't want your excuses mark." he replied, raising his head so that i could see his red, puffy and wet eyes.
"i know but i really want to apology..."
"no mark. go back to your girlfriend. she's going to get suspicious about you staying with other girls than her." he said sarcasticly.
"i just dumped her haechan, because she didn't care about you being sad."
"well, you're not better! get out and leave me alone! there are many other girls you can hang out with! what about ana ? or sarah ? and there's also rose and lisa! there are still many girls you can hang out with if you want to ! and to go faster, you can even hang out with two at a time! so now, get another girlfriend and dump her for another! and leave me alone, womanizer !!" he spat before crying louder.
so this is how he sees me ? a boy who finds a girlfirend and dumps her for another girl ?
and so, i left him alone, just like he asked me to.
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