About Kimberly Tanith Marie
Kimberly Tanith Marie is a Caribbean-born Wattpad featured writer living in Europe. I had the pleasure of meeting her online via the Wattpad writers' community forum in 2019. Although the forum no longer exists, I'm so glad I met KimberlyTanithMarie because I got the chance to discover her stories and I fell in love with them. They are diverse, unique, and beautifully written with the highest quality a reader can find on this platform.
You can find the author at: KimberlyTanithMarie
EP: Welcome KimberlyTanithMarie It's a pleasure to have you with us today, and I'd like to thank you for taking the time to join us at My Favorite Wattpad Authors.
KTM: No problem, thanks for having me.
EP: Can you tell us about yourself for those who don't know you yet?
KTM: Well, I was born in the Caribbean on a beautiful twin island state called Trinidad and Tobago and I come from a very multi-cultural and multi-ethnic background, which is heavily reflected in my work. Which is written in British-English, by the way, so some words will often appear to be spelled differently.
Almost 3 years ago, I moved 5000 miles away from everything I knew to be with the love of my life.
christian-h and I were actually in a long-distance relationship for a while before we got married. And let me tell you, that came with a lot of criticism. But honestly, I do not know why people still underestimate the authenticity of long-distance relationships.
After all, I fell in love with his soul before I could even touch his skin, if I that is not true love, then I do not know what is 😉
Sorry, I got all poetic there for a second...
Anyway, I love to cook and enjoy creating Caribbean/European fusion meals. Being an islander, I love anything to do with the water, although ironically, I am not a fan of the sun. That is something many individuals find hilarious when I tell them.
Most people do not know this, but I used to sell tribal tattoo designs while in university.
By profession, I am a Historian-Sociologist, so I read a lot (like you have no idea lol) and I have published academic work, though nothing in terms of fiction. Yet.
Truth be told, I've always wanted to be a writer, creating new worlds for people to get lost in. Unfortunately, I was never brave enough to pursue that dream until early 2019 when I started posting on Wattpad.
So, we shall see how things go...
EP: Your writing has certainly caught our attention. Can you tell us about your stories? What do you write about?
KTM: When I first started writing on Wattpad, I chose a few cliché plots, basically testing the waters so to speak. However, I always put my own special spin on every story.
In my later works, as I got more experience, I decided to branch out and do my own thing.
As you would have probably noticed, my plots began to evolve, becoming more unique, as specifically seen in Mine At First Sight. I was tired of reading the same werewolf stories, so I wanted to create something that was truly different and I think I have achieved that based on the feedback I have received.
I tend to write about a number of things. But on Wattpad, I focus more on the theme of love, because well, I am a sucker for romance and my stories range from contemporary to fantasy.
My female characters are all strong and independent, but they are never too proud to ask for help. Similarly, my male characters are typically very dominant and protective. Though stubborn and grumpy at times, they are never abusive and I strive to show healthy dynamics within my relationships.
Fun fact, ALL of my male leads have been influenced by my husband in some way. Be it his cultural background, height, or the ridiculous and hilarious stuff he says. Likewise, my female leads all have a bit of me in them, particularly the stubborn streaks (haha) I clearly have too much fun sometimes.
It should be noted that I have an unhealthy relationship with rooting for the bad guy (oops lol) eh well. Proud Slytherin here! As a result, some of my recent characters can be seen balancing the line of good and evil as I enjoy working in the grey area.
Also, anyone who is familiar with my writing would know that I am a stickler for realism. I find that it adds a lot of depth to the plot.
I am proud to say that 5 out of 7 my novels have been featured by Wattpad profiles. I have also won many community awards which just reinforced to me that I am on the right track. Because trust me, when I first started posting on Wattpad, I did not think that anyone would like my work.
EP: I love your stories – they certainly have a unique touch to the storytelling. When did you know you wanted to be a writer? Was there anyone or anything in particular that inspired you to write?
KTM: I have always known that I wanted to be a writer, which is why even when I was not actively pursuing it, I always kept putting my pen to paper. Be it in the form of keeping a journal or writing poetry.
I honestly cannot tell you what in particular inspired me to want to be a writer. It was just something I always felt was for me especially since I have always been a dreamer, creating worlds in my head.
Although, the adults around me told me that I should not get too lost in my head and that I should focus on a more "serious" career. Which I did and I am grateful for the journey I have been on as degrees in History, Literature, and Sociology do come in very handy for a writer.
When I moved to Europe, my husband encouraged me to write, and so I joined Wattpad in August 2018 and began posting in February 2019 and here we are.
EP: What books do you like to read? Has any of these books inspired your writing?
KTM: Whew! That list would read like a university literature course outline (lol) yikes...
They have all inspired me in one-way shape or form. I must confess, I am still working on crafting my own unique style. But with each new book, I find myself discovering more and more where I fit in.
EP: Why did you choose the genre that you write?
KTM: Honestly, I was tired of not seeing myself represented.
Most books always have a white main cast and nothing is wrong with that, but there are other human beings on this planet.
Growing up, there were hardly any romance novels with people of colour. And many of the books that do feature a diverse cast reinforce negative media stereotypes and I wanted to do something different.
Especially where the Caribbean was concerned, there are hardly any romance novels putting a spotlight on people who are from this area. Unfortunately, a lot of Caribbean literature focuses on the region's turbulent past, and I was tired of seeing characters being put in the same roles over and over.
What is wrong with having romance novels featuring someone born in the Caribbean?
As such, I created my own 😊
EP: Where does the inspiration come from when you write the plot and characters?
KTM: It can be anything really, from seeing the architecture of a certain building to something that I remembered from a dream.
EP: What project are you working on at the moment?
KTM: Currently, I am working on rewriting my mafia romance novel Dom's Absolution while simultaneously working on my fantasy romance Through The Sword.
EP: Has being on Wattpad influenced or affected your writing?
KTM: Being on Wattpad has been interesting. The feedback I have received from my readers has really helped me understand what the current market is looking for.
Because of the issues of plagiarism, it has affected my writing in that I have to hold myself back in terms of posting unique concepts. This has affected my stories somewhat in that they are not as remarkable as they could be in my opinion, but they are still amazing in their own way.
In a way, this challenge has made me a better writer as I have had to find ways to create great content while also protecting myself.
EP: What low points and high points have you faced as an author? And what kept you motivated with your writing?
KTM: In terms of low points, the bullying and stealing have been difficult to deal with and I almost quit Wattpad last year. However, I am glad that I experienced such as having to face those things really toughened me up, a real high point is you ask me.
Another high point would be that I have met some really amazing individuals on this app, such as yourself 😉 as well as people like @Fenda3 @1fandombookgirl and @kikistonewrites who have become really great friends of mine <3
As for what keeps me motivated, my readers. And well, a 6'3 husband who threatens to sit on me (lol no seriously he does) every time I get irritated and think of quitting.
EP: You are a tough and strong author, and I believe your stories will be in bookstores one day. What are some of the greatest achievements you have accomplished in your writing career?
KTM: Hmmm, I would say being able to write 60k in a week if I really push myself. I have really been able to up my speed in terms of pumping out chapters.
As for other achievements, I aim to be traditionally published in the future, so we shall see...
EP: What is your hope and aspiration as a Wattpad writer? Where would you like to be in a year from now?
KTM: As a Wattpad writer? It would be nice to get some more visibility.
In a year from now, hopefully one of my stories would have reached 1 Million (lol) I do not really have much expectations where this app is concerned.
EP: Who are your favorite authors of all time?
KTM: Yikes, honestly, too many to list.
But just to mention a few, George Orwell, Anthony Burgess, George. R. R. Martin, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Emily Bronte, Harper Lee, J.R Ward, and Joseph Conrad
EP: Do you have any advice for aspiring Wattpad writers?
KTM: Keep writing, even if it is one line a day, do not ever stop. Also, where age is concerned, it is never too late to pursue your writing dreams!
EP: If you could travel in time, where would you go, and why?
KTM: I would visit Ancient Egypt in the height of its civilization. I want to see the beauty that captured the Romans and the Greeks as well as to be able to visit the great library of Alexandria.
EP: Is there anything else you would like to say?
KTM: I would just like to say Thank You to everyone who has ever supported me, it truly means a lot.
Thank you, Kim! It was a pleasure to have you featured in this Wattpad project. Wattpaders, please show your support by following her and checking out her wonderful stories at:
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