protective devil
Requested by PurbleTouchedElbows
Bryan loved Michael with all of his heart, and Michael loves him back just as much. Although he could never be mad at Michael, Bryan did have to admit that Michael could be overprotective... very, very overprotective.
There has been many times where Michael had proved to be overprotective of Bryan, but the most recent incident sticks out quite a bit.
Bryan was just walking through the forest, not really paying attention to his surroundings. The reason he wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings was because he was busy thinking about his lover Michael, and everything he loves about him.
Unfortunately, he was so deep in his thoughts that he accidentally walked into a tree. He yelped and rubbed his head before hearing an all too familiar gasp.
''Bryan!! Are you okay?!?'' Before he could react, Bryan felt himself get hugged from behind and turned around, facing Michael who wrapped his wings around him as he started looking Bryan up and down.
''Are you hurt?! Are you bleeding?! How many fingers am I holding up?!'' Bryan pushed Michael's hand down, smiling reassuringly at him.
''Michael, I'm fine. Also, what are you doing here?'' Michael began to sweat a bit.
''I may or may not have been following you.'' Bryan sighed softly and whined.
''Why were you following me?'' Michael frowned and gently pet Bryan, causing the werewolf's tail to wag.
''Because the world is a dangerous place and I can't let my precious little werewolf bean get hurt.'' Bryan sighed softly, already realizing what Michael was thinking.
''No Michael, you aren't going to bring me to the mansion and keep me there by wrapping me up in bubble wrap.'' Michael pouted as he stopped petting Bryan.
''But-'' Bryan whined softly, causing Michael to sigh and continue petting him.
''Fine, I won't wrap you up in bubble wrap.'' Bryan smiled and his tail wagged as he leaned into Michael's touch.
''But I will bring you back to the mansion.'' Before Bryan could respond, Michael picked him up bridal style and teleported them back to his mansion, or to be more specific, their room.
Bryan yelped a bit, not expecting it, and clung to Michael, who chuckled and walked over to the bed, placing Bryan down on it. He then tucked Bryan in and stood up, turning to leave before Bryan grabbed his wrist while whining.
Michael turned to him while Bryan gave him puppy dog eyes.
''Cuddle?'' Michael sighed, knowing that even if he didn't want to cuddle and said no, that Bryan would be upset with him.
Michael got into the bed and under the covers, Bryan immediately latching onto him and cuddling into his chest. Michael smiled softly and ran his fingers through Bryan's hair.
Bryan yawned softly and buried his face in Michael's chest, his tail wagging a small bit as his eyes drooped. Michael smiled softly at him and continued, eventually causing Bryan to fall asleep.
Michael smiled and decided to enjoy the moment before he ended up having to do something, wrapping his tail around Bryan's leg. Eventually, he did have to do something, but when he got up he had to do something else that was very important that he'd only be able to do while Bryan was asleep.
When Bryan woke up the next day, he was not thrilled to discover that he has been wrapped up in bubble wrap, and it took a lot of (chocolate free) cookies to convince him to not ignore Michael for a day.
If you have any requests, leave them on the request page.
Remember to always try and have a good day/night. Bye wolf pups!!
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