Oh my gosh my heart. ;-;
All of the Vocaloids I liked died and Miku, the Vocaloid whose voice I hate the most became the Messiah. AND THEY ALL SACRIFICED THEMSELVES FOR HER---
Putting my feelings aside, YES ANOTHER HITOSHIZUKUxYAMA SONG! This was released on their YouTube channel like 2 days ago and I waited to find subtitles before putting it on here.
Yay subtitles!
Summary of the song that I copied and pasted cuz I'm too lazy to explain this:
For those who wonder, this is a story about a girl (Miku) who is destined to save the world by collecting 9 "blessing".
But the companions fight over the "blessings", causing the girl getting none of the 9 "blessing". But when she went to the altar,she found out that the so called "blessing" is actually "punishment" from god, and the companions all sacrificed so that she can continue living. And about the title, the word "ai" can be written as 愛 or 哀 in kanji, first one meaning "love", second meaning "sadness"(and in the last sentence of the lyric, Miku was saying 哀 )
Sung By: KAITO, MEIKO, SeeU, IA (Aria), Hatsune Miku, Kamui Gakupo (I love his hairstyle in this song omg), Megurine Luka, GUMI, Kagamine Rin, and Kagamine Len
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