Part 23
7 : 20 am
Paris : so he's finally gone
Mwiche : yep but he'll be back soon...
Paris : at least you have a few days before he comes back
Bradford : *clears throat*......
Paris : woah !! Mr Bradford you startled us ....
Bradford : so...hart how does it feel to be early .....
Mwiche : well...(gets interrupted)
Bradford : weird !! I know....(walks away)
Mwiche : wow!
the girls laugh
Paris : .....O.M.G!!!!
Mwiche : What!!!
Paris : it's rose (runs to her)
Mwiche : *sighs*....
Paris : heyyy (hugs rose)
Rose : hiiii (hugs her back)
Paris : I missed you
Rose : I missed you too .....
Paris : wait ...the flu's gone right
Rose : yes ....
Paris : good.....
Mwiche : um...Paris...I'll see you in class ...
Paris : where are you going....
Mwiche : the music room....
Paris : the music room or music class....
Mwiche : music room...
Paris : okay...don't be late for class....
Mwiche : I won't (walks away)
Rose : sooo.....anything new....
Paris : uhh....nothing really
The other side of the hallway
As mwiche's walking to the music room she meets Leon , oyster and jimmy
Jimmy : hey mwiche .....
Mwiche : hey jimmy ....
Oyster : aren't you going to say hey to Leon and I
Mwiche : hey oyster ...happy now
Oyster : yep ...
Mwiche : bye..
Oyster : wait ....
Mwiche : what!!......
Oyster : you haven't said hey to Leon
Mwiche : oh God ....are you serious...
Oyster : ye....(gets interrupted)...
Leon : oyster !! man don't waste your time ...she doesn't talk to rude guys
Mwiche : you got that is that all you want me to say hey to your lockers....
Jimmy : *laughs*.. mwiche ...that's all
Mwiche : thank you ..(walks away)
(Maddie who had her eyes on mwiche)
Maddie : that witch!!! I can't believe she was talking to my
cecila : (maddie's new friend ) who , oyster...
Maddie : What no ..oh my goodness..
Cecilia : ....jimmy ...riiiight two are perfect for each other....
Maddie : will you shut up !!!....ugh!!! how did I end up with such a loser.....I'm talking about Leon...
Cecilia : Leon...the new guy...
Maddie : no Leon the janitor
Cecilia : the janitor....
Maddie : kill me now....follow me I'm going to teach her a lesson
Trent : hey ladies...
Paris and rose : hiii
Max : rose how are you
Rose : I'm fine
Trent : yo ...Paris where's....
Paris : in the music room
Trent : okay...hope she doesn't sleep in there
(Max's phone rings)
Max : I'll be back
Paris : sure.....
Max : sure....okay I'll call you later ..bye (hangs up).....
Cecilia : hey max
Max : uh...hi....I'm sorry who are you...
Cecilia : that's not important... uh...your friend ..what's her name... mwiche!!! yeah mwiche... she's looking for you....
Max : looking for me...
Cecilia : she's in the music room... I have to go now ...toodles
Max : who is she...anyway.... let me check on mwiche ..(goes to the music room).....
As soon as max gets into the music room... Maddie locks the door and hands Cecilia a camera....
Cecilia : what do I do with this...
Maddie : I want you to film them...
Cecilia : film everything.....
Maddie : of course not !!....just get the good stuff
Cecilia : okayy....
Maddie :'s almost class time..I have to go...I'll see you at lunch time....
Cecilia : wait I too have to get to class....
Maddie : don't worry I'll talk to your teacher...
Cecilia : okay....
Maddie : don't mess this up...
Cecilia : I won't Maddie
Maddie : good...bye...(walks away)
(Back in the music room )
Mwiche : hey max
Max : hello...what you doing ...
Mwiche : trying to learn how to play the violin
Max : cool ..and how's that going
Mwiche : uuuhh....listen to this.....
Max : okay.....
Mwiche : (starts playing the violin but is a bit rusty)....oh God... I'm so bad at this
Max : it's not that bad....lemme help you out (max gets behind mwiche and holds her hands ...and helps her play)....
Mwiche : ohh wow !!!it's working ..I'm doing it ...I'm actually playing the violin. thanks max...(turns around and hugs max)
Max : ...(hugs her back)...don't.... don't mention it ...
Mwiche breaks the hug ...and max stares at her for a few seconds
Mwiche : * clears her throat *......
Max : uh....I'm sorry....
Mwiche : it's okay...uh...hey we should get going... It's almost 8...
Max : uh...sure...let's go ....
Cecilia : oh they're coming ...I have to get out of here (runs away)
Mwiche : uhh...max....
Max : Sup
Mwiche : did you lock the door
Max : what!! no....let me see....(tries to open the door but fails)
Mwiche : oh no...somebody locked us in ...ahhh...
Max : who'd do such a thing....
Mwiche : I don't know....
Max : let me call trent...
Mwiche : yeah....
Max : ahh...the network in here is bad....
Mwiche : ahhhhhh....
Bell rings
Max : oh boy!!!.....
Mwiche : let's just wait ..maybe someone will show up ...
In the hallway
Paris : where are they...
Rose : mwiche's in the music room...
Trent : but we don't know where max is.....
Paris : let's check the music room
Bradford : GET TO CLASS !!!!
Trent : Bradford... what have I told you about shouting in public....
Bradford : excuse me.....
Trent : huh....nothing....
Rose : come on guys let's get to class....
1 hour later....
In the music room
Mwiche : dude I'm tired of waiting let's start shouting maybe someone might hear us.....
Max : mwiche I don't have that energy....
Mwiche : you're just too lazy...
Max : no I'm not....
Mwiche : yes you are...
Max : Pssssh
Mwiche : *Chuckles*.....hey what time is it now...
Max : 9 : 20 am...
Mwiche : oh God !!! we are soo going for detention....*sighs*
Back in class....
Miss shapen : hey Jackson !!! where's your partner in crime...
Maddie : I haven't seen her or...max anywhere.....
Paris : um...mwiche ....
Trent : mwiche's mom called Bradford and told him that mwiche will join us later on ....and max... has been sent by Mr Beto....
Miss shapen : okay....hope you're not lying to me ....
Trent : why would I lie to you...
Miss shapen : oh I don't know.... because you lie about everything...
Rose : well he's not lying this time...
Back in the music room
Mwiche : what time is it.....
Max : 9 : 40....
Mwiche : oh no we..... (gets interrupted)
Max : mwiche !!! it's the janitor ...
Mwiche : what ...where
Max : over there...come on let's try to get his attention
Mwiche and max rush to the window and start shouting for help....after 10 seconds they finally get the janitor's attention...
Janitor : (opens the door)....oh my God ...what are you kids doing in here
Max : somebody locked us in here....
Mwiche : max !! It's 9 : 50....we have to get to Bradford's class before it's too late
Max : sure...thanks janitor
Janitor : the name's Bruno...
Chemistry class
Miss shapen : okay class is over....
In the Hallway
Trent : where are they!!!!
(Mwiche and max come running )
Mwiche : we...we...oh God let me catch my breath first
Max : we ..we are here....
Paris : where were you.....
Mwiche : the music room....
Paris : and you....
Max : we were together... someone locked us in there
Trent : what!!!!
Mwiche : .....
Rose : wait....max how did you end up in there....
Max : I was .....(gets interrupted by the bell)
Trent : you guys are lucky...because you'd have ended up in detention..
Paris : yup...
Mwiche : that's the last word I want to hear
Rose : come on guys let's go.....
English class....
Bradford : hurry up ...we don't have all day....hello miss detention...
Mwiche : who's he talking to
Trent : *laughs *I think he's talking to you
Bradford : he's right...I am talking to you...
Mwiche : okay....what's with the name....
Bradford : you mean miss detention... you're the queen of detention ....among all the girls in this class you have the highest detention record ...
Paris : *laughs * girl
Maddie : it's true
Mwiche : ooo...kayy....
Bradford : okay that's enough now....uh...Leon get these books and give them out ...I'm going for a meeting so...don't make noise....
Maddie : uh...sir can I be in charge
Bradford : uh....yeah...whatever... (walks out)
Maddie : you heard the man ...I'm in charge so don't mess with me....
Leon gives everyone a book except for mwiche...
Mwiche : uh...Leon you didn't give me a book
Leon : oh ...I'm sorry... didn't see you there
Mwiche : Mmh hmm...
Leon : here you go ....
Mwiche : thank you....
Mwiche : shrek got any pen I can borrow
Trent : nope....
Mwiche : who comes to class with one pen....
Trent : look who's talking...
Mwiche : I'll be back
Trent : where are you going
Mwiche : I'm going to get a pen from my locker ....
Trent : okay....
Mwiche gets up from her seat and starts walking towards the door....
Maddie : where do you think you're going....
(Everybody stares)
Mwiche : I'm going to get a pen from my locker (continues walking)
Maddie : wait....
Mwiche : * sighs*.....yes Maddie....
Maddie : come over here now!!!
Everyone : oooh!!!
Mwiche : you've got to be kidding want me to follow you .wow that's a classic
Trent : *laughs*
Maddie : I'm in charge... you have to do as I say....
Mwiche : in charge my foot....
Maddie : looks like someone's looking for detention...
Mwiche : *sighs*.....
Maddie : come over here or...I tell Bradford
Mwiche : .....Maddie do whatever you Bradford said it I'm the queen of detention soo...I'm not worried at all.....(walks out )
Maddie : ugh!!!.....what are you all looking at...
Everyone : *laughing *
2mins later
Mwiche : I'm back...
(Mwiche takes her seat)
Paris : good job
Mwiche : *Chuckles *
12 : 00 pm
Bell rings
Maddie : okay you can go for lunch now...
Paris : okay...miss bradford ...
Maddie : laugh all you want Paris cause in just a few minutes you'll be crushed .
In the hallway
Maddie : did you do the job
Cecilia : you'll like what's in here ...
Maddie : ooooh let me see....(gets the camera and watches the video).....oooh this ....good job
Cecilia : *grins*
Maddie : now ...I have to show this to Paris
Cecilia : how are you going to do it.....
Maddie : I don't know...ooh I got it...I'll put this card in my phone and send the video to her..
Cecilia : that's a great idea ...
Maddie : I know... let me do it now (gets the card and puts it in her phone and sends the video to Paris)....come let's go and watch some draaama 😈........
A/N : that's it hope you enjoyed it ☺ see you in the next chapter👋 💞
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