Cavern Tunellers A.K.A Snek dragon
Description: Cavern Tunnellers are long, spiky serpentine dragons with red glowing eyes. They lack forelegs and hind-legs, instead relying on their three claw wings to haul themselves around on land. They are covered in three rows of large back facing spines and four small spines that can be raised to archer them into the ground or fired as projectiles. They have two sets of frills that protect their neck and chest, will assist in allowing them to lodge themselves into tunnels. Their jaws are very powerful with rows upon rows of rock-breaking teeth. Their hide is rock hard and resistant to electricity. They have very muscular and thick tails. They are practically heat-proof on the outside and the inside.
Abilities: Can quickly burrow through rock to form large complex tunnels using their jaws, can either fire out rings of fire or strong blasts of fire. They have pit on the rim of their snout that detects infra-red light. They can detect vibrations from a few kilometres away. They can break down tough rocks and spit out the remains as projectiles. Resistance to fire. Can fire their sharp scales from their bodies.
Weaknesses: Cavern Tunnellers sensitive to light, only coming out during the less sunny times of the day and night, they can get dizzy, painful migraines or disorientation from too much light exposure. Their spines are brittle and often break in fights with other tribes. While their hides are resilient to electricity, they are vulnerable to it if there is a breakage in their hide. They jaws have also been known to get cramps which greatly hampers their ability to make tunnels, hunt and defend themselves. Due to their sensitivity to vibration and noise, a Cavern Tunneller can get overwhelmed by very loud noises which causes an overload in stimulate which forces the serpentines to the surface.
Diet: Cavern Tunnellers dine on the minerals in rocks which they use in their hide, fangs and spikes. They are ambush predators, hiding in areas of interest waiting for something to stumble by and trigger their senses at which point they pounce. They have been known to catch Skwings, Mudwings, Camo-Assassins and Death Serpent who accidentally stumbled into their traps, though they leave certain tribes alone like Sandwings, Triple-Slashers and Thuderhorns due to their venom and poison. They have been know to feed on lava and magma from active volcanos.
Social Structure: They form large interweaved cavern systems for the cete that contains all Cavern Tunnellers that reside on the mountain in question, which is led by a dragon chosen by the group. This leader is always larger and stronger than the average tunneller and bone-white with red markings. Cavern Tunnellers very territorial often butting heads with their rivals (depending on the continent that they reside on); Cavern Guards, Stonewings, Camo-Assassins, Wed-Spinners and Rock-Wreckers. They had been known to work with Triple-Slasher and Thunderhorns in protecting their caverns, eggs and dragonets, while allowing the poisonous dragons to live in the tunnels. When a leader passes away, the second choice or a new candidate is chosen to be the leader which makes them transform into the new leader. In the cete, rank is based on age and merit with dragonets being ranked alongside their parents.
Lifecycle: Cavern Guards start off as eggs that take almost 2 years to hatch and requires thermal heat to incubate them. When the dragonet hatches, they have weak jaws and fangs and require help from the adults. During their first 8 months, the dragonets feed on the hide of their elders to built up their scales, hide and fangs while also working on their jaws muscles. After their first 3 months the dragonets are ready to start learning skills that will help them in the future. After the age of 10, Cavern Tunnellers reach maturity at which point they will be either leave to other cetes or start taking roles in the group and potentially sire dragonets.
Relations with other tribes: Prior to the formation of the Grim, Pyrrhian Cavern Tunnellers weren't allies with many dragons tribes being territorial and more likely to eat dragons then work with them. They were known for allying with Triple-Slasher, Thunderhorns and Rainwings who reside in the mountains, primarily due to not wanting to deal with the dangerous dragons (Triples and Thunderhorns due to their poison and electricity and Rainwings due to their venom). They had been known to attack Cavern Guard flocks when they had an advantage in numbers as Cavern Tunnellers fear the Cavern Guard's ability to absolutely tear them apart. They also have a fear that still persists to today over Brain-Hunters, due to their ability to get close to them without detection and paralysing them before ripping their heads off. Cavern Tunnellers also have a special hatred for Camo-Assassins and Death Serpents, due to them preying on their dragonets and eggs.
Pantalan Cavern Tunnellers were known to prey on Beetlewings that chose to live in the mountains of Pantala and Hivewings. They have been known to compete with Silk-Spinner over the tunnels and caverns, leading to bloodshed from both sides. Cavern Tunnellers were on bad terms with Amber-Casters due to their relations with Silk-Spinners which led to the Amber-Casters assisting their silk spinning relatives.
Doom Isle Cavern Tunnellers were the most battle worn of the Tunnellers. Having to evade the numerous predators that hunted them which included were: World-Enders, Rockfall Wolves and Doom Snakes. They had to compete for food with Rock-Wreckers, Lavascales and Blastscale Cavern Guards, while fighting for space with them, Thunderstorm Wind-Riders and Doomsday Tarwings.
Vernican Cavern Tunnellers were allies with Vernican Thunderhorns, Boomscales (Through their relations with Thunderhorns), Nekas (They once hunted Nekas due to their hatred of the vaporous dragons ability to create nightmares, but due to the Thunderhorn's alliance with the tribe, they are protected), Wind-Riders(Due to the way the two tribes live they are able to cohabit without fighting for resources leading to peaceful relations), Trick-Eyes (same with Nekas except illusional tricks). They had been known to prey upon Osprey-talons. They do currently hunt Fox-Tails, Tarwings and Pinewings.
Sub-classes: There are four sub-classes of Cavern Tunnellers, they are separated by the continent here they are native to. These sub-classes are Pyrrhian Cavern Tunnellers, Vernican Cavern Tunnellers, Pantalan Cavern Tunnellers and Doom Isle Cavern Tunnellers. Pyrrhian Cavern Tunnellers are the most numerous and famous of the four and as the name suggests are native to Pyrrhia. Doom Isle Cavern Tunnellers are the oldest group of Tunnellers with both Pantalan and Vernican Cavern Tunnellers being the newer groups.
Pyrrhian Cavern Tunnellers are by far the smallest of the four with one of the stronger bites and fire breath and habit the Cloud Mountains, Jade Mountain and Agate Mountain range with their current base of leadership being in the Jade Mountains.
Vernican Cavern Tunnellers are generally weaker fire breath wise but are longer, faster and are better able to handle light, due to the bioluminescence moss and more sunlight on the continent compared to other Tunnellers.
Pantalan Cavern Guards are by far the least aggressive of the Tunnellers, they have been known to simply sabotage their rival tribe's tunnels while trying to block theirs from the access of others. They have been known to be the least canivorous of the groups having their diet being solely rock based.
Doom Isle Cavern Guards are by far the largest and the most aggressive with by far the hottest fire breath (Blue fire), so individuals have learnt to control the explosive slime that makes up their homes for explosive results. They have been known to lay death traps for their rivals and without except build highly complex tunnels in the hardest of rocks as a form of defence against the apex; Doom Snakes and World-Enders.
Sister Tribes: Cavern Tunnellers are by far one of the most peculiar tribes when it comes to family relations since they originate from The Isles of Doom, it is safe to assume that they are related to one of the residents of the isles, but due to the extreme similarities between most of the tribes. It is possible that they are related to Rock-Wreckers as they are the only tribe other than Doom Snakes (But they don't have any signs of ever having wings and are more primitive snakes) or World-Enders (But they are related to Brain-Hunters, Death Serpents, Nekas, Trick-Eyes and Razor-Claws).
History: Cavern Tunnellers originated from the Isles of Doom, where they were in heavy competition with other tribes. Life in the Isles wasn't ideal and extremely harsh for the serpentine dragons which lead many to migrate. By using rafting, these Tunnellers were able to spread to Pyrrhia where the lack of competition, but more dangerous competitors made them to adapt, they became smaller as to reduce the amount of energy they need, reduce their territories as to avoid Cavern Guards as much as possible and develop stronger jaws so that they could have a better chance at fighting Cavern Guards.
After a few thousand years , The Doom Isles were hit with severe storms that blew from Pyrrhia. Said storms brought dragons and other critters from Pyrrhia including Cavern Guards who, due to their metallic hide and very powerful claws and jaws and dangerous horns were able to compete with the other tribes of the Doom Isles, much better than the other newcomers. Due to this added pressure, more Cavern Tunnellers started rafted to other continents, where they were blown to Vernica. These Cavern Tunnellers had the advantage of only having to really deal with Osprey-Talons (who can't compete with Tunnellers), Stonewings (who were easier to deal with than Cavern Guards) and Boomscales (who they joined forces with).
Some of these migrants also reached Pantala where they were forced to be confined to the Mountains or areas of rock formations, often competing with Silk-Spinners and Beetlewings who had only recently colonised the continent. The Othermind left the Tunnellers alone due to their biology working against the plant' s needs.
During the Reckoning, Pyrrhia was struck with severe earthquakes which were followed up by attacks by scavenger, which lead Tunnellers to further unify and strike back, using their tunnels to protect themselves from the apes, while also supporting other tribes hiding out, which allowed them to form to pack with the fuzzy lightning dragons and Cavern Guards.
Meanwhile, the Doom Isles were swept into the clutches of the Doom-Snake lords and World-Ender King who fought for control over the islands. The Tunnellers hid while the apexes fought earning the title of cowards. Before long though, the World-Ender King was killed and the Doom-Snakes claimed the land.
Now to the beginning of the Scorching, sensing the threat of the scavengers. The Queen of the Pyrrhian Cavern Tunnellers; Obelisk, joined forces with the strongest Cavern Guard leader; Obsidian and the most influential Triple-Slasher; Crimson-Slasher, to form the Grim. Putting aside their differences with the other tribes, the Grim was formed with the Cavern Tunnellers given the duty of expanding the Grim's tunnels and worked to undermine scavenger supplies routes and weapons bases to their ability to create sinkholes.
After years of hard-fought bloodshed and slaughter, the dragons eliminated the Scavenger threat. After the Scorching, seven tribes chose autonome which were the Skywing, Seawing, Rainwing, Nightwing, Icewing, Sandwing & Mudwing. The Grim then moved underground, preferring the caverns that the Tunnellers made.
During that time, several Grim dragons followed clues from the Tunnellers to the Isles of Doom, where they met the Doom Isle Dragons. Being curious about these new dragons, some of which looked remarkably like them. The Blastscale formed a pack and alliance with the Grim which made a cete of Doom Isle Cavern Tunnellers follow suit as to avoid the Cavern Guards from having a larger advantage than they already have, which led to them joining the Grim, which convinced two other cetes to joined.
Once the Isles had been discovered by the Grim, they followed other clues to reach Vernica and Pantala.
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