Chapter 50: The Sky Arcobaleno
(O.D.D.- Ahaha, let's have some brotherly bonding...sort of...yeah...ahahaha...bluuuuh...._(XD 」∠)_)
"The f**k? These are for me?"
Hiro looked at the brass knuckles he had in his hand. He brought his gaze up to Tsuna, uncertainty flickering across his face as he studied the younger. The darker-haired brunet sighed, crossing his legs on his bed as he looked closer at the brass knuckles.
"Well...alright then. Does this mean I get to join in on your he**ish training?"
Tsuna laughed nervously, taking a seat by his brother, making sure to keep a reasonable distance to give the other some space but close enough to look like he wasn't trying to avoid him or anything.
"Maa, I'm not sure. But...perhaps we can spar each other, hm?"
Hiro seemed uncomfortable at the offer. Before he sighed tiredly.
Tsuna smiled amusedly at the other.
"Haha! You're acting like an old man all of a sudden. No energy for being a brat, eh?"
Hiro scowled darkly at the other reaching over to pinch a cheek.
"You're being the brat. Plus...when I was pretending to be a brat, I cringed at my own actions. D**n, how could any of you stand that? I couldn't even stand myself."
Tsuna whined childishly as his cheek was pinched.
"Ah dunno, yuh looked fuahny." (I dunno, you looked funny.)
Hiro felt a tick mark on his head before he released the other's cheek. He sighed, mumbling under his breath before speaking up.
"Don't you have mafia boss stuff to do?"
"Ah...right." Tsuna tilted his head thoughtfully. "I need to visit a certain person for a test." The shorter brunet looked worriedly at the other. "About becoming Decim--"
"I actually don't care for that sh**," Hiro said airily, waving a hand dismissively. "You can take the title for all I care...but," The taller brunet looked at Tsuna sternly. "From here on out, you aren't doing anything by yourself...unless it's truly necessary."
Tsuna blinked in surprise, a smile curving at his lips.
"Thanks, Nii-san."
Hiro widened his eyes at the name and huffed, turning his gaze away for a moment. It wasn't like it was the first time the younger said it...but it was new...and foreign. Tsuna laughed mentally when he caught sight of an embarrassed blush on his twin's cheeks. The Decimo hummed softly before speaking up first.
"Hey...even though you don't want to be Decimo and all...would you still be a part of Vongola with me?"
Hiro swiveled his head to look at Tsuna, gaze calculating. The Decimo blinked in mild surprise at the sharp, brown eyes that were being directed at him. Tsuna thought idly at what a vast contrast that expression was to the wild, angry looks he had given the shorter brunet when they first met.
'Are Hiro-kun's acting skills that good?'
The shorter brunet was brought out of his thoughts when Hiro sighed deeply.
"I'd only join the mafia to take care of your sorry a**."
Tsuna blinked. Slowly, a smile formed on his lips. His sigh became a chuckle, which soon tumbled out into a laugh, which caused Hiro to look at the other with annoyance and exasperation.
Tsuna shook his head, tears at the corners of his eyes as his laughter dissolved to coughs. Hiro grew more annoyed at his twin.
"What?" He hissed. "I swear if you don't--"
"Aw, Nii-san, you're being so cute--blargh."
Tsun had received a pillow to the face. But this made Tsuna laugh harder, which caused Hiro to blush and whack the brunet with his choice of weapon: his pillow. After getting a few hits in, Tsuna stopped laughing, merely chuckling breathlessly while Hiro scowled off to the side.
"That's it, I'm leaving your a** behind if we ever get in trouble."
"C'mon, Nii-san. Don't be like that."
Hiro rolled his eyes and got up from his bed, shoving his brass knuckles into his pocket.
"I'm gonna go down stairs...and help Kaa-san. Whatever you're doing out there...make sure you return home soon when you're done, alright? Like by 1:00 or something so you can eat lunch. Text if you'll be late."
Tsuna smiled and nodded.
"Gotcha. But, uh...I don't have your phone number?"
Hiro rolled his eyes and quickly recited his phone number, which Tsuna added to his list of contacts immediately. After that, Hiro yawned and headed out of his room. Once the other was gone, Tsuna took the time to observe his brother's room. It was surprisingly clean--not too clean since a few clothes were here and there. The walls were a dark blue color and the curtains by the window were a plain white. The room was pretty much empty...lonely...
Tsuna blinked at the perspective he had as he sat on his brother's bed.
' is this how he felt for the past years before I came into this world?'
The brunet shut his eyes. He was at peace for a moment before he felt a familiar presence at Hiro's window. Tsuna sighed, keeping his eyes shut for a while longer.
"Time to go, Reborn?"
Tsuna felt a weight on his head and cracked his eyes open slightly. Reborn lightly smacked the other's forehead.
"Yep. Let's go, Baka-Tsuna."
Tsuna was amused at how Aria decided to test his patience. The best way to do that was to leave him with two of his most volatile Guardians, but being the 'slave' to her and the girls while shopping was fine.
The brunet paused when he felt a few auras following him and his current group--Aria, Haru and Kyoko. He swiveled his head behind himself, frowning slightly.
'Hmm...those flames aren't very strong--not like the mafioso I had to take down when they tried to assassinate Aria-san...' Tsuna blinked as he turned his gaze back to the chattering group of girls in front of him, adjusting the plastic and paper bags he was holding for them. 'Well...nothing I can't handle I suppose...'
"Ah! How about we buy some sweets over there?"
Tsuna chuckled amusedly at Aria's next attempt to annoy him with carrying more things.
'Welp, here we go...'
(O.D.D.- I am unsure if this next fight scene will be too violent...but...I'm just warning y'all... ( ^ - ^ ))
Well turns out...that the weaker set of flames...was the yakuza group and other members that Tsuna had and hadn't beaten up. The brunet tensed as he glanced over his shoulder to see shadows lurking in the streets behind him. Tsuna sighed softly and caught up with Aria and the girls, murmuring under his breath.
"Hey...we have a few tails..."
Aria's smile nearly faded for a moment before she continued to smile. The same went for Kyoko and Haru, but they continued to act oblivious. Aria then clapped her hands, giggling softly as she raised her voice slightly.
"Ah! We should stop for lunch. How about that cafe over there? And Tsunayoshi-kun, would you be a dear and take care of an errand for me?"
Tsuna smiled amusedly at how she phrased her words.
"Of course."
Kyoko and Haru silently asked with their eyes if he needed assistance. Even though his Hyper Intuition prickled, the Decimo shook his head. Tsuna watched the group of girls safely enter a nearby cafe before setting the packages and bags on the side.
" guys here to get your a**es kicked again?"
There was a growl as Tsuna turned, straightening himself to assess the men that were dashing out of the allies. Tsuna heard a bunch of random citizens yelping and screaming as they went into nearby shops and restaurants, but he ignored them in favor of keeping gaze focused on the group in front of him. The Decimo chuckled, stuffing one hand into his pocket as he inclined his head.
"Attacking so openly too? I bet the police are around the corner somewhere."
The yakuza leader--his nose is busted, Tsuna noted with slight satisfaction--sneered at the brunet teen.
"Well...they won't be interfering if we...tipped them off."
Tsuna scoffed softly, running a hand through his hair as he squinted one orange eye at the group of men.
'Bribery, huh?' "I see...but what makes you think you'll win this time? Because you have more numbers?"
The leader scowled at Tsuna before motioning to his subordinates to attack Tsuna. Guns and knives were pulled out into the open as the men charged at the brunet. Tsuna hummed under his breath, shifting his weight to one foot as he casually lifted his right one in the air.
He hopped into the air and kicked a knife out of one man's hand, which flew and stabbed itself into the thigh of another yakuza man. Tsuna didn't even falter at the squeal of pain that reached his ears as he quickly took care of the knifeless man, shoving his fist into a stomach before uppercutting the man.
Tsuna whirled around to backhand a gun that was aimed at him, sending it clattering into a stone wall. The brunet's eyes flashed as he slammed both palms into the man's sternum, hearing something crack. Before the man could fall back, the Decimo grabbed the front of his clothes and threw him into a trio of charging men.
Tsuna spun around slowly, checking his surroundings, smirking when he saw how the men were edging around him cautiously instead of charging in recklessly. The brunet lifted a leg up, hands twisting in the air like a dragon as he posed.
'Sorry, I'll have to borrow your fighting style, Fon-san.' "C'mon, now. We've only started, haven't we?"
Tsuna rolled his eyes mentally at how easily the yakuza took the bait, charging at him once more. The brunet lashed out with his one arm, fingers curling and biting sharply into a throat. The Decimo narrowed his gaze as he squeezed warningly before shoving the yakuza back into another. The brunet lashed out with his foot to the approaching men behind him, aiming for their knees.
He heard cracks and snaps, but he ignored this as he ducked down to avoid a few bullets. Tsuna placed his hands onto the ground and performed a windmill kick, knocking the surrounding men down onto their butts. The brunet then stood upright, fingers curled as he lashed out again.
Tsuna continued the process of disabling and dodging the yakuza. The brunet was still a little concerned when his Hyper Intuition continued to bug him. As he smashed a man's face in, he looked to the side and took note of how the yakuza boss was smirking at him. Tsuna frowned as he swiveled his gaze around a bit, letting out a sigh as he finally stood in place.
(O.D.D.- Dragon Style Kung-Fu focuses on the use of claw-hands, low-aimed kicks, and breathing. Breathing is important because it helps to calm the fighter and clear their mind in the middle of battle. (。・ω・。))
Tsuna then straightened up, snapping his gaze to the side when he caught sight of a different group of men dressed in suits, looking strikingly Italian. The brunet tensed when he caught sight of a bright, red button in one of the their hands. The yakuza boss seemed to notice his gaze on the group of mafioso and grinned darkly at Tsuna.
"Heh, we made a deal with those Italians. They help us get revenge against you...and we help them kill that lady you sent into the cafe!"
Tsuna narrowed his gaze as he dashed past the ring of yakuza surrounding him to go towards the Italian men.
"Not going to happen."
One of the mafioso noticed Tsuna and held the red button up.
"Move and the entire line of buildings blow up, Decimo!"
Tsuna widened his eyes and screeched to a halt. His Hyper Intuition alerting him that it was no lie and that it would be too risky to just snatch the remote away. The Decimo gritted his teeth when the mafioso in front of him smirked.
"Hah! This kid's gonna be the next leader of Vongola!? He's so weak and merciful. He'll definitely be the downfall of Vongola!"
Tsuna kept a cool expression, feeling his Sky flames lick across his fingers for a brief second. He felt his stomach drop when he saw the remote drop from the man's hand, the mafioso sneering gleefully.
'No! I won't be able t--'
The button hit the ground, and Tsuna braced himself for the explosions.
But they never came.
" you b*****ds are still lurking about. I thought Tsuna would've scared you all off or the police found and captured your mangly a**es."
Tsuna turned his head and widened his eyes. Standing before everyone was a certain dark-haired brunet in a dark blue hoodie, black jeans and blue converse; he was holding up a bunch of bombs by their torn wires.
Hiro whacked Tsuna on the head once he got close enough, dropping the disabled bombs onto the side.
"Idiot. What did I tell you about contacting me if you were late?"
Tsuna pouted as he rubbed his head, glancing down to pull out his phone to see that it was around 1:30 at the moment. The brunet smiled amusedly and turned to look at the elder twin.
" did you know about the bombs?"
Hiro shrugged, a frown marring his features.
"My head kept on nagging me. The headaches lessened when I found the bombs."
Tsuna blinked and smacked himself in the head mentally.
'Of course. Hyper Intuition. Though...I didn't think Hiro had it...'
Hiro sighed before he shoved a hand into his pocket, bringing out his brass knuckles and slipping them on. He then squinted his eyes at the mafioso before him.
"Hm? Hey, you sh**s aren't part of the yakuza are you? D**n it, mafioso?" The amused glow in Tsuna's eyes was all Hiro needed for confirmation. "F**k, I don't want to deal with this right now. Kaa-san's a bit worried."
Hiro clenched his hands into fists as he spun on his heel, heading towards to the yakuza instead.
"Tsuna, you'll take care of the mafioso, right?"
"Uh, yeah, but--"
"Don't worry," Hiro scoffed. "I'm not gonna let these yakuza beat me up." He narrowed his brown eyes. "Not this time."
Tsuna took some reassurance at that and turned to face the mafioso before him. Meanwhile, Hiro walked up casually to the yakuza boss, who was laughing in the older brunet's face.
"You? You're gonna defeat us? You, our little punching ba--!?"
Hiro grabbed the front of the yakuza boss's suit and smashed a fist into his face. Oh, brass knuckles, meet already broken nose. Already broken nose, meet brass knuckles.
The future CEDEF boss--although he didn't know that--sneered darkly at the yakuza boss that was howling pain on the ground, raising his fist up.
"Heh, don't get so cocky. What I did was for my family, even though they're bunch of weak a**es sometimes." He lifted his gaze to look at the other yakuza. "In other words...."
Hiro shook his hand out slightly, flicking some blood off of his brass knuckles as he grinned darkly.
"I hope you've kissed your a**es goodbye," He darted forward, fist cocked back. "'Cuz they'll be flying away pretty soon."
On the other side of the empty street, Tsuna was quickly taking down the mafioso. He glanced over his shoulder from time to time to check up on Hiro's progress. He was relieved to see that the numbers of the yakuza were diminishing. Perhaps, when Tsuna was finished with the mafioso, he would go and help out Hiro.
Hiro tossed a man over his shoulder before lashing a foot behind himself into another's gut. His fighting style was raw and simply random, Tsuna noted, but it was still very powerful and deadly. Hiro had this constant glare on his face as he dealt heavy blows to the yakuza around him.
'Huh...I probably should've done this once I learned how to fight...'
Hiro stiffened when he heard a click of a gun being cocked. He had just finished throwing another guy over his shoulder before he turned his gaze to the sound.
The tall brunet felt a wry smirk twitch at his lips when he found the yakuza boss aiming a pistol at him.
" gonna shoot me? Hah, perhaps this is Karma coming back to get me?"
The boss snarled when he didn't see any fear within Hiro's eyes. But then the yakuza caught sight of something and he smirked, causing Hiro's smirk to slip slightly.
"Since your own death won't make you suffer, how about your brother's?"
Hiro felt ice flow through his veins at once when he heard the sound. He was turning before the gun had actually gone off when his head was nagging at him.
Tsuna blinked as he finished punching a mafioso into a wall. The way Tsuna was turning made Hiro curse.
'F**k, how long does it take for a person to turn around!?' Hiro dashed forwards. 'I won't be able t--no! I will f**king make it!'
There was a flash of red and orange.
Tsuna fell backwards--tackled to the ground by Hiro. The taller felt his lungs burning from adrenaline and panic as he quickly pushed himself up, going over to Tsuna.
"Tsuna? Tsunayoshi?"
He was about to shake the other, but he froze when he saw the red on Tsuna's chest. Hiro's hand trembled when he saw that it was right where Tsuna's heart should be.
"Ts...una?" Hiro finally grasped the younger's shoulders, shaking him. "No, no, no, no, no...! You can't f**king do this to me...!" 'I didn't get here in time!'
"Haha! Looks like you failed at protecting your family after all!" The yakuza boss crowed.
Hiro gritted his teeth, ignoring the sound of approaching feet. He let his head thump down lightly onto Tsuna's chest.
Hiro blinked, eyes widening with surprise. He felt no pain...and he wasn't the one who yelped in pain, so...
Hiro jerked his head up to look behind him, seeing the yakuza sprawled on his back, twitching as he gripped his smoking hand.
Wait...smoking? Geez, it was burned. But how...?
Hiro saw movement out of the corner of his eye and saw Tsuna...sit up.
"Tsuna? How di--?"
Tsuna was smiling gleefully, raising a hand up to show...a ketchup packet. Hiro's face became carefully blank as he watched Tsuna bite his lip, the younger trying to hold back laughter.
Hiro let go of Tsuna's shoulders and cocked a fist back, which was still adorned with the brass knuckles.
"YOU." Hiro swung his fist. "A**!"
Tsuna laughed as he ducked his head to the side, eyes glowing brightly, dodging the attack.
"Hey~you called me 'Otouto'!"
"Hoho, you won't be 'Otouto' much longer. You'll soon be recognized as the pile of sh** that some dog owner didn't even care to pick up!"
Tsuna laughed again.
"Harsh, Nii-san."
"Argh, you brat--!"
Hiro whipped his head around and glared at the yakuza.
"Shut the he** up."
The man and the other still conscious men gulped as Hiro stood up, a dark aura surrounding him as he sneered at them.
Aria was giggling on the side as Hiro continued to give noogies to Tsuna, who was laughing and trying to get out of the older brunet's arm lock--although there was no real energy behind the Decimo's attempts to escape.
"Aw, hey, it was just a prank, Nii-san."
Hiro glowered darkly at Tsuna, ceasing his attack for a moment.
"We'll see who's laughing now when I snap your," He saw that there were a few girls in front of him. "Freakin' neck, you idiot."
Tsuna merely chuckled. Kyoko and Haru smiled at this, carrying their respective bags as Aria finally stepped forward, raising her hands placatingly.
"Now, now, Takahiro-kun. Before you kill Tsunayoshi-kun, I need to give him my 'key'."
Hiro glanced contemplatively at Aria before sighing, releasing Tsuna as he walked off to the side, leaning against a brick wall. His brass knuckles had been taken off a while ago, cleaned of blood when the taller brunet had whipped it on some of the yakuza's clothes. Tsuna had to replace a few memories with his Mist flames with the citizens that had been present for the fight. All in all, everything turned out okay.
Tsuna watched as an orange beam connected with his ring from the Sky pacifier. He smiled and bowed politely at Aria.
"Thank you, Aria-san."
She merely giggled and ruffled his hair.
"No, thank you," She turned to look at Hiro too. "And you too, Takahiro-kun, for saving me."
Hiro blinked in surprise before shrugging. He said nothing as he waited for Tsuna to say his goodbyes.
Nana had scolded Tsuna for making her worried before serving lunch. Lunch was normal...with the occasional, fake threats from Lambo, I-pin's playful shouts and Reborn deflecting the cow-child's bullets away safely.
The rest of the day had passed by peacefully. No other disturbances came to the Sawada household.
And Hiro was only slightly pleased at the fact that the yakuza gang and the mafioso were arrested.
Tsuna laid down thoughtfully in his bed, staring up at his ceiling. He recalled the brief flash of orange and red light when Hiro had saved him.
Slowly, a smile made it's way to Tsuna'a lips as he closed his eyes, sighing deeply as sleep came to him.
'....Sky and Storm flames, eh?'
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