Chapter 30: Battle of the Sky Pt. 3
"Argento Nuvola Formazione." (Silver Cloud Formation.)
Tsuna narrowed his eyes as he created ten orbs of Cloud flames; they circled him at a slow pace.
The brunet then took a unique martial arts stance in midair; his eyes were focused on Xanxus.
"Impennata Allodola." (Soaring Skylark.)
Tsuna suddenly disappeared, along with the orbs of fire.
Xanxus whipped his head around before he felt his back get hit by something.
The ravenet spun around and found that Tsuna had kneed him in the back; he glared at the brunet as the other grinned.
"You're gonna have to up your speed a bit, Xanxus-san~!"
Xanxus growled before shooting the tower that was in the Lightning Guardians' direction.
<<(With Lambo)>>
"Oh, cr**!"
Lambo rolled out of the way to avoid getting crushed by the tower; he sat up and shook a fist in Xanxus's direction.
"Watch where you're shooting that thing, Baka!"
Levi grabbed the ring on the ground and injected it into his watch; he then stood up and took out one of his parabolas.
Lambo yawned lazily as he darted over to Levi and took the ring out of his surprised grasp; the cow-child injected it into his watch.
"That's better. Honestly, I can still move around, but the poison makes my body feel stiff."
Lambo smirked as he turned to look at Levi.
"I'm gonna beat you up now for insulting my Tsuna-nii~!"
Levi took an instinctive step back.
<<(With Takeshi)>>
Takeshi sat up and stretched while waving happily towards the scowling skylark.
Kyoya destroyed the tower and tossed the ring towards Takeshi; the skylark then walked a away from them, yawning into his hand.
"I'm going to take a nap." (Tell someone to wake me up when it's all over.)
Takeshi sweatdropped slightly before injecting the ring into his watch; he then walked over to Squalo and did the same.
The silveret was surprisingly calm; he was glaring at one spot at the wall before standing.
"...Thanks kid."
Takeshi blinked his eyes in surprise.
'...Squalo-san is serious about something. He must be thinking about Xanxus-san.'
The silveret suddenly dashed out of the building, leaving Takeshi behind.
The ravenet sighed before following the other out; he murmured softly.
"You don't need to worry, Squalo-san. Tsuna can take care of Xanxus-san."
<<(With Tsuna)>>
"Nuvola di Plume." (Cloud of Feathers.)
Tsuna aimed his palms at Xanxus; glowing, purple feathers came rushing in the raven's direction.
It hit the man dead-on, causing Xanxus to crash into the ground below.
Tsuna switched back to his Sky flames and waited for Xanxus to step out of the cloud of dust; he chuckled mentally.
'Xanxus-san must be royally pissed by now~!'
Sure enough, a bullet of flames came rushing at Tsuna's head, but the brunet easily dodged by tilting his head slightly.
Xanxus stepped out; his scars were slowly starting to expand.
'Yep. He's pissed.'
Xanxus raised his guns and aimed them at Tsuna.
"Colpo d'Addio!" (Parting Shot!)
Tsuna crossed his arms in front of his face and took the blow head-on; he broke through the attack, lowering his arms to look at Xanxus.
"Ehehe~you mad, bro?"
Xanxus growled lowly as he propelled himself off of the ground to meet Tsuna in the air once more.
<<(With Ryohei)>>
...Ryohei was already up and about; Takeshi sweatdropped.
"Ryohei...did you forget about the plan?" 'He only does this when the situation isn't serious, which is understandable, since we're against the Varia--good old buddies.'
Ryohei grinned and pumped his fists into the air.
"Yes to the EXTREME! What are we doing to the EXTREME!?"
Takeshi sighed before chuckling; Ryohei had already cured Lussuria--but it was apparent that the silveret sparred the other and knocked the man out.
"Haha! Let's just go. Tsuna's still fighting with Xanxus-san."
"Okay to the EXTREME!"
<<(With Chrome and Mukuro)>>
"Ah. It looks like the brainless boxer has messed up the plan again. Let's just go then. Kufufu~!"
The two easily sat up, surprising Mammon, before knocking the tower down; they grabbed the ring, injecting it into their watches before walking over to Viper.
Mukuro chuckled as he injected the ring into Mammon's watch.
"There will be no need for pay, Arcobaleno. I am simply following an order from my little Sky."
Mammon was stunned as he sat up.
"Why...would you follow that boy? He seems weak--"
"'Weak'?" Preposterous."
Mukuro chuckled once more, placing a hand on Chrome's shoulder; the girl was about to cast illusions at Viper for calling Tsuna weak.
"Sawada Tsunayoshi is the most strongest and caring Sky that I have ever met, Arcobaleno."
<<(With Tsuna)>>
"Zero-point Breakthrough:" Tsuna's gloves switched to Primo's. "First Edition."
Xanxus widened his eyes as he saw ice coat his hands.
"You trash..."
Tsuna landed on the ground in front of Xanxus; he was still in HDW mode because he knew the fight was far from over.
Xanxus growled before smashing his hands onto his legs, not caring of the blood that was starting to stain his pants.
The ice was gone and the ravenet activated his Flames of Wrath once more.
"You f****** trash!"
Xanxus had lost his guns a while ago, so he aimed a Sky flame-infused punch at Tsuna.
Tsuna caught the punch and stared into Xanxus's eyes.
"...You're lucky."
Xanxus blinked his eyes in surprise as Tsuna continued to talk.
"You have a father," the ravenet glared at Tsuna. "That has never left your side."
Xanxus blinked in confusion, but he kept his mouth shut and made no move to hit the other.
Tsuna smiled.
"I've been lied to my father too, but he was never there for me, ya' know?"
The brunet sighed, letting the other's hand go.
"You're very lucky to have Nono-san by your side. I didn't really have a father from the moment I was born--but," Tsuna smiled slightly. "I'm giving that blonde idiot a second chance."
Xanxus snapped out his slight daze and scowled at Tsuna.
"Are you telling me to give that f****** old man a second chance?!"
The bluntness of Tsuna's answer made the ravenet bite back on his next retort.
Tsuna got out of HDW mode, but his eyes were still a sunset-orange; an effect that Tsuna found out later on after going into HDW mode so many times.
Suddenly, Xanxus punched at Tsuna's face.
This time, Tsuna took it in directly, and he was sent across the ground.
The brunet sat up, rubbing his chin, grinning slightly.
"Feeling better?"
Xanxus, instead of growling and glaring, simply looked at Tsuna before sighing softly.
Tsuna widened his eyes with disbelief as he saw the Varia leader suddenly fall forwards; the brunet noticed the many henchmen behind the ravenet.
'A mutiny!?'
The Varia men--not the main group with Squalo and the others--were laughing at Xanxus.
"Ha! He's so weak! We should've done this from the start!"
"Let's kill the other b*******!"
Tsuna slowly made his over to Xanxus and gently flipped the other over; the brunet grit his teeth when he saw the bleeding wound.
'So much blood...luckily, the bullet went clean through--I can just close the wound.'
Tsuna pushed his Sun flames to the max as he sealed the wound in an instant; the bullet hole was nothing but a circle of scar tissue.
Tsuna then turned to the group of men.
"You're all dead."
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