Chapter 7 - He Thinks I'm Annoying
Here is a pic of Kai's living room ^^
Kai's POV
Ding dong! The doorbell sounds. Raziel's eyebrows knit together. "It's the doorbell, it lets me know that someone is at the door. Oooh it's probably your clothes!" I clap my hands excitedly and squeal.
Raziel hovers behind me as I open the door and sign for the giant boxes. Once all the boxes are taken to the living room, I excitedly start opening them. "Razzy! How about we do a New York Fashion Week type thing?"
"Sure," Raziel agrees with a shrug and I squeal. His eyebrows wrinkle in confusion. "Please explain though."
"A fashion show! Basically you will try on all of these clothes!!" I shriek and Raziel covers his ears.
His eyes widen as he looks at the boxes upon boxes of stuff that were delivered. "By the angels, you want me to try on everything in those boxes!"
I nod enthusiastically at him and his mouth hangs open. "No." He crosses his arms and glares at me.
I pout at him. "Please, pretty please!" I bat my eyelashes at him and clasp my hands together, bringing them up under my chin. For good measure, I stick my bottom lip out a little.
He groans and rubs his temples. "Ok, fine." He sighs. "What must I try first?"
I squeal, clapping my hands together and Raziel covers his ears again.
I frown. I know my voice comes out high pitched when I'm excited but it can't be that bad. "Why do you do that?" I asked Raziel as he rifles through one of the boxes.
He holds up a shirt and smiles. It's a grey long sleeved shirt with a little angel peeking out from the pocket on the front of the shirt. "Do what?" He shifts his curious gaze towards me.
"Cover your ears sometimes when I get excited," I state. Does he think I'm that annoying? Annoying enough to want to block me out?
"Oh," Raziel says and returns his gaze to the shirt. "I like this one! I didn't see when you added it yesterday."
"Yeah, I ordered a few extra things that I thought were cute or that I thought would look good on you. But you didn't answer my question." I fiddle with my fingers. He definitely isn't answering because he thinks I'm annoying and doesn't want to hurt my feelings.
I feel my tears brimming. I just got so excited to have someone to talk to, maybe I got carried away. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be annoying," I mumble. I know I can be a lot sometimes and people over the years have always described me as annoying and clingy.
Maybe it's better if he doesn't answer; hearing that I'm annoying from an angel will crush me. "You don't have to say anything, I understand." I move to one of the boxes a little further away from him and look through it, trying to suppress my impending tears.
"Kai, look at me," Raziel says, his voice as gentle as a summer breeze.
I tentatively lift my head to find him staring at me. "When you first started talking to my star, yes, I thought you were annoying. Your voice would just randomly sound in my ear and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't ignore you."
My heart clenches at those words and I furiously rub my eyes to stop the tears from falling.
"But I also learnt a lot about you and sometimes you would even make me laugh. From the moment I met you, I was intrigued. I was intrigued by your pale skin, your voice, your smile, your giggles and your generosity. I find your excitement adorable, even your high pitched squeals," Raziel continues, a small smile on his lips.
I find myself smiling at those words. He no longer thinks I'm annoying!
"All angels can hear all the humans' voices at all times in their heads. It sounds like trees blowing in a gentle breeze. Also, all the angels are connected and we can hear each other's voices but those voices sound more like waves crashing against the shore. Both of these are background noises and we have to focus a lot in order to hear what any of the voices are saying.
"Your voice however is front and centre. When I was miles away from you I heard your voice loud and clear. You were singing about a material girl?" Raziel raises his eyebrows at that and I cover my face with my hands.
"That's so embarrassing," I whisper, peeking at him through my fingers and he chuckles.
"You sing well, so I didn't mind," Raziel replies with a smile. "Because I already hear your voice so clearly from a distance, when I'm in close proximity to you, your voice sounds like it is twice the volume than it actually is. Which I've already gotten used to. But when you make high pitched noises when you get excited, it's like the volume of your voice increases tenfold which hurts my ears," Raziel finishes, giving me a sheepish look.
"I so so-"
"Don't apologize. You've done nothing wrong. I didn't want to tell you before because I don't want you to modify your behaviour because of me. I'm sure I'll get used to it with time. Also I think hearing your voice like that is temporary." Raziel smiles reassuringly at me.
"I'd like to cash in my rain check," I say quietly and open my arms. He looks puzzled for a moment but then moves closer to me. He pulls me onto his lap once he's close enough and squeezes me into a tight embrace.
I nuzzle into the side of his neck and smile. Should I lick him now? Hmm maybe later, I'm still a little emotional.
We sit there for the next few minutes and I enjoy his warm embrace. I'm starting to crave his touch and I'm not sure when next or if I'll ever get another hug from him. Maybe if I bring up why he was banished and get upset again he'll hug me to distract me. I giggle at that thought.
I sigh and reluctantly pull away from him staring into his dark brown eyes. "I was promised a fashion show," I say and giggle when he scoffs.
I get up off his lap so that I can look for something for him to model. "How about this?" I ask, holding up a Pikachu onesie.
What did you think of this chapter? And Kai proposing a fashion show? Do you think Kai will ever lick Raziel?
I just want to say thank you everyone who has voted and/ or commented on this book! It really means a lot and though I didn't respond to every comment (mostly because I didn't just want to spam you with laughing emojis and hearts) I have read all of them and appreciated every single one of them! So thank you!!
If you enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to vote and/ or leave comments! ❤
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