Game On
Hey, guys! Thanks to everyone who's been reading and voting so far! Also, to all of those giving their comments. It means so much!
I hope you guys like this.... I did!! Please vote! It'll mean the world! Love you guys!
S. A. A
"What are you doing out so late?" Aaron questioned, his eyes assessing me for a moment. He looked around, curiously at the dark and forlorn surroundings before redirecting his gaze to me.
"Alone?" He folded his arms, gazing at me curiously.
I stuttered slightly as I thought of how to answer and Aaron raised an eyebrow at my actions. He looked to me in a way in which told me he was curious, a feeling that was quite foreign to me, specifically from him, Often, when we interacted, Aaron had a look of knowing as though he could read every thought. Yet, now his look was starkly different to that. He looked at me as though he was looking through me and I fidgeted under his gaze, feeling like I was being assessed.
There was no reason why it was so difficult to share with Aaron. I had gone out for the evening with someone I was fond of, just as Aaron had done many times during this deal, but I couldn't help it. I had given him my word I would help and, doing something that could potentially risk my promise, it was risky. It wasn't me and I didn't want that type of information to come to light.
I suddenly came out of my thoughts, remembering I was having a conversation with Aaron and I didn't answer his question.
I looked up to find him looking between his watch and me. He smirked slightly.
"You know it's been a total of 3 minutes and 52 seconds that you haven't answered" He queried, arching a dark eyebrow.
"Were you thinking of me?" He teased, raising an eyebrow and I let out a small scoff at his ego before processing his words and shaking my head.
"Actually, I just came out for a walk because I wanted some fresh air." I lied, trying to make it sound believable. I was glad, at that moment, that my voice came out steady, but when Aaron's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, I knew that I had messed up somehow. It was silent for a moment as he looked to me, his sea eyes fixing me in place. At long last, he broke the deafening silence; his eyebrows slightly furrowed as he spoke.
"So you walked around 52 minutes away from your home?" He looked around for good measure before his gaze fell back on me.
I faltered slightly at his words, not realising how far I had gone to meet Elliot before smiling sheepishly.
"I needed a lot of fresh air?" I said, internally face-palming at my chosen excuse. It was by far the most pathetic lie I had come up with to date and I knew he would see right through it.
It was silent after I spoke and Aaron looked to me again, an indecipherable look in his eyes and one that made me anxious. I squirmed as he looked at me but he paid no heed to this and I heated up under his stare. After what seemed like an eternity, he nodded, accepting my excuse, but I could tell right then, he didn't believe me. The silence stretched on even longer than and I rocked on my heels a bit before letting out an uncomfortable cough.
"So..." I drawled awkwardly to which he raised an eyebrow, awaiting my words and I heaved out a sigh, gesturing to over my shoulder with a hand.
"I should get going. I need to get home. I'll see you at school" I finally said and, with that, I walked down the street, not even awaiting his words.
That was awkward.
The cold was thrashing and nipping at my ears, making me wince and- in turn- I pulled my hoodie up to engulf them in a semblance of warmth. Placing my hands back in my pockets, I trudded forward, eyeing the dimly lit streets. I only halted when a voice arose.
"Wait, Lexi!" I heard the sound of Aaron's voice, turning to see him running towards me. I looked up to see hair flopping as he ran, his icy blue eyes feeling much colder than the harsh wind. His cheeks and nose were pink from the cold and foggy air was blowing out of his mouth. I couldn't help, but compare him now to a forlorn angel.
I shook my head to clear the obscene thoughts running through my mind. I must have had momentary insanity. Aaron halted in front of me, a smile forming on his face.
"Hey, since you're already out, maybe I could treat you to something." He suggested, brushing his hair back slighty as he rocked on his heels. I shook my head, feeling sheepish as I gestured meekly again back in the direction that I was headed.
"No, it's okay. I should just get going. Tomorrow's a school night" I explained weakly, pointing my thumb towards the direction of my house. Not even feeling the least bit dishearted, Aaron smiled at my words, moving closer, so much so that I could feel his warmth as his smell invaded my senses: cologne and melted chocolate. The smell made me remember the events of the party when I had kissed him, his scent engulfing me and I moved back slightly, my cheeks red from the very thought. Aaron didn't seem to notice this and, instead, chose to speak.
"Come on, Lexi. Just say yes. I mean.."
His expression switched for a moment to a more sincere one and I sucked in a breath as he continued.
"It's the least I could do in return for what you're doing for me"
I smiled at his words feeling glad that he at least acknowledged and appreciated what I was doing. I had intially thought he was not grateful yet this was comforting. I processed his words again and stopped smiling, choosing instead to shrug.
"I don't know. I really should get going." I reasoned to which Aaron stopped smiling, eyeing me for a moment before nodding. Again, I felt that need to please and before he could walk off, stepped foward abruptly. He watched intently.
Well, I was still starving and it was only still nearing 8pm, seeing as I had come out to meet Elliot at 6pm. I had enough time until I would be tired and to complete the Othello assignment early as I had planned to do.
Nodding slowly, I smiled to him before moving alongside him and nudging his arm.
"Fine. Let's go."
"Walker, just give up! You're never going to get a strike" I called from my seat, watching Aaron pick a bowling ball.
Aaron turned towards me, a smirk on his face.
"Trust me, Lexi. These hands have been trained. I'm not gonna lose" He responded back, a look of adorable certainty on his face.
I folded my arms.
"You train your hands?" I questioned, confused.
His eyes lit up with mirth from my answer and I watched as he held back a smile.
"Yeah, I train my hands." He began and my eyebrows furrowed at his words.
"But I can't take all the credit. I mean, if there were no ladies, I would have no-one to train my hands on. I've got to thank them." He continued, smiling as I processed his words before turning around to bowl.
I couldn't help the retch that escaped, scowling at him.
"You're insufferable." I grumbled out, speaking more to myself than him.
Aaron smiled and let go of the bowling ball, watching it hit all the pins down in an unquestionable strike.
"What can I say?" He said airily, turning to me. He flexed his muscles.
"Practice makes perfect."
I pouted, acting as every bit of a sore loser as I felt.
"I don't like this game." I grumbled out, folding my arms as I eyed the scoreboard.
I heard the sound of his laughter before I sensed him sit down beside me, the warmth of his body so palpable. Still, I resisted the urge to look at him, my gaze settled on the side where a group of friends were playing. He laughed against slightly, the sound so close to my ears, makign me shiver.
"Are you gonna cry?" He teased, peering at my face.
I huffed, but still chose to say nothing and I knew he found it amusing. I felt him shuffle closer, tensing when his legs touched my own before shaking it off and keeping to my mock moodiness.
"Lexi." Aaron murmured, laughter bubbling in his voice. When I didn't answer again, he grabbed my chin abruptly, turning me to face him and I stilled, tensing up as his cool gaze fixed me in place. He looked at me then, assessing my face and I let him, feeling to transfixed to move away. His eyes lit up then and I watched his mouth as he spoke.
"Don't be a sore loser, Lexi." He whispered, his gaze switching from my eyes to my lips.
He then looked at my eyes again and smiled.
"It's not your fault that I'm better in every single way." He stated cockily and with that he got up.
It took me a few minutes to understand what he had said and I rolled my eyes, my heart thundering from his proximity. When I did, I scowled at him, but felt the need to give it back to him twice as heard.
"Ha Ha, so funny." I drawled and Aaron turned back to face me, a teasing glint in his eyes. He tugged a hand roughly through his hair, making my gaze fix there for a moment as I thought of how it would feel. I had touched his hair once, in my drunken stupor, yet had completely forgetten the feel due to the alcohol numbing my senses. I would have stayed in my thoughts if he hadn't spoken up.
I watched as Aaron moved the hand to the back of his neck, his eyes playful.
"Don't whine, Lexi. Why don't we just go to dinner. I'm sure there's nothing for you to lose there." He said, smirking.
Aha. Is that how he wanted to play with it?
I moved towards him, closer and closer, until I reached his chest, focusing on what I had planned. He looked to me then, his eyes questioning yet I provided no answer. Placing my hand flat against his firm chest, I tiptoed to reach face level. I tried my best to ignore the hard muscles underneath my hand, watching as his gaze zeroed in on mine, a scrutinising look in his eyes.
I bit my lip to hold back the smile, thinking about what I planned to do and I watched as his attention drew instinctively to my lips and he noticeably tensed up. When I was sure I really had him, I acted out the grande finale, moving my hands up to draw around his neck. His eyes followed my movements and I tensed as I felt his large hands rest on my hips, squeezing slighty. I nearly moved away then, but I was never one to give up on a challenge.
I moved myself closer to his ear, breathing heavily.
"Good, because I am so starving." I said normally before moving back and I watched as Aaron watched me with a dazed look. I turned to him, smirking slightly as I realised I had really gotten him.
"You coming or what?" I questioned, not being able to hold in my laughter.
Aaron tilted his head curiously for a moment, but then a look of realisation dawned on his face and a slow smile graced his face, his eyes glittering like the ocean. He didn't say anything, just regarded me with that look in his eyes, making me let out a small giggle.
I turned to walk away from him until I heard him call my name. I faced him, folding my arms.
"Yeah?" I asked, still smiling.
He smirked, folding his arms in response.
"Game on."
20 minutes. It has been 20 minutes we have been walking.
"Are we there yet?!" I shouted, trudging slowly. My feet were killing me.
He turned around, his face showing annoyance.
"You just asked me that two seconds ago." He stated bluntly. He exhaled deeply, running his hand down his face. I groaned, shaking my feet to ease the pain.
He looked at my face, the look of annoyance slowly dissipating.
"You okay? Do your feet hurt?" He questioned, concern evident on his features.
I waved him off, flapping my hand exaggeratively in the air.
"I'm fine. I'm fine." I lied.
He rolled his eyes, coming towards me.
"You know you have the physical fitness of a really fat panda?"
"Hey, I do not!" I shouted defensively.
"Just compared to you because you're so-"
"Fit?" Aaron interrupted, waggling his eyebrows in a wolfish manner.
"Yes, Aaron, that's the word I was looking for." I droned sarcastically, my voice void of emotion.
Well, it was the word I was thinking, but I was definitely not going to use it. My feet were already swollen. I didn't need his ego inflating too.
He laughed at my words before moving towards me and pulling me by the wrist, his hand large against me.
"What are you doing?" I questioned, trying to pull away, but his grip was too strong.
"Relax. I'm not touching you, in that way. You don't have to worry about that" He reassured, laughter bubbling in his voice.
That stung.
"But still, what are you doing? Let go." I said, sounding more mean than I had intended to sound.
He didn't seem to notice, but rather just smiled.
"Hop on to my back. You're tired." He suggested, pointing his thumb towards his back.
"No, it's okay, Aaron." I said, half-heartedly refusing the seemingly warm comfort of his large back.
He rolled his eyes yet again.
"Just get on." He commanded.
"You'll drop me." I complained, moving away from him.
He turned to look at me in shock. He then pointed to his muscles.
"How could this drop you?" He reasoned, flexing his arm muscles.
I gave him a look.
"Yeah, flattering yourself is not going to persuade me." I said flatly.
He groaned in frustration and looked up from the ground, sticking his hand out.
"Do you trust me?"
I thought for a while and couldn't help but think of the many times he had been untrustworthy, like in the cafe; the fair and at the party. All those times, I had regarded him as the notorious playboy, he had shown all the qualities of one. Yet, other times, I had felt anything but. When he spoke about his mother, I had thought of him in a different light, but that wasn't entirely true. He was both of those people and that made it all the more difficult to trust him; because I didn't know which one he was going to be.
Yes, he had every right to be doing what he did; it was his life so it was his choice. So, why was I holding his intimate escapades against him? He hadn't ruined the plan and the deal was still intact. He was open with all of his faults, not even choosing to hide them, so why not trust him? I had no reason not to.
I put my hand in his bigger one, nodding my head as I escaped from the morbid thoughts.
He smiled at this and pulled me in using my hand, our bodies landing flat against each other in the process.
"Then trust me when I tell you this. I would never drop you." He murmured, his eyes flitting across my face and I sucked in a breath.
I nodded gently, staring into his eyes.
"I'll hold you to that." I commented and Aaron smiled slightly at my words, his hands around my back and mine resting on his chest. A heavy silence descended upon us with the both of us just staring blankly at the face of the other. It lasted a beat or two before we noticed and pulled away awkwardly, moving a few feet apart. I blushed and squirmed uncomfortably. Aaron seemed recomposed in seconds and smiled at me.
"Hop on my back then." He said, choosing to ignore the previous awkward encounter.
I nodded wordlessly, waiting as he ducked so I could move on. I jumped slightly and he caught me with his harms, holding me to his back. Instinctively, my arms went around his neck and I leaned my head as I marvelled at the change in perspective. Not only that, but I could smell his hair from here and I raised an eyebrow at the smell of fresh air and coconuts. Indulging myself further, I leaned down until my nose was resting against his midnight locks and took a sniff. Aaron laughed at this, looking to me from his peripheral.
"Hey, Dawson, this is not an opportunity for you to wipe your snot on my hair, understand?" He teased, looking up at me.
I laughed.
"Oops too late" I mused, rubbing my nose vigorously across his hair, making him let out a groan at my actions as he moved his head away from me.
I laughed in response, leaning my head onto his back. It was firm, yet, soft and I suddenly felt sleepy. The breeze was tender on my skin and Aaron's breathing like a gentle symphony to my ears. It carried on like this as I lulled in and out of consciousness and I only fully opened my eyes when the sound of my name carried gently through the air.
"Lexi? You awake?" Aaron whispered.
I rolled my eyes because Aaron's whispering was anything, but whispering.
"Yeah. I'm awake." I murmured, cuddling deeper into his back.
"We're here." Aaron sort-of whispered.
"I wish I knew where here was." I muttered in response, getting off his back.
Aaron looked down, smiling sadly.
"I want you to know that the place I'm taking you to eat is very special to me."
I didn't know what to do as I wasn't very good with comforting people, so I just nodded in understanding, waiting for him to continue. Moving closer, I watched him tepidly as he spoke.
He turned and faced me, still smiling sadly.
"I respect this place so much. It's done so much for me." He said gently and I nodded again to show that I understood what he felt.
Smiling, I nudged him playfully.
"Then I'll respect the place too" I said, honestly.
"McDonalds?!" I shouted.
"This is the place that's so fucking special to you?!"
Aaron laughed loudly, covering his face with his hands.
"Jesus, Lexi, I can't believe you bought it."
I sniffed, folding my arms.
"Well, excuse me for being so empathetic and understanding." I muttered.
Aaron, upon hearing this, began laughing more violently. He was knelt down now, holding his knees. He then looked at me and started laughing again as if seeing my face replayed the whole event.
"I thought you were being genuine, jerk." I berated, turning to walk away.
Aaron pulled me back towards him.
"Don't- leave-please-" Aaron said between laughs.
"Well, if you're going to keep laughing like this then bye." I told him, moving away again.
But suddenly I was pulled into a hug. Aaron had stopped laughing and had enveloped me in his arms, sighing deeply.
"God, you're too cute." He said and with that he pulled away and walked through the front door.
I didn't know how to respond or even comprehend what just happened, despite the fact that the warmth of his touch still lingered on me, making me shudder slightly. Instead of focusing on it, I walked in, eyeing the red and yellow establishment with hungry eyes.
"Lexi?" Aaron called, sitting at the table. He ushered me over and I walked over, looking over to the booth table and contemplating where to sit. I had the worst type of OCD and could only sit in certain spaces that best suited me.
Aaron raised his eyebrows looking at me intently.
"Well, do you need an invitation to sit down?" He queried, giving me a strange glance.
I laughed nervously.
"Just looking for a place to sit." I muttered distractedly, looking at both sides.
His eyebrows raised even further at this.
"On a chair?" He stated bluntly as though I was dim and I tutted at his words, choosing to say nothing.
He smirked at my silence, leaning back.
"Just sit wherever you feel comfortable, baby." He teased, making me blush at the endearment before I processed the teasing tone and scowled.
"Ass." I muttered, deciding to sit opposite him. The last thing I needed was to be within touch distance of him.
Aaron's smirk widened.
"Why not near me, Lexi?" He questioned, an element of mockery amidst his tone.
I turned away from him and looked at my phone which, in turn, probably made Aaron's ego bigger.
Aaron pulled my phone away, smiling devilishly.
"Just sit here. I don't bite." He said. He then came closer, our mouths only centimetres apart.
"Unless you want me too." He whispered, making me blushed profusely and I responded by giving him the hardest glare I could muster. He only smiled at this before getting up and I looked to him.
"I'll go order our food." He said, walking over to the counter.
I went on my phone for the time-being and after a while, Aaron returned, holding a big tray and I died at the smell. He set it down between us and handed out our food.
I looked over at Aaron who had already started to eat, ravaging his food like there was no tomorrow. To be frank, watching him devour something so hungrily was so intriguing to watch. I had never known that eating could be so tantalizing to observe. And his face of contentment was so cute.
Aaron looked up at me questioningly.
"Are you going to eat or are you just going to stare at me?" He asked, his face blank.
I blushed in embarrassment. I was never one to get caught staring, that is.
"I was not looking at you!" I shouted defensively.
Aaron smiled slightly, folding his arms.
"Oh yeah?" He said.
"Yeah!" I shouted. My eyes scanned the room.
"I was looking at her." I said, pointing to a stuffed life-size version of Ronald McDonald which was propped behind us, donning a huge red curly wig.
"I was staring at its' hair. It's so big." I said, genuinely shocked about the hair.
Aaron looked at me, smirking."
"Well, If you wanted to stare at something big, you could've asked." He muttered.
With that, he sat back and looked at the huge-haired clown, a devilish smile on his face.
"What?" I questioned, not sure what to expect. I mean, he was unpredictable.
Aaron got up and came to sit beside me, so we both had a full view of the hair.
He moved to my ear, smirking as he did so.
"First one to get a chip caught in the hair wins. Loser pays for this meal." He whispered, making me laugh.
"You already paid." I said through giggles and Aaron nodded with a shrug.
"Well, I guess you pay me back then." He said simply and I processed his words before narrowing my eyes at him.
"You're on, Walker." I said, picking a chip from my plate.
I aimed for the hair, looking down immediately afterwards. Just in case someone saw us and turned around to find the culprit.
I wouldn't mind if they thought Aaron was the culprit, but he would probably flirt his way out of trouble. Just like he did in school.
"Too bad." Aaron said, making me look up.
It had landed on a table besides someone's plate. They hadn't seemed to notice. I blew out through my nose in frustration.
"So close!" I whined in self-defence.
Aaron laughed at my competitive nature, picking a chip from the plate.
"Sure it was." He teased.
I watched as he smiled before dipping it into the ketchup , making me frown in confusion. He turned to me with teasing glint in his eyes.
"Adhesive." He explained simply making me laugh and I watched as he aimed it at the hair, landing it in the middle of the huge hairdo.
He smiled, his face smug.
"First place, Dawson."
"Yeah yeah yeah." I said irritably. I just hated losing. He laughed at my abrasive tone.
"Don't hate the player; hate the game." He commented and I snorted ungracefully.
"Who said I can't hate both?"
I've got some exciting chapters coming up guys, so I hope you keep on reading!!
Please fan and comment!
I'm leaving the comments open to my new idea of 'theme of the week'... Today's theme is 'Aaron's cutest moments'. What do you think it was? From chapter one to now!!
Please join and make this a trend!!!
Love you guys!!
S. A. A
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