Like In Old Times
You're not ready for this one. I wasn't ready and then something happened that wasn't supposed to happen ...
And I don't know if I can update tomorrow but I'll try
For the next six days, Louis was in total stress due to his semester exams. His days were filled with studying, working and even more studying. A constant headache was his new companion. Speaking of companions, Louis hasn't seen Harry at all during these six days since he had left wordlessly in the morning after his birthday party. Logically, Louis knew it was due to the exam stress but a part of him believed he had scared Harry off with his behaviour. Louis has been so pathetically clingy at the party and had said a lot of things he should've kept inside. Louis knew he ruined it this time.
Even meeting up with his amazing boyfriend in every free second they had between the stress didn't help Louis to feel less downcast. Zayn was also not able to cheer him up. No one could convince him that he didn't ruin their friendship six days ago again. Harry being the only one absent at their friends' meeting in their café after Louis' last shift at his old workplace just proved that to him.
"I'm so glad this is over. Now I just hope I passed everything" rested Àmber her head on top of her arms on the table absolutely exhausted.
"I'm sure you did. You practically breathe Spanish. No way in hell did you fail" was Zayn sure of it.
"He's right, A. If someone passed then you" agreed Sean with him.
"Enough of the exams. You survived your last shift, Tommo. How does it feel to finally leave Aidan behind and work somewhere else?" changed Liam the topic.
"Pretty dope. He was a pain in the ass and not the good kind. I'm glad he's out of my life forever" leaned Louis back in his chair with a smug grin.
"And tomorrow is your first gig. I'm so excited" bounced Niall in his chair.
"You can be. It's gonna be lit" snapped Louis with his fingers.
"That's the confidence we all need" laughed Liron brightly.
"And so untypical for you, Tommy. Are you feeling okay?" put Zayn his hand on Louis' forehead.
"I'm feeling amazing, Javy" pushed Louis the hand away.
"If you say so" shrugged Zayn for the rest but eyed Louis suspiciously.
"Where's Harry, by the way? He seems to always be missing lately" asked Bailey worriedly.
"He's with Josh like literally every day since ... Was there ever a day they didn't see each other?" looked Niall askingly at Sean.
"I don't think so but since he abandoned us for him on Sunday it feels like he has seen Josh even more" thought Sean out loud.
"Why though?" wondered Liam curiously.
"He didn't say anything. Just that he needed to see him. Like on Sunday he texted me later to say sorry but he needed to see Josh asap. Sounded serious to me" told Sean all of them and sounded concerned.
Again, Louis felt that feeling creeping up to him. Something told him that it was his fault Harry wasn't here but with Josh. That Harry needed space and time with his boyfriend to get over Louis' deplorable behaviour.
"Let's hope it's not too serious for our match made in heaven. Would be very sad" frowned Aria troubled when Niall's phone beeped.
"Very serious. Sean, we need to leave. Right now. Hazza needs us" stood Niall up abruptly.
"Why? What's wrong?" asked Sean alarmed but put on his coat already.
"He just broke up with Josh. We should ..." let Niall him know but didn't finish his sentence, being way too overwhelmed just like Louis.
"Oh God. We need to hurry the fuck up" grew Sean's eyes big.
"Boys, can I come along? I wanna be there for him. He's one of my best friends" asked Aria hesitantly.
"Sure thing. C'mon" smiled Niall at her.
"See you later, Peaches" pecked Aria Àmber's lips.
"Take good care of him, Fiore".
Louis watched the three of them leave, feeling numb and empty. He had no idea how to react and just stared into nothing. That came out of nowhere. Harry had broken up with Josh and no one knew why. They had been so sure that they were soulmates just like in the book but now it was over. And all Louis wanted to do was cheer Harry up. With heavy limbs, Louis took out his phone and texted Harry without really thinking about it.
To Harry:
"Hi, Haz. I heard about what happened. Nialler got the message when we were around. Don't be mad at him for telling us. He was shocked and so was I. Everything looked so perfect between the two of you. Anyway, getting off topic here. How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Should I come over? All of us, like a movie night to keep your mind occupied with something else?".
Louis cringed at his own words. He sounded lost and desperate but maybe that was what he was. Lost because he didn't understand why it happened and desperate to help his best friend feel better. This was horrible. But what was worse for him was that he only felt the need to change Harry's name again finally. This didn't sound right.
From Haz:
"It was perfect but well. Can't really explain it. But I'd love to have that movie night. Can we do this at your place? There is more space and my Mum can't bug me. Don't wanna tell her everything yet".
To Haz:
"Of course, we can. I'll make everything ready and pick out every comedy movie you love. Your cheesy rom-com's are not good now".
From Haz:
"But I love them *whiny face*.A bit of cheesy love stories won't hurt me as long as I get ice-cream".
To Haz:
"Whatever you want, Haz".
From Haz:
"Thanks, Lou".
"Why are you grinning at your phone, Tommy?" raised Zayn an eyebrow at him.
"What do you guys think about a movie night at mine?".
After stopping by the supermarket to get some ice-cream and crisps, Louis set everything up for the movie night with the help of Zayn, Liam and Àmber. Bailey and Liron had prepared some food because Niall was almost there and then they all waited for the rest. While his friends were talking to each other Louis was lying in front of his DVD shelf to pick out the right movies for Harry. Louis was actually surprised Zayn didn't say anything yet about the situation. Would probably come later.
When his friends finally rang the bell, Louis was never this fast at the door. He jumped on his heels impatiently until he could see Harry coming up the stairs. Ignoring the rest, Louis pulled Harry into a tight embrace and felt Harry hugging him back immediately. For a few minutes they didn't let go and just stayed like this. When they had to break apart they were alone. Niall, Sean and Aria had already gone inside.
"How are you feeling, Haz?" brushed Louis a strand of hair out of Harry's face.
"Good now. I needed that" smiled Harry genuinely at him.
"Ready for a great movie night?" tilted Louis his head aside like a kitten, causing Harry's smile to grow even bigger.
With a hand on the small of Harry's back, Louis led him inside and closed the door behind them. In the living room, Niall was already devouring the food while Sean and Aria had joined the conversation. Harry and Louis sat down in the armchair close to the table that Louis tried to ignore for obvious reasons, wrapped up in each other, and tried to follow the conversation but it wasn't really working.
"You're good, Hazza? What happened?" broke Liam away from the main conversation and faced Harry, who was sitting in between Louis' legs like it was normal.
"Nothing really. Just um ...".
"Can you stop asking him how he's doing or what happened? Isn't it kinda obvious that he's not gonna be all happy about it? That's all you get. Stop being nosy" got Louis protective over Harry when he noticed how uncomfortable he was with the questions.
"Okay. Sorry" held Liam his hands up in defence.
"How about the first movie now? Tommo already picked Renting A Place In Your Heart. Deal with it" clapped Àmber into her hands to cut the tension.
"Thank you, Lou" whispered Harry quietly when Aria set up the movie.
"No problem, Haz. No one apart from you needs to know anything. We're here to make you feel better and not worse" shrugged Louis it off humbly.
When the movie started, Harry and Louis stayed in this position. Everyone except for Àmber and Aria were sitting on or in front of the couch. The two girls had pushed the other armchair from the one side of the room to the other. Like this, they all fitted into the room. Towards the end of the second movie Louis could feel his phone vibrate in his pocket. With a little bit of effort, he was able to get it out and read the message.
From Luke <3:
"Hi, Baby. You didn't tell me if I should come over or if you come to mine tonight yet? Are you still busy with your friends?".
Oh shit. Louis had completely forgotten to inform Luke about the change of plans. No way in hell would he ditch Harry for Luke tonight. His best friend was going through a heartbreak. His boyfriend would need to wait and understand this. Friends always came first. Especially, Harry. Always Harry.
"We can leave after this movie if you want to see Luke. Would be no problem, Lou" made Harry notice of the fact that he had seen the message. Obviously with still being in Louis' arms.
"Nah, I have something way more important to do right now. I'll see him tomorrow at the gig. That's enough" denied Louis that kind offer.
"But he wants to see you right now and ...".
"As if I would ditch you for Luke right now. Or ever. Friends don't do this. You need me right now. End of story" interrupted Louis Harry's protest.
Hearing his words, Harry looked down and Louis wondered what was going on in his head. He looked so guilty. "Okay. Thanks".
"No problem. Do you feel any better, by the way?" checked Louis attentively, texting Luke at the same time quickly with Harry watching him do so.
To Luke <3 :
"Sorry, I forgot to text you. We're having a movie night cause of some heartbreak. I have to cancel on you for tonight. I'm really sorry but I'm gonna see you tomorrow".
"A lot better. Was a brilliant idea but to be honest, I'd prefer to be alone with you" retorted Harry shyly.
"Really?" looked Louis down at him.
"Yeah. I only need you to feel better. Just some Lou and Haz time. Alone" blushed Harry cutely.
"Just like in old times" understood Louis what he really meant. Harry only nodded. "I'd love that too, Haz".
"Guys, you know what I just realised? I forgot that I have a paper that needs to be done and I don't have time for this tomorrow. I should do this right now" startled Niall's voice Louis and Harry.
"That's such short notice. I'm gonna help you" stood Sean up from the couch and Louis didn't understand what was happening right now.
"Cody and Maribel both just texted me and asked if I could pick them up at the bar and yeah" cleared Liam his throat weirdly.
"Someone needs to make sure you're really just gonna pick them up and not end up smashed in the back instead. I'm coming with you" decided Zayn strangely but shot Louis a look that screamed 'we're gonna talk about this later' but Louis had no clue what they should talk about.
"You should definitely head home too or disappear just like Bailey and Liron" slapped Liam Aria's shoulder.
"Yeah, get a room" threw Zayn them a weird look.
"We should get a room, Lia" stood Aria up quickly.
"Hazza, I'm sorry about this but you still have Louis with you. Bye" ginned Niall crazily at him and Harry looked like he wanted to strangle Niall right on the spot.
"Excuse me for a second".
With that, Harry ran after Niall and stopped him in the hallway. Because everyone else was gone, Louis stood up and cleared away a bit of their mess in pure confusion. Why the fuck did they all leave out of the sudden with the most stupid excuses Louis had ever heard?
"I know, Hazza. Take care and tell him" heard Louis Niall tell Harry before he left the flat and Harry was being left standing there, staring at the door blankly.
"What are you supposed to tell me, Haz?" asked Louis perplexed, making Harry jump in shock.
"God damn it, Louis. You scared me" put Harry a hand over his heart. "Nothing important. He just wants me to tell you about the break-up. Thinks it will help me".
"Do you want to talk about it?" hooked Louis intrigued.
"Maybe. I don't know" yawned Harry.
"But I know that you're tired. I'm not gonna let you leave when you're about to fall asleep. You're staying here and that isn't a question" told Louis him without thinking this through.
"Can we still talk for a bit?" bit Harry the inside of his cheek.
"Of course".
The two of them got rid of the remands of their friends' mess in the living room before walking into the bedroom to get ready for bed. Louis let Harry use the bathroom first and checked his phone in the meantime. He had two texts. From Luke and Zayn.
From Luke <3:
"That's okay. I understand that. Take care of whoever got their heart broken. See you tomorrow, Love. Sweet dreams xx".
To Luke <3 :
"Thanks for your understanding, Luke. Sleep tight".
From Javy:
"Sorry for feeling your flat but we heard the both of you saying you'd prefer to be alone. And we've seen you being in your own world the whole time anyway. We talk about this tomorrow at the soundcheck, Tommy. Now enjoy your time with Harry".
What did Zayn mean with being in their own world? What did he want to talk about? One thing Louis could agree with. He would enjoy his time with Harry now.
When Harry came out of the bathroom in Louis' clothes, Louis went in. He brushed his teeth and changed his clothes after taking a quick shower. No matter if Harry was there, he still needed to clean himself. With wet hair and in a t-shirt and his boxers, Louis went back inside his room and felt like he had a deja-vu. Again, Harry was lying in a bed and Louis was standing in front of it, not knowing what to do. Was he supposed to sleep in the same bed or not? And again, Harry was patting the spot next to him for Louis lie down with him like it was obvious.
Nervous out of the sudden, Louis crawled underneath the covers and snuggled into his pillow. Immediately, Harry faced him and offered him a dimply smile, brightening Louis' whole being. Staring down at Harry's lips, Louis realised in shock that he was tempted to kiss his best friend more than ever. Scolding himself in his head, Louis lay down on his back and faced the ceiling. This wasn't allowed to happen. Harry had just broken up with Josh and Louis didn't even know why. Harry was sad and vulnerable right now and kissing him was not an option. It shouldn't even be a thought. Louis was with Luke and wanted to get over Harry. Done.
"You wanna tell me why you broke up with him?" found Louis himself asking anyway, wanting to know if there was someone else instead.
"I can't really explain it. Everything was good until the very last second when I broke his heart. Looks like I'm good at this. I really like him and we had a great time but it just didn't feel right. It felt like I was getting lost in something that wasn't there and my heart wasn't in it or with it. I just d ... I felt like I was leading him on, like he was more into me than I was into him, which is bad but I can't help it. He just isn't ..." wrestled Harry for the right words and Louis could relate to this way more than he liked to admit.
"Isn't what?" dared Louis to ask. Harry simply shrugged with his eyes fixed on the blanket. "I understand what you mean. Way more than I like to admit".
"Really? How come?" snapped Harry's head up in surprise.
"Luke is amazing, perfect even, and I wanna be with him but I feel like he wants me more than I want him. I'm trying everything to be good enough for him but it doesn't feel like I am. It feels... I don't know" confessed Louis, shocking himself in the process. Where did that come from and where was he going with this?
"You are good enough, Lou. You're amazing and I'm sure Luke agrees" assured Harry him softly.
"After ditching him today without really being honest I'm not so sure about this" sighed Louis out before he could stop himself. "Didn't tell him it was you. Just someone".
"I saw that and thank you for not exposing me like this. You can still invite him over and I leave you alone" offered Harry him again.
"And why should I do this? I thought I made this clear before. I'm not ditching you for him" looked Louis incredulously at Harry.
"He's your boyfriend, so I thought ...".
"But you're my best friend; my deer; my little Bambi, my pup. My Haz. As if I would choose him over you" flicked Louis Harry's nose gently, getting lost in his eyes.
Dead silence was what followed his words and Harry just looked at him with an emotion Louis couldn't deject. "Why are you looking at me like this?".
Before Louis could register what was happening Harry leaned closer to him and connected their lips. There was no movement, just lips on lips, and Louis' heart stopped at the action. He was so overwhelmed and confused and shocked but not as shocked as Harry himself when he broke away after a few seconds. Pure horror was written on his face.
"Oh my god. Louis, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have done this. You're with Luke and my best friend and I'm just so sorry. This was so wrong. I'm just not able to think clearly and shouldn't be allowed to even do anything. I'm so vulnerable and lonely right now that I was just seeking comfort and your words meant so much to me and gave me the feeling of being important. I just couldn't control it but it wasn't supposed to mean anything. Please, forgive me and tell me I didn't ruin our friendship ag ..." rambled Harry anxiously and Louis felt a pang in his heart every now and then but chose to ignore it. This kiss was never meant to happen and didn't mean anything. He was with Luke and Harry wasn't into him.
"Sh, it's okay, Haz" cupped Louis Harry's face into his hands, caressing his cheeks to sooth him. "No harm done. I know you're vulnerable right now. I'm not mad and don't need to forgive you anything. Nothing is ruined. We're good".
"But Luke w ...".
"Luke won't get to know about this because it's not important. You just said that" cut Louis him off, forcing the words out. "Don't worry about it, Pup. Everything is good".
"Sorry, Louis" hung Harry his head low in shame.
Louis decided words couldn't save this moment so he just pulled Harry into his arms. Harry's head found his way onto Louis' chest while Louis snaked his arms around Harry's waist. He pressed a gentle kiss on top of Harry's curls and started rubbing up and down his back. In the span of a few minutes, Harry's breathing evened out and he was fast asleep. Louis was awake for a little bit longer and just enjoyed having Harry here in his arms, ignoring the tingly feeling he still felt on his lips. When his mind and heart decided to finally shut up, Louis could fall asleep with Harry in his arms and a heavy heart, the kiss constantly present in his dreams.
And if it wasn't painful the first time then it was definitely a horrible feeling the second time when Louis woke up the next morning feeling cold and lonely. Harry wasn't next to him and the clothes he had borrowed the night before were lying on the other side of the bed, neatly folded. The flat was deadly silent and Louis knew what that meant. Harry was gone. Harry has just sneaked out first thing in the morning and left him again.
Soooo .... a break-up, a movie night, a short kiss and a broken heart. Any thoughts on the reasons behind the actions?
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