Just a bit of Narry and Sean time for us all to relax a bit before the storm is slowly coming our way now.
I'm not getting as many comments as on my other story. But I'd love to hear your opinion on everything.
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The city was packed, which made Harry feel like he was stuck in a box. People were bumping into him recklessly and he just knew he had dozens of blue spots on his arm by now. When he spotted the book store, he dragged Niall and Sean into it by their wrists without a second thought. Inside, he let out a relieved breath and relaxed a bit.
"This is crazy. Why are so many people in town?" wondered Sean overwhelmed.
"I have no idea. Did we miss something? It's a normal Saturday. Nothing special" scratched Niall his head.
"People are weird. Let's stay here for a while. I wanted to buy a book anyway. I have nothing to read" started Harry to walk through the store.
"What a tragedy. Maybe you need another hobby" mocked Niall him but got slapped by Sean.
"Do you have a hobby at all? Eating doesn't count and don't say sex or I'm gonna punch you real hard" asked Sean him way too serious.
"You're not strong enough to hurt me" claimed Niall surely.
"I wouldn't be so sure about this" smirked Sean down at him.
"Yeah, Nialler. Sean is pretty strong. Don't underestimate him" supported Harry his ex-boyfriend.
"I don't even wanna know why you know that" grimaced Niall exaggeratedly.
"No idea why Maya hasn't left you yet" shook Sean his head.
"Sean" hissed Harry quietly at him, remembering that Niall and Maya had a talk because of Uni that Niall didn't mention to anyone yet.
"Sorry" cringed Sean at his own dumbness.
"No harm done" waved Niall it off.
Thoroughly, Harry looked through the books. Romance novels by his favourite author Olivia Stewart. He loved her stories and the connection between all of them in many different ways. He read over the short summaries of three books. Hidden Haven; Through all these years and Ghost of the past. Damn, they sounded all good. Thinking about the upcoming break, Harry decided to buy them all and two more, Shelter for my heart and Only just a sugar daddy?!
"Five books? Damn, your break is gonna be boring" clicked Niall with his tongue at the sight of that book stack.
"I read fast and two of them are not that long" justified Harry himself.
"Ignore him, Hazza. He doesn't know what to do with a book other than put his food on it" chuckled Sean amused.
"It's a good replacement plate" huffed Niall offended.
"Let's buy your books".
Harry paid for the books and then lef tthe store to jump back into the crowded city. Quickly, they made their way over to Sean's favourite shop because he needed new pants and Harry wanted to use this as an excuse to buy a new pair as well. Niall looked through the hoodies; he loved them; and Sean tried on different pants.
"I'm not convinced yet" adjusted Sean his tenth pair of jeans.
"They look good on you. Fit perfectly. Stop worrying" assured Harry him friendly.
"Thanks, Hazza. Shopping with you always made me feel better about myself. You found something as well?" eyed Sean the items next to Harry.
"What? No, not really. Was just looking at it. I've grown out of these" pushed Harry the flowery blouses aside.
"You sure? They're kinda hot, especially on you" hooked Sean knowingly. "Jake will like you either way. He doesn't care. Believe me".
"I hope you're right" sighed Harry, grabbing one of the blouses.
"What did Louis say again? If he doesn't see how great you are Jake doesn't deserve you and I agree with Tommo" remembered Sean Louis' words.
"Was always good at being right" mumbled Harry softly.
"Very true. It's a gift" took Sean off the pants he was going to buy.
"Or a curse, according to Tommo. He doesn't like that gift" sat Niall down next to Harry.
"It's not always good to be right. Sometimes it's shit" noted Harry, knowing that's what Louis meant with it.
"I see where he is coming from," said Niall quietly. Harry almost didn't hear him.
"Did you really take another hoody?" propped Sean his hands up on his hips.
"What?! I love them" pouted Niall cutely.
"And they love you. Just buy it" laughed Harry at his friend.
"And you should buy that blouse. Wear it half-open and Jake is gonna marry you on the spot" advised Sean him.
"Or fuck you on the spot cause damn, you look hot in them" added Niall nastily.
"I should say thanks but that was weird, so no" stood Harry up with the blouse in his hand.
The boys bought their clothes and then made their way to Sean's home. On the way there they ordered pizza and it arrived shortly after they had reached the house, perfectly on time. In Sean's room they sat down on the bed and ate the pizza with growling stomachs. Only Niall seemed absent-minded.
"Nialler, what's wrong?" titled Harry his head aside.
"Yeah, tell us what's bothering you, Ni" faced Sean him as well.
"Maya and I are gonna break up pretty soon" confessed Niall to them.
"That was a weird sentence. How do you know that?" was Sean confused.
"Remember that we talked last Saturday?" looked Niall at them and both boys nodded. "We talked for a long time about the whole situation. You know, her moving away and me staying here for Uni. Our time is almost over and we both know that".
"But you don't have to break up just because she is leaving. Manchester isn't this far away" pointed Harry out.
"I know but we both realised we don't really see how this would work in the future. We're gonna meet new people and will barely have time for each other. I love her in a way but we're also still young. She will forever be my high school sweetheart but I won't hold her back from living her dreams. What we had was good and I will never forget it, but it ends as soon as we graduate, if not earlier because it's weird between us now with knowing we're gonna break up" opened Niall up to them.
"I'm sorry, Ni. Is there anything we can do?" stroked Sean gently over Niall's knee.
"No, but thank you. I will get over it. It's normal but yeah, not easy to accept even though it's the best" smiled Niall bravely at him.
"That would be great lyrics. Write them down for Tommo" said Sean to ease the tension.
"He should name the song expiration date. Wouldn't that be great?!" joked Niall dryly.
"Because your relationship has an expiration date?" looked Sean crookedly at him.
"When you say it like this it sounds like some weird kind of food" pulled Niall a funny face.
"Fits then" nudged Harry him.
"Guys, sorry for changing the topic but look at this. Zayn just sent me this video of him and Louis at a karaoke bar" handed Sean them his phone.
Harry pressed play and the video started. It was really Zayn and Louis singing on a stage of a bar. Today. Just a few minutes ago. He didn't know how to feel. They were singing Closer to you. The same song Harry had sung with Louis last weekend. The performance he still couldn't remember but right now, he was wishing he couldn't see Jouis being like ... this.
(Here is supposed to be the video of Louis and Zayn, which would include the Closer to You - lyrics but I haven't written that song yet, so I will insert them later in my book but it's not that important for the fanfic. That's why you can get the chapter without it and just use your imagination. Maybe think about Closer by Halsey and Sexual by Naked. A mix between those fits here perfectly)
"Looks like that song is good for getting all sexual with each other. First, you and now those two. Either it's Louis or the song turning people into crazy sex animals" commented Niall on the video.
"What are you ...? Huh?" was Harry at loss for words.
"You really can't remember what you did, mh? You blacked out that day or what?" realised Sean seriously.
"I was thinking about Jake and didn't notice what I was doing" admitted Harry awkwardly.
"Let's say you were touching Tommo a lot and danced sexily, well, tried because you know you can't dance but whatever. And you pulled him pretty close, that's for sure. He was not expecting that" recalled Niall the moment.
"Now I'm happy I can't remember that" shuddered Harry at the thought.
"The song has a weird influence on people" concluded Sean neutrally.
Just like Zayn. That was Harry's only thought. Not once has Louis cancelled their groups' Saturday evening plans. Until today. Liam was unable to make it today because he had a family thing and then suddenly Zayn and Louis cancelled on them too without a good reason, just saying they had plans. And now it turned out their plans were going to a karaoke bar alone and rubbing it into their faces. Zayn's influence on Louis was even bigger than Harry had suspected.
"If they're having fun we should have fun now, too. Let's watch a musical and sing along" suggested Niall excitedly.
"I'm in. How about Dark Desire?"asked Sean them.
"Nope. That's Louis favourite musical. We can't watch it without him" shook Harry his head.Like he is doing karaoke without us.
"Oh, I know something good" bounced Niall on his spot.
They ended up watching a really good musical about a group of friends trying to find their own way in life. Due to it having three parts they watched all of them and sang along to the songs, especially that one called Evil and Mean was something Harry liked. He remembered Louis had mentioned it before and had said he would relate to it way too much. Singing the lyrics over and over again after the movie was done with Niall and Sean made him question this statement but he shrugged it off and sang on top of his lungs with his best friends because they were young and living life.
Evil and Mean (Musical Song)
I'm so done with all the faking.
Over are the times where I cried
Now I'm gonna cross all the lines
Let down way too many times, was broken inside
Being nice gives you nothing, only pain
You'll never see me again
I've never seen this coming, but it was long overdue
Inside of me has always been something, evil and mean
We've never been equal
The demon only needed a breakthrough
Now you're singing: All Hail the Queen!
From now on I'm gonna be honest
Regardless of the consequences
That's what I can promise
In your eyes I'm losing my senses
But when I attack you're gonna be defenceless
Trying to change me is senseless
Cause the prize that I paid was expensive
My will to hold on is endless
At the end of the day I'm gonna be the strongest
And I'm still being modest
I've never seen this coming, but it was long overdue
Inside of me has always been something, evil and mean
We've never been equal
The demon only needed a breakthrough
Now you're singing: All Hail the Queen!
Left my life behind, gave up being kind
Realised I was blind and made up my mind
I've never seen this coming, but it was long overdue
Inside of me has always been something, evil and mean
We've never been equal
The demon only needed a breakthrough
Now you're singing: All Hail the Queen!
I'm telling you, writing this song was real fun. I was really getting into this.
But fun aside, what happens next?
Leave a vote behind if you feel like it ;)
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