Dark Lust
Okay, we're close to finally getting to a breakthrough ... not necessarily a good one but still. Things are off.
Writing his last two tests in school was a surreal feeling to Harry. He had thought the prom was emotional but for some reason giving up his last ever test as a High School student almost made him cry. It's not like he wanted to stay in school, hell no, but so much had happened in his school time and stepping into the unknown future felt like leaving all of this behind and starting a new life with new feelings and new people. He didn't want new people in his life. His old people were more than enough and everything he needed.
But he didn't have that at the moment anyway. At lunch, he was again only accompanied by Niall and Sean. Jake had a basketball meeting and the rest was nowhere to be seen. After their great night at prom, Harry had thought everything would go back to normal before they leave school but apparently, he has been wrong. Their friend group was ultimately broken into two separate groups and no common ground or any connection. Harry felt really sad that Aria has chosen the other group over him. They have been such good friends over the years but he guessed Àmber was more important to her and Àmber obviously has chosen Louis. It was a freaking mess but it should be all good at the end of the day. Right?
"Nialler, why are you not eating anything? You're not getting sick on me, right?" put Sean his hand against Niall's forehead.
"I'm just not hungry" mumbled Niall downcast.
"What's wrong?" listened Harry carefully. Niall was always hungry. There wasn't such a thing as not being hungry in Niall's world.
"Remember when I told you that Maya and me decided to break up soon because it's the best for both of us in the end due to her leaving for Manchester?" sighed Niall out heavily. Harry and Sean only nodded. "We broke up after prom".
"Oh Niall, I'm so sorry" engulfed Harry him into a tight embrace.
"Thanks" croaked Niall out.
"Why exactly then? Did something happen?" hooked Sean hesitantly.
"No, we wanted to experience prom together because ... I don't even know myself but afterwards we both knew this was it. There is no turning back now. We had a great two years but here is where it ends" explained Niall brokenly.
"I don't know what to say but know that I'm always here for you" side-hugged Sean him closely.
"Same goes for me" squeezed Harry him softly.
"Thanks, guys. I know that I can always count on you" smiled Niall bravely at them.
"But why didn't you tell us yesterday?" wondered Sean suddenly.
"He probably needed some time for himself" guessed Harry logically. What other reason could there be?
"Um ... no, Hazza. That wasn't the reason" coughed Niall as if he was scared to keep talking.
"What was it?".
"I was with Louis and Zayn yesterday. We had a lads movie afternoon to distract me from it" scratched Niall his neck awkwardly. "And later I met up with Liam for an hour to just talk, you know?".
Well, Harry did not expect this at all. Niall has been with the other three instead of calling Sean or him after his break up. Even though they were all at odds. At least, that meant Zayn, Louis and Liam still cared enough about Niall to be there for him. Something inside of him told him that if it was himself they wouldn't have been there.
"Yeah, I know. Good for you. At least, someone was there for you" retorted Harry tensely.
"Yeah, Zayn was a big help for me. Wetalked about his break up with Max and even found similarities. Really weird. He is such a good listener. But Tommo was the best. You know how he is when one of us is down. Such a sunshine. I'm really grateful to them for being there yesterday. And Liam just had the right words for me to make me feel better. They stopped me from crying the whole day" reported Niall with some chuckles and a huge smile on his face.
"That's the magic trio for you, Nialler. Always a good laugh but when you need them they build you up in mere seconds" poked Sean Niall's cheek.
"Best description I heard so far" chuckled Niall in a lighter mood. "Change of topic. What did you do afterwards, Hazza? You were suddenly gone. Tommo said he saw you leaving with Jake".
"Yeah, Jake and I left at some point. Forgot to tell you. We went to his and spent some time together" told Harry them vaguely.
"Some time, yeah? Did this time involve some bed action without clothes?" smirked Niall knowingly at him.
"Maybe" grinned Harry proudly.
"Uh, you bastard. Can't stop, huh?" laughed Sean heartfelt.
"Definitely not. I stayed on Sunday because his parents were out of town" had Harry to try really hard not to think back to everything they did.
"Is there even a place left where you didn't do it then?" wanted Niall to know nastily.
"Probs his parents bedroom but apart from that ..." trailed Harry off with a huge dirty smirk on his face.
"Oh My God!" exclaimed his friends before falling into huge laughter and Harry joined in pretty fast.
After this, Sean and Niall tried to get details out of him but Harry kept it all to himself. He simply enjoyed the memories of it all by himself. When lunch was over Harry went happily to the school newspaper's office with Sean. During the last lesson they kept to themselves because Liam, Aria and Àmber were ignoring them as good as possible and Harry couldn't wait for Jake to pick him up after school. They would spend the afternoon together.
Jake picked him up by the office right on time and hand in hand, they made their way towards Harry's house. Arriving at home, Harry prepared them something to drink in the kitchen and sat down with Jake on the couch, where they directly made out again but kept it simple because Harry knew his mother would come home any second. And just as he thought about this again, his mother came through the door and Jake and Harry broke away from each other and made themselves look presentable.
"Hi, Darling. Hi, Jake" greeted Anne them but Harry sensed that something was wrong.
"Is everything alright, Mum?" stood Harry up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.
"Not really, Harry. Can you tell me what happened between you and Louis?" faced his mother him.
"Nothing. Why would you ask that?" was Harry taken back by that question so out of nowhere.
"Because he hasn't been over since I last invited him over for dinner. Normally, he has been here almost every day and you know that. What happened?" propped Anne her hands up on her waist.
"Just a misunderstanding. Nothing major" lied Harry.
"Why do I not believe you that? I know there is more to it. I know both of you way too good for this" looked Anne pointedly at him.
"Jay talked to you, right? Louis wailed to her about it, didn't he?" got Harry what was going on.
"No, believe it or not, she didn't tell me anything. I asked her if she knew anything but the only thing she told me was that Louis looked down but pretended to be fine. Even when I met him and asked him myself did he keep the act up. He lied straight to my face and said he was good and you were alright. Why would he lie to me, Harry? What did you do to make him lie?" asked Anne sternly and Harry was getting pissed off by the accusative tone of her voice.
"Why do you think I did something wrong? Maybe he fucked this up?!" snapped Harry defensively at his mother.
"How dare you talk to your own mother like this!" scolded Anne him and Harry cringed at the tone. "I know this is on you because I see how much you've changed since you're involved with Jake. I don't like his influence on you".
"He is not influencing me at all" huffed Harry offended.
"Yeah? Then tell me since when you talk to me like this or you abandon your friends? Should I remind you that you were too late after your date with Jake or that you didn't even come home after prom? You didn't send a message or said anything. I had to call Louis to ask where you are but he had no idea and guessed you were with him and that's actually where you've been. You stayed with him without telling me anything. You're unpredictable and wayward at the moment and it all started with Jake and this stupid act" listed Anne things that she didn't like about the last few days.
"I told you I'm sorry but this wasn't his fault. It was mine and it has nothing to do with L ...".
"I don't care, young man. If you want me to tolerate your boyfriend you have to apologise to Louis. Right now" cut Anne his stupid explanation off.
"You can't make me do this. I have no reason to apologise" wailed Harry childishly.
"Harry Edward Styles, you're gonna apologise to your best friend or you're gonna regret it" ordered Anne him while putting her coat back on.
"Fine" gave Harry in defeated. "Where are you off to, by the way?".
"Dinner at Logan's, remember?" grabbed Anne for her purse.
"Oh yeah, completely forgot about that" slapped Harry his own forehead.
"Don't think you're out of this because I'm leaving. Call Louis now. In your shoes, I would do it. I get to know when you don't do it anyway" threw his mother him an all-saying look.
"I know. Now have fun" rolled Harry his eyes at her.
"Thanks" blew Anne him an air kiss before she left.
"Doesn't sound like she really likes me" popped Jake up next to him.
"This has nothing to do with you. She just loves Louis and she knows him since he was a baby. Preferences, not more" waved Harry the matter off with his phone in his hand.
"You're gonna call him now?" bit Jake the inside of his cheek, sounding jealous.
"I have to, but it won't be long. Just saying sorry for my Mum" assured Harry him softly.
"Okay. I wait upstairs in your room" left Jake the room.
Nervously, Harry looked for Louis' number and pressed call. He could barely hear the ringing over his loudly beating heart. He really didn't want to do this but maybe his mother was right, in some way. At least, a tiny bit.
"What do you want?" sounded Louis' voice through the phone suddenly. Harry nearly dropped the phone as startled as he was, not expecting Louis to even pick up.
"I um ... wanted to ask how you're doing" replied Harry awkwardly.
"Now you're interested in how I'm doing? A bit late, don't ya think? I'm actually quite busy at the moment and not very keen on this conversation" laughed Louis dryly.
"Don't be moody already, Louis. I'm not keen on this either but I wanted to apologise for ..." trailed Harry off, not knowing what to say.
"For what, Darling? Let me guess, Anne made you do this, am I right?" asked Louis in a sarcastic voice.
"No, I wanted ..., yeah, maybe" wanted Harry to lie but then decided against it because he knew Louis would see straight through it.
"I kinda expected her to do this after our encounter but I really don't need your forced apologies, Haz. You don't even know what you're saying sorry for and over the phone is kinda pathetic, to be honest" retorted Louis and Harry could hear him rummaging through some stuff on his desk.
"Maybe you're pathetic for being hurt in the first place. I shouldn't be the one saying sorry. That should be you. I did nothing wrong. You mixed up act and reality, not me. You can't be happy for me and Jake" spat Harry fed up with Louis' condescending tone.
"Oh yeah, that's something you can be really happy about. Being with someone who changes you into an ignorant prick, makes you late on dates and gives your mother almost a heart attack. Sounds like a dream to me" snorted Louis sarcastically.
"Stop acting like you know anything about us" snapped Harry angrily at him.
"I know that the only think you're doing is fucking but nothing else. He doesn't seem to know anything about you apart from your asshole and that's really sad" Louis didn't back down.
"Just leave me alone. I don't need your pathetic jealousy and those stupid possessive claimings. Just accept that he is the one fucking me and not you and leave me alone" was Harry talking himself into a rage.
"You were the one who called me, Sweetheart. But don't worry. I won't bother you anymore. Have fun with Jake. Hopefully, he is worth all this" and with that, the line went dead.
Furiously, Harry stared at his phone before stomping out of the kitchen and throwing it on the couch with might. He grabbed one of the pillows and held it to his face to scream into it. How dare Louis judged him like this just because he couldn't have him! He never wanted to see him again.
Pissed off, Harry marched upstairs and barked into his room, startling Jake in the process, who was scrolling through his phone. He looked up at Harry and in less than a second he was standing in front of him, cupping his face with his hands to calm him down.
"I guess, it didn't go well?!".
"Far from well. I'm so mad at him. I just really wanna scream and crash something. I've never been this angry in my whole life" puffed Harry with a rapid breathing.
"You wanna tell me what happened to let it out?" tilted Jake his head to the side.
"I don't even know what I should tell you. He was being so mean and judgy towards us without knowing anything and just because he is fucking jealous. He has no right to be jealous or possessive or anything else. He was the one messing around with Zayn and later with Sam and then he tells me he has feelings for me for years? That's bullshit. He was supposed to pretend to be my boyfriend and not actually be into me. Why can't he separate acting from reality? God, damn it! And now he is acting all hurt because I'm with you? He is really getting on my nerves with his ..." rambled Harry riled up.
"Pretend to be your boyfriend?" cut Jake's questioning voice him off and Harry paled right on the spot.
"Um ...".
"So, Louis was never your boyfriend and you just lied to me?" tried Jake to wrap his head around everything.
"No, I didn't lie to you. I mean, in a way, maybe, but I never wanted to do it. Remember when we first talked? You were so sure I had a crush on you and I panicked. Louis was at the wrong time at the wrong place and got dragged into it but he agreed on helping me with it" explained Harry himself.
"Because he likes you" said Jake more to himself.
"No. I mean, yes, he does but I didn't know that back then and that wasn't why he agreed" stumbled Harry over his words.
"But you were all touchy and you kissed" pointed Jake out confusedly.
"I was all over him to make it look more realistic," said Harry quickly.
"But I heard you having sex on Àmber's party" looked Jake perplexed at him and now Harry really wanted to be invisible.
"I um ... Louis helped me out that day, so that I'm ready when it would be you, if you get what I'm trying to s ...".
"That was your first time?" gasped Jake shocked and Harry only nodded embarrassed. "And you had it with Louis because ... ?".
"I wanted to have some experience before being with you. I know, kinda dumb but yeah" cleared Harry his throat.
"And all of this while he was into you?" checked Jake, obviously trying to get everything right.
"Yeah ..." was all Harry could say because spoken out loud like this it sounded really bad.
"So, Louis touched you instead of me, yeah?" backed Jake him up against the wall in a low voice and Harry could only nod in confirmation. "This won't ever happen again".
Yeah, smut warning; possessive smut:
A second later, Jake was roughly kissing him and Harry moaned at the feeling. He tangled his hands into Jake's hair and rutted his hips against Jake's but he stopped his movements and held him in place, taking full control over everything. "I don't want him to ever touch you like this again, you hear me? You're mine".
This growl went through Harry's whole body and the only answer he was able to bring out was a quiet whimper. At that, Jake started to pull Harry's pants and boxers down as quick as possible and then did the same with his own clothes. Thereafter, Jake grabbed him by his thighs and Harry jumped up to wrap his legs around Jake's waist. Without a warning, Jake pushed one of his fingers dry inside of Harry while sloppily kissing him. Harry rocked down on the finger to get over the slight pain in his bum. A second finger was added soon and the third followed quickly after. Having no time to adjust, Harry felt the pain mixing up with pleasure through the thrusts.
"You're still with me?" locked Jake eyes with Harry, pupils blown and dark. Harry barely nodded in daze.
Before Harry could process anything, Jake replaced his fingers with his dick full of spit. The stretch hurt quite a lot that tears were falling down his cheeks but he pushed himself through the pain while Jake pushed fast into him. With every hard slam into him Harry's back crashed into the wall and by now, he was feeling only pleasure overcoming him. But for some strange reason he was wondering why Jake never seemed to find his prostate, no matter how many times they fucked.
Suddenly, Jake was tightening his grip on Harry's waist and walked them over to Harry's bed with Harry's legs still around Jake's waist. He threw Harry down on the bed, not taking into account that his dick would jump out of Harry. Harry hissed at the feeling but a second later, Jake's dick was already back inside of him, slamming hard and fast into him. Jake placed his hands next to Harry's head and sucked on his neck while Harry scratched with his nails over Jake's back, leaving dozens of scratches behind.
"I'm the only one allowed to touch you, Babe. Always remember that" pounded Jake roughly into him and came a second later unexpectedly.
"I will, Daddy" panted Harry out.
Riding his high out, Jake fucked still up into him and Harry was so close. Exhausted, Jake pulled out of him and fell down next to him. Uncontrollably, Harry wrapped a hand around his angry tip and jerked himself off. A few moments later, he came into his hand. When he came down from his high his sight was dizzy and he felt his breathing still being uneven but he didn't care. Next to him he heard movement and saw how Jake was dressing himself again.
"Are you leaving?" brought Harry out fucked out.
"Yeah, my Mum wants me home fordinner. Sorry, but this was great. I had to show you who you belong to, Darling" sent Jake him a short smile before he went over to the door.
"See you tomorrow?" asked Harry hopefully.
"Yeah, I'm gonna join you at lunch, Babe. Bye" winked Jake at him and then left.
Tiredly, Harry stood up and went into the bathroom. He heard the front door shut close downstairs when he was cleaning himself up all alone. Feeling dirty for some reason, Harry decided to take a shower. With the water on his naked body he tried to make his brain shut up. Everything was good. Jake knew now about the fake-dating but he didn't leave him. They had rough sex because Jake obviously liked that and Harry was just happy to please him. All good. But why did he feel somewhere deep down that something was off?
What is this something? What is off?
Don't forget to leave me your comments and vote, loves :)
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