Chapter 29
*extra long chapter*
Todoroki's POV
A few days have passed and me plus Y/N have grown even closer. And because of this we both can't wait to get married. I was excited and preparing all that I can for her but of course she had to pick some of it because I don't want to tell her what dress she wants. That's for her to decide.
I was sat at my desk in one of the rooms and Y)N came running in. "Angel? What's wrong?" I asked standing up and looking at her.
"Shoto! There's been another kidnapping!!" She told me.
Goddamnit who keeps telling her that people are missing?!
"I'm sure they are fine my love, calm down and don't get yourself worked up. You don't need stress while sorting out the wedding." I told her.
"I'll send some guards out to check around. You focus on your dress and what cake you want all of that ok." I told her.
She sighed and nodded, then left the room. I sat back down. "Who told her?" I muttered in a dark tone.
"I'm not sure Todoroki."
"I'm gonna kill whoever keeps running their mouth." I spoke.
"Maybe you should take your own advice Icyhot. Calm down. Me Deku and Shitty hair will go into town and find out who is saying all of this." Bakugou told me.
Midoriya and Bakugou left the room.
Whoever is saying this need to keep their mouth shut. I don't need to waste my time on this and it's just upsetting my Angel. She won't be able to focus until that stupid body is found. . . What to do. . . I haven't even finished making him pay yet but I guess I'll have to cut this one short since someone likes to run their mouth. Damnit. . .
I got up and walked down to the room I keep them in, making sure no one sees me and no one noticed me. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I didn't give the . . . I would say person but it's not a person. I didn't give them chance to speak I slit their throat and told some guards to bag them up and take them somewhere else.
Which they did.
I changed clothes and walked down the halls I saw Y/N stood there picking between flowers, I smiled to myself and went to hug her from behind. "I think (Favourite flower) would look great!" I spoke to her in her ear.
She jumped but then I saw her smile and nodded her head. "I agree!" She said.
The maid smiled and nodded bowed and walked away. Y/N turned to me and smiled her cute little smile. I couldn't help but smile back at her. I held her tight and spun her around some.
She laughed and it made my heart melt she's so cute and I'm so happy she finally fell in love with me. I put her down huge smile on my face. "I love you my Angel." I told her.
"I love you too Shoto."
(I love you too Shoto!! O3O
Shoto: stick to the script!
I smiled even more I kissed her forehead gently and went back to my office.
About 10 minutes later Midoriya, Bakugou and Kirishima walked in. I looked up at them.
"Todoroki we sorted the town out none of them will say anything they will write it in a letter addressed to you instead." Kirishima told me.
"Alright, thank you." I spoke back.
That was when I was expecting them to leave but none of them did. I looked at them again. "Is there something else?" I asked them.
"Yes." Midoriya answered.
I raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"
"One of the town people was bad mouthing the princess... We didn't know what to do so-"
I was so angry. "What do you mean you didn't know what to do?!" I shouted.
"We brought them here but-"
"In the usual room. But Todoroki-"
I got up and went to walk out the door until I heard-
"It's the princesses mother Icyhot."
I froze.
Her mother... Her own mother was bad mouthing her again... Damnit I don't know what to do now... That's her mother... She'll be family and Y/N she still loves her mother. . . I don't understand how but she does. . .
"No exceptions. Everyone must be taught a lesson, but this time I'll show a bit of mercy. I'll stop after a while and ask her if she will continue to do that. If she says she won't and mean it I'll let her go." I told them all.
All of them nodded their head and followed me to the room.
Reader-Chan's POV
I walked into mine and Shoto's room and looked around. I know there was a hair clip from his mother in here somewhere but I don't know where. I wanted to wear it for out wedding.
As I looked around I saw some of Shoto's clothes, I moved them out the way but didn't see the hair clip anywhere. I sighed and put the clothes down I felt something on my hands when I looked my eyes widened.
Is Shoto bleeding?!
No he couldn't be it would have gotten on my clothes when he hugged me... Where did this come from?!
I ran out the room and down the halls and heard noises from a room. As I got closer to the room I heard screaming wait is that my mother?!
I opened the door and ran down the stairs, when I got to the bottom I saw my mother chained up, arms, legs and her face all bloody and swollen. My eyes widened and I didn't notice Shoto looking at me.
~A few minutes before you found them~
Todoroki's POV
I walked into the room and saw Y/N's mother chained up. She looked at me and shock was written all over her face. "Your the reason these people keep disappearing your highness?" She asked.
I simply nodded my head as I walked and stood in front of her.
"B-but why?" She asked me again.
"Because you all bullied Y/N to the point she wasn't herself. The rude attitude she showed me the first time we met wasn't who she really is. The girl I wake up and see, the one that always has a smile on her face each day and night is the real Y/N all of you broke her to the point she hide that." I answered her.
"That demon spawn has no real feelings. She was a mistake!"
I smacked her. I was so annoyed at this point and I just started to speak with her. Her mother looked at me in shock even more shock than what she was in.
"How dare you! What kind of mother treats her own daughter like that?! Y/N is so nice and sweet! What did she do to deserve treatment like this from her own mother?!" I shouted.
"She was born! That stupid mark on her is curse!" She shouted back.
"A curse?! No it's a blessing. She could have died but that mark saved her life. You of all people should be happy she's alive! But I bet when you found out the castle was being attacked you wished she was as dead!"
"Your right! I did!" She answered back.
I stabbed the knife her arm, her blood running down the blade and her screams of pain filling the room.
I slashed and slashed the woman in front of me. On her arms and legs even her face. More and more screams could be heard. When I was about to end it I heard the door opening, I looked to see who it was an my heart stopped.
Y/N was stood there.
Shock and sadness in her eyes.
When she looked at me the love and happiness was gone replaced by fear. She turned and ran out. "Y)N! Wait!" I ran after her down the halls.
Nobody's POV
You continued to run down the halls and went to yours and Shoto's room, locking the door and putting whatever you could in front of it. You sat on the floor by the bed and started to cry.
Seconds later you heard the door noob shake like someone was trying to get in. "Y/N! My love please open the door! Please!" You heard Shoto say. You know it your hands on her head and hid your face in your knees. You didn't answer him.
"Please open the door! I did all of this for you! I know you love this kingdom and everyone in to even after what they have done to you! Someone had to teach them a lesson! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry if I scared you! I do love you I really do!" Shoto said
You still didn't answer him.
The one person I loved and he loved me murdered and kidnapped and tortured all of those people. . . Because he 'loved' me.
Your mind flashed to the first time you saw him covered in blood. Oh no... He was doing it all this time! I didn't question the blood but I should have! Why didn't I question?!
"My Queen please... Open the door... I'm not gonna hurt you, I could never hurt you."
Shoto's voice sounded odd like he was crying while talking.
He loves me...
He was only doing this because of what they did to me...
"Fine... Take your time but please open the door to me eventually." He said.
Time past and you never opened the door for dinner. Or for a few weeks.
When Shoto was about to know he heard a click. He stepped back and looked at you. Waiting for what your going to say next. "Shoto... I do love you. And I want to marry you still but please no more of that." You spoke.
He nodded his head and held you tight, which you did the same in return. "I won't do it anymore. I'm so sorry!" Shoto hide his face in your shoulder. At least next time I'll be more careful.
~Time skip a few months later~
And that's all for this chapter! Thanks for reading
I know it was so long and you'll see why once you read the next chapter!
Hope you all enjoyed
Bye for now
To be continued!
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