Chapter 14
As you was getting closer and closer to your home in the kingdom you started to get more and more nervous. What would they all do?
Prince Todoroki must have noticed that you was nervous since he held your hand and gave you a a reassuring look. You looked at him and smiled some. That made Todoroki shocked and you could see a hint of shock in his eyes. He moved his head to the front and kept his eyes there.
"We are here your majesties." You heard the driver say.
You sighed and looked down. Todoroki already got out of the car and held out his hand for you to take. You took it and held his arm while you both started your walk.
All the villagers moved out of your way and looked at you both. They bowed but you knew they wasn't bowing to you. The discussed looks they were giving was for you.
Was this a mistake? Coming here with Prince Todoroki... Was it a mistake?
"Y/N?... Hello?..."
You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Todoroki speak. You turned your attention to him and he just looked at you. "are you getting hungry?" He asked you.
"No I'm fine, are you?" You asked him.
He shook his head no and you both continued walk. Todoroki looked around and saw the looks you two was getting so he had an idea and wanted to try something. "I need a drink. So I'm going to walk on ahead stay here *makes you sit on a bench* I'll be back as soon as I can." He said and walked away.
He went around the corner where no one was and looked out he saw all the looks was directed at you. Does that mean they have only been bowing to me when we walk passed them? Hmm I'll test that out.
He walked passed some people and they bowed to him then went to buy a drink. He came back and the same thing happened. "Alright let's continue." He said while holding out his arm.
You took it and the both of you began to walk again. You got by the lake and that's were you both decided to take a break. You sat down. Shoto looked out to the lake it was quite. There was no noise made.
"Is something wrong?" You heard Shoto speak.
"No Prince Todoroki. Nothing is wrong, I'm great." You answered him.
He could tell that wasn't the case and he could also tell that the villagers hated you, but he didn't know why they was doing that to you.
While he was thinking you was looking at the lake. The memories of what happened to you there filled your head. All those times your mother and father took you here and tried to get rid of that mark... The amount of pain you went through all of it. The memories and the emotions came flooding at you all at once. It must have been hard to bare since you put your hands on your head, lowered your head and started to cry.
Shoto looked at you and pulled you closer to him and tried to calm you down but it didn't work and now the ice prince had worry written all over his face.
"Y/N what's wrong?" He asked you.
But you didn't reply to him. You trying to forget all that stuff but the memories of all villagers and your parents kept flooding in your mind.
That's when Prince Todoroki lifted up your head and smashed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened since you wasn't expecting that. When he pulled away he saw you stopped crying and held you close to him. "It's alright. I won't let anyone harm you ever again."
(Tempting to break the fourth wall here... Nah I won't 😂)
You looked at him and saw that he was indeed serious. "Thank you your majesty." You told him.
He looked at you with no emotion and just nodded his head.
The both of you got up and decided to continue your walk. All the villagers was glaring at you and bowing at Todoroki. Then someone threw a rock and it hit your head. You touched it and you saw blood on your hands.
Todoroki was already looking for who threw the rock, but he couldn't find who it was. He held you close him while still looking around the place. "Let's just continue." You said. It sounded like the rock didn't even phase you, and why should it?
They always three rocks at you.
Todoroki moved his gaze to you and slightly nodded his head and you both began to walk. That's when another rock went to hit you, you closed your eyes and waited. . .
But the impact never came.
I'm so sorry for not updating this story!! I will be now and will do so until I either run out of idea or finish the book. Hope you all enjoyed it so far.
Who or what do you think stopped the rock? I want to know what you guys think.
Bye for now
To be continued!
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