What I hate about the Alvarez arc (continued)
Two updates in a row.I feel proud of myself.
Well...where do I start?
1.)The spriggan 12.
These twelve villains,were so hyped up,yet they get defeated by fairy tail so easily.I don't care if fairy tail members are powerful people.Mashima made it in a way that showed that these 12 individuals were almost unbeatable,but for them to be defeated so easily?It just made me sick.These 12 were Zeref's top rank,and considering how utterly powerful Zeref is,and how strong he can become when it comes to his goals,he wouldn't hire just anybody to help him achieve what he wants.So with that in mind,the Spriggan 12 should be powerful enough to blow up and entire continent with just a flick of their hands.
Brandish.She was captured and taken down so easily.Why?
Because of dust.
Let that sink in for a second.
This woman,can shrink or expand anything,and use it to her advantage.But no.Because Mashima doesn't have the balls to kill off anyone,Brandish gets captured and doesn't live up to her full potential.Because plot convenience is so important.She literally could have escaped so many times,and had plenty of chances to kill the fairy tail members,but no.Fairy tail has to appear strong,right.
Another thing is,Dimaria can stop and start time and time she wants to,and she can do anything while time is stopped.She could have easily killed literally the whole Fairy Tail guild,and the allies too.But once again,plot convenience has to come in.She just had to toy with people by cutting off their clothes,instead of...I don't know...GETTING THE JOB DONE!And then Ultear reappearing only when the time is stopped is utter plot convenience,because you know darn well,she would've won that battle if Ultear hadn't appeared,and if Ultear could appear only when time was stopped,how come she didn't try and stop Dimaria.Complete bull crap in my opinion.
Irene,a powerful enchanter,gets killed,by a sword to the stomach.This lady literally moved a whole continent out of place like it was a jigsaw puzzle or something.But no,seeing as she had to make the mistake of switching into Wendy's body,downgrading her power level,she lost.But I'm calling complete crap on the logic.If Wendy and Irene switched bodies,their minds should have switched too.Meaning that their knowledge of magic and their spells should have been in the body they were currently in.There is no way that Wendy should've been able to do the same enchant that made them switch bodies.I don't believe it.And all because Irene wanted to feel something again.
Now I won't go into all the spriggan 12,but just no I don't like them and the way they were portrayed.
I don't hate the character,just his existence.Let me explain.
In my mind,he should not exist.Now you may think that I'm only saying that because of Zervis.No.
As I said before,Mavis and Zeref only met twice.The second time was when Zeref kissed her and put her into eternal sleep.So anytime before that would 1.make this pedophilia,and 2.would be the only time that Zeref and Mavis could actually conceived that child.But let me say this.Unless Zeref had sex with Mavis' dead corpse before returning her to Fairy Tail,there is no way tho child could've happened.Why?Because they literally met,while Mavis was 12.
Let that sit for a moment.
Mavis,as we all know,has been locked in a capsule for 100+ years,so any relation between her and Zeref that couldn't have happened.Before that,the founding of fairy tail happened,and before that,Mavis and the other founders were taught magic by Zeref.Mavis casting an incomplete spell,was what made her stop aging.But after that,the two hadn't interacted until he put her in enteral sleep.But even if the did,it would still be pedophilia,because Zeref,who is over 400 years old,would have had to have sex with a 12 year old.
There is a high probability that Mavis did not have her period (it's a girl thing) at that time,meaning she could not have had that child,because periods usually start when you're in your early teen.I get that there are some exceptions to that rule,but it is mainly common that it starts in the teenager stage.
In simpler terms:No period=no baby.
Despite his existence,another thing I don't like about him is his magic.Orgasm magic.Really Mashima?Like.Seriously.Think about it.His power would've been bearable if based off the Seven Deadly sins.He already had Sloth,Lust,and Gluttony.But the only ones I actually liked were the last two.But his magic is unique and that's what makes it a little bit more bearable.
3.)Fairy Tail power-ups
Now,I know that Fairy Tail is suppose to be the #1 guild and all,but their ability to beat the Spriggan 12 so easily just makes me angry.If they were able to beat the 12 so easily,then why did they call on the other guilds to help?What was the whole purpose of making the alliance?Because even though none of the other guilds could even scratch the Spriggan 12,Fairy Tail made it seem so easy in comparison.It's just complete and utter crap how everything ends up in Fairy Tail's favor.
4.)The NaLu Moments
I know I may sound like a hater,but hear me out.
In one of the chapters,Lucy was forced to strip,and lay on top of Natsu,in order to warm him up,and stop the tumor.I don't know about you,but I don't think that's cute.Yes,Lucy was willing to do anything to save her friend,but I feel like there could've been another way to help him.Like...I don't know...getting a bunch of blankets and wrapping it around him.I'm pretty neutral towards Lucy,but even so,I wouldn't want to see her put into uncomfortable situations like these against her will.It's just sad really.
5.)The fake death scenes
We had many death scenes in this recent arc,but none of them were actually real.
Juvia and Gray,for example.Gray and Juvia,trapped in a spell by Invel,have to kill each other to be free of the spell.Juvia "dies",and gray kills Invel.It would've been great character development for gray if Juvia stayed dead.It would've showed that Gray can grieve,and that he cares about her.Instead,all of the potential character development just went down the drain.
Gajeel and his fake death scene.For once,we could've had some development for Levy.Levy,who had just conveyed her feelings to to the man she grew to love,watched said man disappear in front of her.Though tragic,it kind of ruined what little development she had.And all that grief would've been for nothing.All that sadness would've been for nothing.It just would've helped if Gajeel just stayed dead,because what would be the point of killing a character off if you were just going to bring them back?
The whole point of actually killing a character is to make the audience feel something.Grief,anger,happiness.The whole point is that the audience is supposed to have a connection to a character,and when that character dies,they are suppose to want to know what happens next.How will the story progress without (dead character)?How will (character) react to (dead character)'s death?And other questions that are suppose to arise in their minds.
And bringing that character back both gives relief to the audience,but also ruins the development and possibilities that could have happened because of their death,and I just can't deal with it.
This whole arc is just...disappointing,and I just can't wait for it to be over and done with.
Someone in the comment section made a valid point.
How could Lucy open to book of END so easily,but Tartaros had to try and destroy all magic just to get the book to respond to them positively.I don't care if you think Lucy is weak or strong,that's Natsu's life that she's rewriting so easy.I know she's trying to help but still.It kind of bothers me.
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