❄ CHAPTER 2 - #NewLife ❄
Did I mention that I was once obsessed with Barbie when I was younger? XD
Enjoy the chapter with a Barbie song in the media ^O^
[Elsa's POV]
*One Year Later*
I was walking to my next subject while smiling at the students who recognized me, while the others were rushing to their classrooms, there were some couples kissing on the corner, a girl who opened her locker and found a love note from a secret admirer. As I turned my head I saw a boy with a silver white hair, smiling at me...but then, I just walked passed him like I didn't even know him.
"ELSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I jumped and literally rolled off my bed when I heard my younger sister's scream from outside the door, then I heard a loud bang. "WAKE UP, YOUR MAJESTY, YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!"
I rubbed my eyes, scratched my head and glared at the door and decided to throw a pink shoe at it. "Oh, good. You're awake!" I heard Anna chirped and then footsteps running. I sighed and got up of bed, went to the bathroom, took a quick shower, and since it's Wednesday, it means that it's wash day, I decided to wear a simple white t-shirt with a single snowflake design on the center, ripped jeans, black rubber shoes and since it's quite cold outside, I decided to wear my favorite black leather jacket.
I headed downstairs and saw that Mom had a visitors from the company, I just shrugged and headed to the dining room where Anna is murdering a chocolate waffle. "Good morning, Miss Elsa." Gerda greeted and I smiled at her.
Anna looked at me with wide eyes, her mouth full of chocolate syrup and I suddenly laughed at the view. "Really, Anna?"
"What?" She muffled. "I love it when Mom cooks!"
I looked at Gerda with a raised eyebrow. "Mom made these?"
"Yup." Anna and Gerda replied in unison. "Your mom is a superwoman, she makes waffles and talk to her investors at the same time!" Gerda added.
"Wow." I chuckled before sitting down on my usual spot at the table while Gerda served me a plate of chocolate waffle and a mug of hot chocolate. "So, this is hashtag Chocolate Breakfast then?" I grinned and Anna hummed and nodded in agreement.
Elsa smiled widely before grabbing her phone from her pocket and opened her Instagram account. She took a picture of the waffle and the hot chocolate and posted it with the caption: ' #ChocolateBreakfastWednesday :) '
After our breakfast, Anna and I bid our goodbyes to mom and to the investors (which, to be honest, I found awkward), and once we got out of the house, we saw Hans leaning on our car and waved at one of our neighbors passing by. "Morning." Anna greeted and jumped in the backseat and I followed.
"Morning, ladies." He greeted back as he got in the driver's seat. "Off to school?"
"Yup." Anna and I replied as he started the ignition.
I opened the door and got out of the car, flipping my hair as Anna also got out and closed it. I looked at Hans and nodded at him and he nodded back before leaving. I sighed before entering the campus...this is going to be a long day.
"Hey, Elsa, Anna!" A student, that I have forgotten the name greeted and I just smiled at her and carried on walking. Finally, near my locker, I saw two familiar faces which I know I could really trust.
"Elsa!" They all greeted and waved at me once they saw me. I smiled and approached them. "Heya, Anna!"
"Hey, guys!" Anna also greeted. "So, what's up?"
"Nothing really, we're just waiting for the two of you." Rapunzel cheers. "Let's go then?"
I chuckled and grabbed my Chemistry book (which is the first subject for today), closed my locker and carried on walking, my fellow girls followed behind.
I never mentioned that I'm a member of a girl band. The guitarist and vocalist actually. We are called the 'Four Seasons'. It's me, Anna who loves bass guitar, Merida Dunbroch, the drummer and Rapunzel Corona, the pianist. Our band became popular when we won a campus band competition, we also play in some occasion during school programs.
Anna then separated from us, since she's one 10th Grade while we're 12th.
I sighed and rolled my eyes once we got inside the classroom...or should I say...CHAOSroom. Some students, especially the boys were throwing crumpled paper at each other, the jocks were making fun of the nerds, the girls are blabbering about their crushes and the b*tchy girls were putting heavy make up on their faces. "For cupcakes sake, are these girls attending to class or going to pole dance on a bar?" I whispered to Punzie who just shrugged.
"How are these people on 12th grade?" Merida complained.
"Beats me." I replied while Rapunzel went to erase the random writings on the board. "Merida, aren't you our elected peace officer?"
"You're right." Merida said sternly before walking sassily to the front table.
She sighed before yelling on top of her lungs. "SHUUUUT IIIIIIIIIIIT!"
The room fell on silence, the boys hurriedly picked up the papers, the jocks left the nerds and returned to their seats, the girls looked at her in shock while Rapunzel finally finished erasing the writings on board. "You flipping idjits!" Merida continued. "You're in 12th grade!" She glared at the boys. "Not elementary students!" She turned to the jocks. "You're suppose to be role models, not bullies!" Then she turned to the girls. "You're here to study, not to flirt!" Then to the b*tchy ones. "You're students, not club strippers!"
Merida was about to continue when our teacher suddenly went in. "Good morning, class." She greeted with a smile. "It's a miracle that you're quiet today."
"Good morning, Miss Snow." We all greeted back while Merida and I secretly shared a high five. The class had started and everyone was still silent while Miss Snow is discussing our lesson. I'm not really sure who the students are really scared off. Miss Snow or Merida.
[Third Person]
Thanks to the cafe's free Wi-Fi, Jack was able to connect to the internet again...since, their own Wi-Fi was broken. Jack decided to create a new Instagram account where he'd log in as an anonymous person. He decided to follow Elsa's account, and thankfully, Elsa did not put her account on private. He decided to check her account. He saw her recent pictures.
There was one selfie where she was with three girls, and the only girl that Jack know was Anna. He assumed that the other two girls, one with golden blonde hair and one with fiery red hair are her new friends. Jack was quite surprised that there were 65 likes on the photo, before, Elsa's photos only have 20+ likes or below.
Jack also saw the picture that Elsa posted this morning and he smiled. She still loves chocolate after all.
He decided to log out and check on his Facebook instead, but before he could even open the app, he received a notification from Instagram.
elsasnowflakewinters posted a new photo
Of course, Jack wouldn't hesitate to check it out. And there he saw a photo of a still life of a red rose in a vase and a white envelope. Jack was quite confused...what is this?
He decided to read the caption and his eyes widened.
January 13, this day is the exact day that I arrived in New York and had a #NewLife :) Idk, I just feel like celebrating. Haha!
And then Jack finally remembered...that yesterday was the exact one year of him breaking up with her through text message. And until now...he still haven't found a way to apologize. And then he read the caption again and frowned. So she already has a new life, huh? He thought. His emotions were mixing, he's happy that Elsa had finally moved on, but a part of him was not so happy about it.
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