Chapter Eleven ☆
Momo and Todoroki sat closer to the back of the classroom as presentations started. Taking a deep breath, Momo absentmindedly played with the buttons on her uniform jacket, and Todoroki watched her out of the corner of his eye.
The first group to go up was Bakugou and Sero. They recorded and edited a quick video of the perks and drawbacks of quirks, and how they worked in general. However, most of the video was just Bakugou screaming about something or blowing small props up. Sero looked exhausted, but Momo couldn't blame him. After all- he did have to work with the most hot-headed student at U.A.
As the two students started the video, Momo felt her heart race in her chest. Aizawa was calling on students randomly so she didn't know when it was their turn to present. It worried her, she didn't know if they were prepared well enough. Whenever they went through the script, Todoroki would usually stumble or mess up words when he read over Present Mic's part of the presentation. Momo would freeze up when she read Endeavor's section. On one hand, she was terrified of messing up when reading about Todoroki's father. On the other hand, the real hero was much more intimidating than the words she had to read.
It was at this moment that Momo started to get inside her head. All the thoughts of everything that could go wrong filled her mind, and she felt her breathing grow faster. She imagined completely screwing up the script, and all the Pro Heroes laughed or kicked her out of U.A. Aizawa might roll his eyes and expel her on the spot. Or worse than any of that, Todoroki might grow embarrassed or ashamed.
All of a sudden, Momo shot to her feet. She pushed her chair backwards and turned away from the rest of the class, storming out of the room. Her hands were shaking as they continued to fumble with the buttons on her jacket, and her knees felt wobbly. As she started down the hallway of U.A., her mind still continued to flood with thoughts of the class taunting her for making a mistake. She couldn't stop it.
She stopped walking and closed her eyes for a moment, trying desperately to calm herself down. She took deep breaths and tightened her grip on her grey jacket, causing her knuckles to turn white. Momo's hands continued to shake, and her breaths were uneven. A few moments of silence passed, until slow footsteps started behind her. She jumped instantly, her heart skipping a few beats. Quickly spinning around, she came face to face with a concerned-looking Todoroki.
"Oh, it's you," Momo let out a deep breath, relieved. Her muscles relaxed and she rubbed her eyes for a second.
"Were you expecting someone else?" Todoroki asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
"I wasn't expecting anybody at all," Momo let out another deep breath, opening her eyes and glancing up at him. "I'm glad it was you that followed me, though."
"I was worried, you walked out really quickly." he told her, glancing down at the floor for a moment. "Are you okay?"
Momo shrugged. "I just didn't realize how nervous I was for the presentation." she chuckled, trying to hide her anxiety. "I guess the pressure just kind of... got to me."
"..." Todoroki shoved his hands in his pockets and sighed, looking over his shoulder and back to the classroom. "You could be more specific..." he mumbled. His multi-colored eyes gazed back at Momo. "Like- if it's about my father, I could probably help."
Hesitating, Momo blinked up at Todoroki. "I-I don't know. It's about all everybody watching me, but... your father is really intimidating." she shook her head guiltily and looked up at him. "I feel like if I mess up, something bad is gonna happen to y-..." her voice trailed off quickly. "I just don't want to mess up."
Todoroki's red side of his hair fell in front of his scar as he lowered his head. "Nothing is going to happen to me, Yaoyorozu." he reached out his left hand and grabbed Momo's, glancing back up at her. "Even if you mess up, everything's going to be fine."
Momo's body continued to shake as she looked down at their interlocked hands. "Look at your arms, Shouto." She used her free hand and traced the outline of Todoroki's arm through his sleeve. "You don't know that everything will be fine." she whispered.
He didn't say anything after that. For few moments, all Momo could hear was the nervous inhale and exhale of his breathing. "These were from something else," Todoroki's voice grew soft as he gazed down at his arms. "But this," he squeezed Momo's hand gently. "This will be okay."
Momo wanted to hug him. She wanted to hug him so badly, but her anxiousness got the better of her and she kept her body still. "If anything ever happens to you, or your f...father does anything, will you tell me?" she asked.
"...Yeah." Todoroki murmured back. "I will." he gently pulled his hand away, to Momo's unknown reluctance. "We should get back, it might be our turn soon."
Without another word, Momo nodded and followed him back to the classroom. She watched as he put his hands back in his pockets and lowered his head, staring at the floor.
He means a lot to me. Momo thought sadly. I hope I'm the same to him...
"Momo Yaoyorozu and Shouto Todoroki are up next." Aizawa called out, shuffling a bunch of papers in his hands.
Momo felt her throat tighten with anxiety, and she reluctantly rose from her seat. Todoroki did the same and the two slowly walked up to the front of the class. Every other group had gone, and they were last.
Holding the script tightly in her hand, Momo turned towards the class once she reached the board. The students' gazes were fixed on them, except for Bakugou, who was angrily staring out of the window. Momo briefly glanced towards the Pro Heroes, and saw Endeavor standing with his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed menacingly.
Trying to ignore the eyes of the flame hero, Momo glanced towards Todoroki. He was staring straight forward, trying to ignore the eyes of his venomous father as well. Momo cleared her throat and turned back towards the classroom.
"S-Shouto and I have a presentation about the quirks of Pro Heroes." She took a deep breath and tried to ignore the red blush on her cheeks, "The heroes we will be talking about today are..." she gestured towards the Heroes sitting near the edge of the classroom. "P-Present Mic, Best Jeanist, Hawks," her hand started shaking as she waved towards the flame hero. "and Endeavor."
Visibly annoyed that he was introduced last, Endeavor let out a grunt of disapproval and lifted his chin. Momo let her gaze skim over the script briefly and let in another breath. "Shouto will be presenting Present Mic and Beast Jeanist, and I will have Hawks and Endeavor."
Nobody spoke as Momo quickly handed the script over to Shouto. His dual-colored eyes scanned it quickly, before he cleared his throat. "Present Mic's quirk is widely known as Voice. It's a strong and powerful quirk that often benefits him when in battle with many enemies..."
The rest of the presentation went better than Momo had expected. Neither of them had stuttered too often, and Todoroki's strong voice made him a natural presenter, when he ignored his father.
author's note: shouto's voice in the sub and dub is so HOT like dAMN
Momo's hands trembled as she took back the script to read Endeavor's section. "For our last hero, we have... E-Endeavor," Momo cleared her throat and glanced up at him. He shifted on his feet, the flames around his face growing stronger and crackling louder.
"His quirk is dubbed Hellflame, thus making him the Flame Hero. Endeavor has gone above and beyond with his quirk, even going as far as making him able to run on walls with the sheer heat of his flames. One of the few drawbacks of his fire was also passed down to his son, Shouto."
Todoroki flinched slightly beside her.
Momo felt her heart twist at his gesture. "the drawback of his fire is the rising temperature of his body heat, which can also lead to other casualties. This includes faster fatigue, or heat stroke, which could be deadly if he doesn't cool himself down or find another way to treat it."
"Endeavor can control the shape and temperature of his flames, utilizing his quirk in other ways besides just using his fire outright. His flames can get so hot to the point of burning his enemies to the cellular level." This caused many students to widen their eyes and glance to the side at Endeavor. He had a wicked grin on his face as his aqua eyes raked over Shouto and Momo.
Todoroki was shifting uncomfortably during the presentation. He crossed his arms and leaned to his right, closer to Momo. This made her smile slightly as she continued. "The higher the power Endeavor uses for his flames, the more it raises his body temperature and impairs his physical abilities. Despite this, Endeavor has three power moves." Momo took a break from speaking and took in a deep breath. "They are known as Jet Burn, Hell Spider, and Prominence Burn. He must use these moves sparingly, because all three increases his body temperature to the point where it exceeds its limit and he is unable to continue fighting."
"That's SICK!" Kaminari called out, his mouth hanging open. "Todoroki, does that mean you can do that too?"
Todoroki's eyes widened for a moment, but before he could speak, Endeavor interrupted.
"Not yet, but he will." Endeavor's eyes gleamed as he chuckled with pride, but Todoroki glared at him.
Momo brushed her arm against Todoroki's sleeve as a warning sign to calm down. She quickly finished up the presentation by talking about the circumstances in which Endeavor would have to use his power moves, and smiled as she waved to the audience.
"That's the end of our presentation."
The classroom erupted in cheers as many of the students sprang to their feet and exchanged enthusiastic high fives. Momo glanced at Todoroki and saw that he was staring at his father with hatred burning in his eyes.
"Hey," Momo whispered through the laughter of the students. Todoroki flicked his attention towards her. "Remember what you promised me earlier." she gazed at him seriously. "Nothing will happen, right? And if it does, you'll tell me?"
"Yeah." Todoroki nodded, uncrossing his arms and relaxing.
Momo watched as he turned to Kaminari and burst out in a fit of laughter. Bakugou was seething with rage beside him, to the the point where he looked more like a demon than a teenager. However, she knew that he would calm down eventually.
"Are you going?" she asked Todoroki softly.
"To the party?" he blinked at her. "Only if you are. I wouldn't really have anybody I'd like to talk to if you weren't there."
Her voice caught in her throat, Momo blushed. "R-really?"
"Yeah. We could meet up later and walk to Bakugou's house." he offered.
"That'd be..." she bit her lip and could barely contain the amount of excitement and energy inside her. "That'd be awesome."
Todoroki smiled slightly, ignoring his father as he turned and strode out of the classroom. "I'm glad."
I can't believe it... I'm going to a party with Shouto Todoroki...
Momo's phone buzzed in her pocket, and she pulled it out to reveal a text from Uraraka.
Uraraka: You should tell Todoroki you like him at the party.
Momo almost dropped her phone right then and there.
I. AM. BACK! hey guys!! i finally got over the horrible writer's block on this story, and finally got to a point where i know how i can continue it.
i probably won't update next weekend because i have a huge horse show at one of the biggest fairgrounds in the country O_O
speaking of which, it's my one year anniversary with my horse, and i love her sm :) <3
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