^^^^me (on the far right), Ayla (my middle cousin, in the middle), and Bryce (youngest cousin, on the far left). I swear I don't have a filter on in the first one. I just have to say, my eyes are kinda pretty in that picture. I usually hate my eyes.
^^^My mom (my grandfather (on my dad's side) is asleep in the back).
Ok, so it is so hilarious being on a vacation with people who don't understand most of the stuff I say.
My grandma (on my dad's side) will be telling a story about something atrocious that happened, and it will be like, "and it was Rachel!" And everyone's like, "*gasp* what!?" And I'm just like, "*satisfied ahhhhhh noise, with a slow knowing nod* now that's the tea"
Or my 7 year old cousin falls off his bike, and everyone's yelling "Bryce, are you okay!?" And I'm just off on the sidelines sipping my daily leche, and saying, "hE NEEDS SOME MILK" And my grandma is like, "What?" And daylon, my 18 year old cousin is hysterically laughing, and everyone's confused, and I deny ever saying anything at all.
And then I'll make some comment about getting a tan darker than the bags under my eyes. No one hears me except daylon, and he's already nodding, because he knows-
I looked at a map of Florida with my dad, and I was like, "Look, its Texas!" And my dad was like, "What?" So I just quickly walked away.
When we were leaving the hotal room, my mom asked me what I had on, so I said, "Leggings underneath my Jean's, a sweater, on top of a sweater, on top of a doctor who shirt." And then I did the Spider-Man/ASL hand sign (the one for I love you), and I got into a spiderman stance, and said dramatically, "The 11th doctor once said, "with great power comes great responsibility." And my mom and daylon lost it.
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