Story time
Ok,so its Destiny here and on June 12 2019 My dog stole my toast....Ofcourse she had discipline for what she did but on to the funny/me parshly crying parts.
One night (June 12 2019) I got hungry and so I got my ass up and went to the kitchen. As I go to the kitchen I notice my dogs food bowl is empty so I'm like "eh..I'll get it when I am done with my food" so I get in the kitchen get the bread down and the toaster. As I get the toaster my dog stares at me. As she stares at me making my toast she gets up and walks over to the wall. As I am in the kitchen I hear her bark but im like well she just heard something and mind me its 2 am in the morning and I get done with my toast and I get the butter out. As I butter my toast I hear scratching at the front door and so I look from the kitchen and as I do my dog is staring at me so I just ignore her and keep buttering my toast cause I have like 8 peices of toast so I get done and walk back to the living room and as I do my dog is still staring at me so like I get paranoid and make sure the doors are locked and that the windows are too. As I get done I sit back down and start eating my toast and my dog comes up to me and sits down. So like I always do I give her some crust and go back to eating and watching anime. As I sit my plate down my Dog steals 2 peices of toast and runs off under my bed and I yell "YOU STUPID DOG!!!" She gets done with them and gets out from under the bed and stares at me.
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