4th January 2018
This new year was really a great beginning for me. I have got a permanent job at Flinn Designs as a senior designer. Finally, I am an independent woman just like how I am since my childhood. The sad part is that I would not be working with him in his company. To be honest, I never had a full satisfaction when I am working with him. It's always like my talent wasn't really appreciated there.
At noon, I came back to the penthouse after I shop some formal wears for my office. Abigail was at the kitchen, cooking my lunch as I told her that I would be back. As I turned around after hanging my coat at the coatrack, I saw Sanskar, at the sofa, going through a red file.
Ragini: You're here?
Sanskar: Yes, I am. Why are you so shocked?
Ragini: No. It's just that I don't really see you around at noon.
Sanskar: I wasn't feeling well. So, I called the day off.
Ragini: What? You're not feeling well? Oh my God!
Sanskar: Relax. I'm fine.
Ragini: But you just said that you aren't feeling well. Let me check you temperature.
I went into my room and looked around for the thermometer and came down to the hall. Sanskar had already lay down with his hand over his face.
Ragini: Sanskar, let me check..... OMG! It's 41°C. You having high fever. I'll call the doctor. Wait, what's the doctor's number.
Sanskar: Ragini, I think that you are overreacting.
Ragini: Abigail, get me a clean towel and small container of cold water.
Abigail: Yes, Miss.
Ragini: Take off you coat.
Sanskar: What?!
Ragini: I asked you to take off you coat. Don't let me repeat twice.
Sanskar: Hey, that's my dialogue.
Ragini: Do you really want to argue about this? Just do as you are told.
Sanskar quietly takes out his coat and unbutton his sleeves. I helped him to lay back again and Abigail came with the cold water and towel. I placed the towel, soaked in cold water on his forehead, simultaneously. After 15 minutes, the doctor came and checked Sanskar.
Ragini: How is he, doctor?
Doctor: He's having quite a high fever. Did he got drenched in rain in this few days?
Ragini: Yeah. On New Year's Eve.
Doctor: Maybe it's because of that. I'll prescribe some medicine for him and ask him to take as much as possible. He really needs that.
Ragini: Sure, doctor. Anything else?
Doctor: I'll suggest liquid food for him. Soup and porridge. Nothing hard.
Ragini: Okay, doctor. I'll take care of him. Thank you so much.
The doctor left and I asked Francis and Taylor to help me bring Sanskar into his room. I went to kitchen and asked Abigail to prepare porridge for him. I went up to my room and changed into my T-shirt and sweatpants. I tied up my hair into a bun and came down to the kitchen.
Ragini: Is the porridge ready?
Abigail: Yes, Miss. Would you like to taste it before bringing it?
Ragini: Yeah.
Abigail: How is it?
Ragini: It's good. Get me a bowl and glass of warm water.
I brought the food and placed in at the side table. I woke him up to have his food.
Sanskar: What's it?
Ragini: This is called porridge.
Sanskar: No, I don't want.
Ragini: You'll have to eat something to have your medicine. Get up.
Sanskar: Fine.
Ragini: Before that, go change into something else.
Fed up of me nagging, Sanskar tried to get up from his bed. But he couldn't since he was so tired.
Ragini: Do you need any help?
Sanskar: Can you? Really?
Ragini: Yeah.... What can I do for you?
Sanskar: Get my clothes and help me wear them.
Ragini: WHAT?!! You've got to be kidding me.
Sanskar: I don't think so.
Ragini: No. I am not doing.
Sanskar: Then I'm not eating this gross thingy.
Ragini: It's called porridge.
Sanskar: Whatever.
Ragini: Arghh!!! Fine.
I stomped my feet and went into his walk-in closet and took out a T-shirt randomly. As I came out, Sanskar was not on his bed. I called out for him and suddenly I heard noises in the bathroom. Rushing in, I saw him vomiting into the toilet bowl.
Ragini: Sanskar, are you okay?
Sanskar: Get me a towel.
Ragini: Okay, wait.
I got the towel from his closet and a t-shirt with sweatpants. Then, I went into the washroom and took some hot water in a small pail and say beside him.
Slowly, I unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulder and pulled off the singlet he was wearing in. I took the towel and hesistantly wiped his body while he looked at me.
Ragini: Why are looking at me like that?
Sanskar: Nothing, no one have done this to me actually.
Ragini: Your mom?
Sanskar: I have not really been that close with my mother. She does take care of me but mostly I don't see her as she works alot. The only person I spent most of my childhood was with my father. That's why when they proceed with their divorce I chose to stay with father.
Ragini: I am sorry. Looks like you were also like me. The only difference is that I never knew who my parents are actually.
I gave Sanskar his clothes and waited outside of the room till he changed. Once done, I went in and gave him the porridge bowl.
Ragini: Have it.
Sanskar: Do I have any options?
Ragini: No! Eat!
Sanskar: Feed!
Ragini: What?!
Sanskar: I'll eat of you feed me. Deal?
I took the spoon and start to feed him. For once, he looked like a small kid to me. Maybe this is his real character that he is hiding from everyone. Once he finished his porridge, I gave him the tablet and water. Pouting, he took the tablet and placed in his mouth and drank the water. Swallowing, he made a cute child face who tasted bitterness.
Sanskar: Yuck!!! Done?
Ragini: Almost.
Sanskar: What else do you want me to do?
Ragini: Sleep. Get as much rest as possible. No going to the office until you are well.
Sanskar: But....
Ragini: No buts. I'll ask Taylor to postpone all your stuffs till you get really well.
I covered him with the blanket and switch off the light before closing the room door behind me.
In the evening, as I was at the living room, reading my novel, Taylor called and informed me that the interior designer for Sanskar's new house is her to see him regarding his new furniture plans. I asked him to send them away as Sanskar was still asleep.
But Taylor insisted that Sanskar have already told him to ask me to handle it so, I asked him to send them. It turned out that it was Raghav who came.
Raghav: Hey there.
Ragini: Raghav can you be a little more formal?
Raghav: Do you have a problem?
Ragini: Yes I do.
Raghav: Fine. Good evening, Miss. I am here to show the catalogue for the furniture that Mr. Maheswari new house. Was that better?
Ragini: Absolutely. Let me see the catalogue.
Raghav: I am sorry, Miss. I can't show them to you as you are not anyone to him.
Ragini: Apparently, he asked me to handle this meeting with you as he isn't feeling well. And to be honest, I prefer if the meeting was with anyone other than you.
Raghav: What the hell, Ragini? Why are you so mean to me all of the sudden?
Ragini: Me? I suppose you started it. I have no mood to talk about this with you.
Raghav: What happened to you, Ragini? You have changed alot. I thought we had something between us.
Ragini: Us? We had nothing, Raghav. Nothing!
Raghav: I get it. Sanskar must have manipulated you against me.
Ragini: He never does cheap things like that.
Raghav: He have changed your mind so badly that you can't even hear a word against him.
Ragini: Well that's because you're talking nonsense. Leave now.
I stood up when suddenly he grabbed my hand.
Ragini: Let go of me, Raghav!
Raghav: No! You have to follow me now. I'll get you out from this place.
Ragini: I am not coming anywhere with you. Let me go!!!! I'm warning you. I'll call the security.
Raghav: I don't think so.
He takes the vase in the table and breaks it. He takes one of the broken pieces aiming at me, while I stood shocked.
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