Dear Diary,
Today I decided to start writing in you, so I guess you should know some things about me.
My favorite color is blue. Why? I don't know. I think it had something to do with my eyes, or that it's the color of ice. Hehe.
I have shoulder length blonde hair and Ivey blue eyes. You see that blonde in the picture? That's me. I'm not that good looking, on a scale of 1-10, I would give myself a 5.
My favorite number is 5. Why? Because in all grades 1-5, my number was five.
Hmmm, oh yeah, I'm not a girly girl. I mean, yeah I'm ok with doing my nails and hair and dressing up sometimes for fun, but any other time, it's a no.
I don't have any crushes. I know what your thinking. 'Every 12 year old should have a crush! It's part of life!'
Well if it's part of life, then how come I don't have one? Not that I care, boys don't interest me that much anyways.
I have around 4 cousins, but I'll only mention my only girl cousin, Jayla,(changing everyone's names, remember?) because she's the only one I talk to. Me and her used to be really close. But ever since she became friends with this one girl, we've been drifting apart.
I have no brothers, but I have two sisters. Madeline, my youngest sister, is 9 but still knows all about... grown up things. She loves to start fights with me and snitch on me and get me in trouble. She's the favorite of my dad, and grandma.
My other sister, Chelsey, is 15 and loves rock music. I love it too, but not as much as her. She's also number one at tuning me out.
Well, if there's anything else you would like to know about me, then just comment it, and I'll answer.
See ya,
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