Walk in Christ Jesus
June 25, 2015
WORD OF GOD: "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving." -Colossians 2:6-7 KJV
Just to be clear: Walk in Him doesn't mean to walk with Him. Its two different statement but it can be both possible in our lives today. But my message is about 'walking in Him' and that statement can't be interchange 'with walking in faith'.
'Walking in Him' is to say, to walk in His way, to walk in His truth, to walk in His life. John 14:6 'Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
'Walking in Christ Jesus'
The only way we can be able to walk in Him is when we have done these three things;
One. Rooted in Him.
Two. Built up in Him
Three. Established in the faith in Him (Firm in Him)
Rooted in Him
He is the foundation, the source, the core and center of our lives, ...in short: the very thing we can't live without.
Some of you may say, 'So life revolves around Him otherwise i am not living?!' Or some might ask, 'Is He worthy of such statement?'
How can we possible not make Him the foundation or source of our lives after what He did on the cross for us to live and for Him to die in our stead? How? He just didn't die. He was crucified for crying out loud! And before that He was treated like pig being slaughtered even worst than a pig, He was betrayed, mocked, spitted, beaten up, etc. and then He carried His cross and was crucified on it. The King of kings, Lord of lords, the Son of God became poor and died for us to be rich and alive... and you thought my statement will end there, not only that, also importantly for us to become sons & daughters of God.
"The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God." ~ Mere Christianity, By C. S. Lewis
God has never given us reasons not to make Him the centre of our lives or even offer our lives as a living sacrifice to Him. God did not abandoned us if there's anyone abandoning who its us, we have abandon God. The very moment we sin against Him. God gave us life then we abandoned Him the moment Adam & Eve sinned. I will say it again God did not abandon us, He sent His prophets, then we abandon God we didn't listen to them and most of them we have killed and we have persecuted. Still God didn't abandon us He gave us His Son, Jesus but we abandoned Him on Mt. Calvary when He was hanged on the cross because of you & me, we abandon God for not believing in the One He sent. After that do you think God has abandoned us? NO! How do i know? in His Word He said in Mal. 3:6' I CHANGE NOT' and He added it in Hebrews 13:5, I will NEVER leave you nor abandon you.
As a believer, a Christian the moment you realise what God has done for you, when you finally understood it all... you will be able to give Him the praise, worship, and glory He deserves and you would say, 'He is worthy to be called our source, our foundation... It will then be easy to be rooted in Him.
Built up in Him
Our lives being built up in Him.
We are all broken people. A big piece of us is missing that is the core of our being, the very reason we can't live without is missing, life is missing. We have no purpose, direction, & sense without Him. And only Him can complete us. Only Him can fix us up.
You know, broken piece are meant to be thrown, worthless & useless. It is of no use but God is an artist above all artist. He made us out of nothing. Only God can make extraordinary things made out of dust.
"...He lived serenely, as an artist greater than all other artists, scorning marble and clay and paint, working in the living flesh. In other words, this peerless artist, scarcely conceivable with the blunt instrument of our modern, nervous and obtuse brains, made neither statues nor paintings nor books. He maintained in no uncertain terms that he made...living men, immortals." -Vincent Van Gogh
Unless God builds it up, it is in vain. And so allow Him to build you up again by following His will & command for our lives, who else knows us best other than the Creator Himself- No one! Only Him!
Firm in Him
To be firm in Him required God's grace in our lives, His intervention. I've learn thru Pastor Piper, 'grace is both pardon and power' thru faith in the one who died for me, I believe in his statement too. We are forgiven by God's grace thru our faith in Jesus Christ and it is importantly power as well, power from God by the Holy Spirit thru our faith in Christ Jesus.
The only way for you to be able to withstand the struggles of life is thru God's grace. You can't do it on your own, our ways leads us to nothing but destruction.
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." -Ephesians 2:8-9
So, we should hold fast to God no matter what situation we are in, esp during the darkest moments of our lives. Trust Him even when it hurts, even when you don't understand, even when its terrifying, even when you're dying just trust Him in everything, like what i said earlier we can only do it by God's grace with the help of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in us that is what it means to establish in the faith... knowing that every things happens for the good for those who love God.
It is easy to praise God in times of blessings, but how about when we lack? Hate to break it to you but we are being measure during those hardest moments in life. As Job would say, "...You speak as one of the foolish women would speak. Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips." -Job 2:10
We are tested that way for God to see His true people. Life is a test everyone. It's either your struggles will move you or you move it with your faith in the One who can move mountains.
Having understood it all... Now as you walk in Him abound always in thanksgiving. This is important. God is not into business of forcing people, He just laid it down... He laid down His way for your salvation and its up to you to take your cross and follow Him to the way He has prepared for you or not but be prepared to face the consequences of your actions and be lead into eternal destruction, its your call. Totally up to us... either His way or your way! He doesn't force it, He acted out of love to save us and He want us to act out of love as well. To act our way to Him with love. With force you can't give thanks but with love you can... Without a thankful heart to God we walk in vain. Keep that in mind. Abound always in thanksgiving.
"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." -1 Thessalonians 5:18After all we are made by Him and we are made for Him (Colossians 1:16).
You can't say that you have walked in Him without even rooted in Him, without being built up in Him and possessing a faith that isn't firm in Him. You could say those three are a prerequisite thingy in Christianity.
To walk in Him is to walk in His way, to walk in His truth, to walk in His life.
In short: 'To walk in Him' is 'To be like Him'. To imitate His ways, to speak of His truths and to live in His life.
Knowing Him is just on the surface being rooted, built up and firm in Him is so much deeper. It goes beyond knowing, it is a way of life.
To God be the glory!
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