Acknowledge God
08/16/13 Revised: 07/28/14
"Yet it was I who taught Ephraim to walk; I took them up by their arms, but they did not know that I healed them."
I'd like to start with this,
Try to change the subject to you... as if reading it in a way God is talking to you.
Like this,
"Yet it was I who taught you (or your name) to walk; I took you up by your arms, but you did not know that I healed you."
Please do reflect on it for awhile.
Today, I'd like to talk about acknowledgement (not just about knowing it but also to confess what you know or believe in)
God has laid down His plan for our lives, we might not know it for me, but one thing is for sure it's for the best. (Read - Jeremiah 29:11)
We may be in a rough start in our journey, or worst throughout our journey it may be tough but the end is always the best. At the end our reward is waiting. Heaven is waiting.
You might ask, God's plan is for the best? Then, why is there so much pain/hurt? Why am i suffering? Why am i poor? Why am i ugly? Why don't people love me? Why am i fat? Why am i lonely? Why? There are alot of whys in our lives. We have alot of questions within us.
Our life is not just about what you see...mainly it is about those you don't see, for instance - contentment, is not something you buy & sell. It's a feeling that people want to feel. You can't force it to anyone. And so people try so hard to get the things they what but end up not feeling it and in the end people want more... and more. Same goes with happiness, we buy things we want to be happy but end up only getting the temporal happiness... It's because the kind of happiness we are searching, the genuine kind, something you can't take hold of with your hand is only possible to be place in your heart. And so, no matter what we seek to sustain us in any way in life it can never satisfy us because only God can make us truly happy.
No matter where we seek the things we think we need/want, we will always end up failing because in the first place, all we ever need and want is God. That's the truth and in case you didn't know that, stop embracing the lies of the enemy and hold on to that truth - we need God in our lives.
God guides and leads us to the way, yet we stumble and get distracted by the world we live in. End up sinning and getting overwhelmed by our problems. But, God is always there to help us, all we need to do it call unto Him... God saves.
I believe, people need to experience darkness for us to appreciate light. Also, people needs to be imprison for us to appreciate what it means to be free.
Sometimes people need to lost something that they have for us to know for ourselves the true value of the thing.
Tragedies/ calamities/ problems needs to occur for us to know that God exist. Well, ofcourse in every situation there are always 2 possible outcome. Either they will believe in God or not. To bless God or curse Him. Which will it be? But haven't you thought of this, Why am i still alive? After what I've been through in this life... I've been bullied, beaten up, hit by a car, our house burn down, etc... but why am i still alive? It's because God helped you up. God has allowed you to be alive today because He has a plan for you.
With all the things God has done for us, giving us life and love... It is right to acknowledge Him in everything we do.
Do you know what it feels to be acknowledge? to be notice? It feels good to be honest.
Oftentimes, our parents get disappointed with us and get hurt/ feel bad if we take not their words seriously, or they feel they were valued less, or not appreciated for all the hardwork they have done for us... How much more do you think would God feel if you don't acknowledge Him, the Creator of all things?
When we acknowledge someone, it also means that person has contributed something in your life...
Has God contributed anything in your life?
Yes! He gave us life. Without it we are dead. He gave you the very reason you are still alive... your breath. So it is right to acknowledge Him.
We, people, try to act/ do things so that others will notice us and be part of their lives. And if they didn't acknowledge us will get hurt/depress. It's in a way a scaring thing, the fear of no one loves you... no one recognize you... no one acknowledge you. It's painful, you say? And you would tell God, "you don't understand, Lord... I can't take it anymore. It hurts so much i feel like dying..."
Don't say that because in one day, Jesus Christ felt so much, pain/hurt/suffering in this world that no man has ever felt and experience in his lifetime those physical and emotional struggles Jesus went through for you... He was accused, rejected, mocked, betrayed, beaten up, shamed, crucified and died... on the cross for the sin He did not committed. He did it for His love for us.
And God the Father, after seeing His Son being in pain and suffering... Seeing His Son died in His very eyes, and instead of punishing those people, He endured the pain He felt to save us all. He acted out of love... And that love gave us our salvation through Jesus Christ.
So, don't you dare say God doesn't know and understand our pain... He knows very well what pain is... And He won over it.
After seeing us digging our own graves here on earth. God the Father decided to give us life through His only Son, Jesus Christ.
Acknowledging God is the least we could do for Him. After all the things He has done for us, He deserves it!
Acknowledging God isn't about knowing God, it's so much more... It's honoring and loving God as well.
To confess what He has done in our lives. To preach His Word.
We must preach God's Word in the way we live our lives rather than with what we say. More of what we do than say.
Acknowledging God through our deeds is more effective that with words alone. If in everything and every circumstances we experience we should continue to acknowldege God and cease not in doing so... for in the end our reward is waiting...
As the scriptures says,
"The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and His angel." - Revelation 3:5
Imagine, yourself being acknowledge by your parents, friends, professors, boss, colleague, or favorite celebrity/actors/actress... I bet you'll be very happy about it, then How much more would you feel if God Himself, the Creator of heaven and earth, would acknowledge you.
Your Creator acknowledging your good works! God acknowledging your very existence! You don't need the acknowledgement from other people, God's acknowledgement is more than enough.
If you feel like no one's acknowledging you... remember that God's sees you and He acknowledges your existence.
And so walk with God, acknowledging His presence and remember His will, ways and commands.
Be humble and love everyone because it's a way of declaring your love for God, through your words and deeds.
And remember that, It is God that guides/teaches you... In times when you're down He will be there to lift you up, and in every pain... He will heal you. Don't lose hope, keep that faith alive.
And live the good life in Christ!
To God be the glory.
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