9: Well this is a bit random
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot, Lesbian Lightswitch, Nature, Remote, Blueberry Pastry and Cinnamon are online
Cinnamon: Hai again! :D
Cinnamon: What happened?
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Hola I'm back
Cinnamon: Wait you got kicked??
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Yes- but now I'm bacc
Nature: Idk how you slept through the entire day yesterday but Liy and Remote are together now
Cinnamon: :O Really!?
Nature: Yeah, No idea how it happened but just know that Remote did it
Lesbian Lightswitch: She just came up to me and kissed me-
Remote: Technically yeah but i did talk to you first
Lesbian Lightswitch: Yes, ilysm-
Cinnamon: Aw!!
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Yes
Blueberry Pastry: Remote your the only one who's name hasn't been changed yet
Remote: Oh yeah
Lesbian Lightswitch: Well what would be her nickname?
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: I have something
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: That's completely obvious
Nature: Let me guess, "Battery Lover"
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: how did you guess that quickly-
Nature: You said 'Completely obvious' so of course
Remote: That doesn't sound too bad
Lesbian Lightswitch: Lemme do it for you
Lesbian Lightswitch changed Remote's name to Battery Lover
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Reference?
Lesbian Lightswitch: Yes
Dirt Lover and 🅱️en are online
Blueberry Pastry: Hey it's been a while since Lightning and Fanny have been online
Dirt Lover: Nah they're fine, Lightning just doesn't interact with his phone often
Dirt Lover: He forgets about this messenger app
Dirt Lover: And Fanny, She doesn't want to be in this GC in the first place
🅱️en: Okay Wti we talkin about
Lesbian Lightswitch: Idk anymore
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot:
(A/N: haha Gacha designs go Brrrr (yes it's mine-) )
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Look it's us but Gacha
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Except Life
🅱️en: Dab
Dirt Lover: Oh cool
Battery Lover: Why are you on the floor pillow-
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: I probably lost a bet or game or smth
Nature: Why is your hair showing behind your back when you have uh, a "Hoodie" on
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: There's a reason for that
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Wait hang on
Lesbian Lightswitch: Why does this seem better than most of the Gacha designs i've seen on the internet?
(A/N: No offense to those who made Gacha versions of Death P.A.C.T or Bfb in general-)
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot:
Nature: Oh
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Yes
Lesbian Lightswitch: What happened-
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: The person who made that headcanons that i eat anything-
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Soo you might as well know wtf happened-
Lesbian Lightswitch: Wtf- is that true
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Yes I'm sorry i literally eat anything
Blueberry Pastry: No wonder the chair i sat on 2 days ago only has three legs left
Nature: IT WAS HER
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Yes
Cinnamon: Wait what you eat anything?
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Yes, haven't you seen the one time where i was literally eating the paper from the fortune cookie
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: And i was literally Beside you
Cinnamon: Oh
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot:
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: And for some reason they're in Gacha club
Lesbian Lightswitch: ITS LIGHTSWITCH-
Nature: Blossom Tree and Starry are the only ones without a hat i just noticed
Cinnamon: They look cute :3
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: My Sister too?
Cinnamon: Yea :>
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Really-
Lesbian Lightswitch: So your sister is a feather
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: And yours is a wired lightswitch
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Lemon pie is so short- XD
Lesbian Lightswitch: People gonna mistake him as a child now
Battery Lover: I didn't even realize the chat
Battery Lover: Sorry i was texting with Pie
Lesbian Lightswitch: About what?
Blueberry Pastry: It's none of your business
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Sus
Nature: This isn't among us
Cinnamon: Among us?
🅱️en: I have been summoned
Battery Lover: What?
Lesbian Lightswitch: Remote tell meh
Lesbian Lightswitch: What you two talkin about
Battery Lover: Sorry i cannot
Lesbian Lightswitch: Y not?
Battery Lover: It's a secret
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: A secret that everyone knows
Cinnamon: What?
Blueberry Pastry: Nothing
🅱️en: Bruh really tried being family friendly
Blueberry Pastry: Of course
🅱️en: Wait where tf is marker
Lesbian Lightswitch: You can't even tell your gf about it??
Battery Lover: I'm sorry Liy, it's just Pie will get mad if i do
Lesbian Lightswitch: Aw
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Hmmm
🅱️en: My cousin is online but his not even texting
Nature: Got bored i guess
Blueberry Pastry: Even you didn't text until the word 'Among us' was mentioned
🅱️en: I was playing a game and it was the perfect timing when i got back lol
Nature: You're on your friends house again? Or should I say, Bro House
🅱️en: Yes and I'm staying there for uh couple of days
Lesbian Lightswitch: Good
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Forgot you two are frenemies
🅱️en: Stfu liy
Cinnamon: Marker is probably doing something too and left his phone online
Cinnamon: That would make sense
🅱️en: Oh wow you actually said something smart
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: This wasn't the first time tho
🅱️en: I'm just saying
🅱️en: Wait my sister is in Gacha club
Nature: Yes
Nature: Have you paid a visit for her in the TRG House
🅱️en: Uh no
Nature: Well you should
Cinnamon: :D
Lesbian Lightswitch: ? What botol?
Cinnamon: Hehe
Nature: What?
Cinnamon is offline
Battery Lover: What??
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Itsa suprise
Blueberry Pastry: Oh great you talked with her again
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Yes
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Farewell everyone, we will continue tomorrow
Nature: Yeah sure
🅱️en: Sayonara
Blueberry Pastry: A
Battery Lover: Bye
Lesbian Lightswitch: Okay chat later
All (except Marker-) went offline
Meanwhile irl:
"Hi!" Bottle says while embracing Pie who is literally about to explode, and Pillow giggles, looking at them from the couch "I need to make them date-" she whispered to herself
Meanwhile Marker
"Well that was fun playing toss the dirt with you again!" Stapy says and Marker nods "Yep! Wait" Marker gets his phone and it's on low battery "Oh, i should've turned it off before we played" Marker turns it off and Stapy laughs "Well, Lets go back now" "Okay"
To be continued
Lesbian Lightswitch - Liy
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot - Pillow
Nature - Tree
Blueberry Pastry - Pie
Dirt Lover - Marker
Cinnamon - Bottle
Battery Lover - Remote
🅱️en - Pen
(A/N: At this point i have seriously no ideas, just have random shit for now-
And yes next chapter is gonna be about Treehole
Words: 1107, wow)
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