7: Pillow got kicked?-
Death P.A.C.T GC:
Lesbian Lightswitch, Oriented Aro Ace Idiot, Tree and Remote are online
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Bro c'mon i was joking trei-
Tree: No
Lesbian Lightswitch: Wut happened?
Remote: Pillow said something inappropriate again
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Tree-
Tree: No you dirty minded idiot
Remote: I'm just glad that Bottle wasn't near them
Lesbian Lightswitch: Like what?
Remote: "Bruh you really need BH to suck those balls"
Lesbian Lightswitch: OH-
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Please-
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Read my name :>
Tree: I'm done.
Tree kicked Oriented Aro Ace Idiot out of Death P.A.C.T GC :>
Remote: Oh wow
Lesbian Lightswitch: Oof- Are you gonna add her back soon?
Tree: Yes.
Tree: After 3 days.
Lesbian Lightswitch: 3 days!? Oh mAN she's gonna scream-
Blueberry Pastry is online
Blueberry Pastry changed Tree's name to Nature
Nature: Okay sure i can handle this nickname I guess
Blueberry Pastry: What's happening?
Remote: Pillow got in trouble
Blueberry Pastry: Is that the reason why she's screaming 'NOOO' At the top of her lungs?
Nature: Yes
Nature: I'm so mad at her
Blueberry Pastry: Huh, Okay
After 1 day
Pillow and Liy
Pillow: I only said it as a joke-
Liy: Bruh you do know how serious he can be right?
Pillow: Yes but, C'mon
Liy: His still not gonna forgive you for that y'know-
Pillow: AAA
Liy: Did u tried to talk to him irl?
Pillow: Yes but he just keeps saying 'Leave.' in the most threading tone ever-
Liy: Threatening* But..Show him how sorry you are?
Pillow: How? First i almost broke the TV because i yeeted a remote to it
Pillow: Second, I broke the fridge and it took him DAYS to fix it
Pillow: Third, I break the door every time I get in and get out
Pillow: And now this-
Pillow: I don't think my dude is gonna forgive me after those-
Liy: Oh damn i forgot how many accidents you had
Pillow: On purpose :D
Liy: Bro for real?
Pillow: Nah, Only the third and the first but that's it
Liy: That's worse than bottle ruining her toothbrush though
Pillow: Why? I still don't get it
Liy: Fangs, She's not used to toothbrushing her teeth since, Fangs and she keeps biting the toothbrush, For some reason-
Pillow: Oooooohh
Pillow: That's why
Pillow: But istillwanttreetoforgivemecmonnn
Liy: Just talk to your trio of smth
Liy: Or* tf-
Liy: Not us but y'know
Pillow: Chaotic, Innocent and calm trio?
Liy: Yeah yeah, That one
Pillow: Okay I'll ask them-
Pillow: They'll probably not help me anyway-
"Guys guys guys gays guys-" "What now?" Pie says annoyed as she turns around to see Pillow running towards her "Bro can you help me on how to make Trei not mad at me- also where's Bottle we need her too-" Pillow says quickly and Pie sighs "One, Tree can't forgive you for the things you've done in the past you know? Second, Why do you need Bottle all of the sudden" Pie walks away and Pillow is just left with a defeated sigh
"Oh great- i guess the evergreen tree is gonna be mad at me forever-"
2 hours later
Death P.A.C.T GC:
Lesbian Lightswitch, Nature, Remote and 🅱️en are online
Lesbian Lightswitch: It's not the same as it was-
🅱️en: Honestly i don't really care
Remote: Here's my opinion Pen, If you don't care, why are you saying it in this GC? You know Liy is just gonna argue with you, But you don't care, Because your an idiot
🅱️en: Wow
🅱️en: I'm impressed
Nature: Well, Whatever Liy deal with it, Idc if your best friend is gone in this GC, Besides there's 2 days left, I'm still mad but not that much, I still hate her though
Lesbian Lightswitch: Okay then, I'll just cause chaos all by myself-
🅱️en: Confess bitch
Nature: Pen.
Lesbian Lightswitch: Confess what?
🅱️en: That yiy like the controller
Lesbian Lightswitch: XD yiy
🅱️en: Bitch it doesn't matter if i spelled it wrong, Confess
Nature: PEN.
🅱️en: WHAT
🅱️en: So what! Bottle needs to know wtf swearing is!
Nature: No! If she knows it she's gonna say it ALL THE TIME!
🅱️en: Says who?
Remote: ENOUGH!
Remote: Stop with this stupid nonsense!
Blueberry Pastry is online
Blueberry Pastry: What the?
Lesbian Lightswitch: And yet they ship them
🅱️en: I'm still in disbelief that they ship ME WITH A TREE
Remote: Frenemies
Nature: It annoys me that it's the most famous ship on Death P.A.C.T
Nature: I think, I don't know but it's up there
Lesbian Lightswitch: Pietle is underrated help
Blueberry Pastry: Why do you HAVE to mention it most of the time?
Blueberry Pastry: I can see why you're friends with Pillow now
Lesbian Lightswitch: Of course-
Remote: It really annoys me when they ship me with Black Hole
Lesbian Lightswitch: What the electricity
Cinnamon and Black Hole are online
Nature: No way
Remote: Yep
Black Hole: Seriously?
Remote: Yeah, i don't like it, I already like someone else
🅱️en: I know
Remote: Who then?
Nature: They ship- Why?
Black Hole: I don't know
Black Hole: But i can respect it
Nature: But- Okay then
Remote: Damnit how did you know Pen
🅱️en: Of course
Cinnamon: Really?
🅱️en: Yea
Remote: Don't Tell the others
Lesbian Lightswitch: What-
Remote: Nothing.
Black Hole: You're supposed to respect opinions, Even though you don't like it, You can scream about it in private but remember not to offend the person because you don't like it.
Black Hole: Alright?
Nature: Yeah i know, i just don't get it
Lesbian Lightswitch: Why with bh?
🅱️en: Friends
🅱️en: That's literally the reason for most ships
Cinnamon: o_o
Blueberry Pastry: Honestly
Remote: Alright, Guys it's getting late can we chat tomorrow
🅱️en: No I'll stay up
Nature, Lesbian Lightswitch, Blueberry Pastry, Cinnamon and Black Hole are offline
Remote: See you Pen
Remote is offline
🅱️en: Ah shit
🅱️en: Whatever
🅱️en is offline
To be continued
Lesbian Lightswitch - Liy
Oriented Aro Ace - Pillow
Nature - Tree
Blueberry Pastry - Pie
Cinnamon - Bottle
🅱️en - Pen
(A/N: Long chapters am i right? Okay wtf am i doin- welp, The 8th chapter is all about LiyMote (I'll try) so, Yeah, Anyways
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