4: Siblings to giant cats
Lesbian Lightswitch, Oriented Aro Ace Idiot, Tree and Remote are online
Lesbian Lightswitch: Welcome bacc members of Death P.A.C.T
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: H a i
Tree: Hi, What do we talk about now
Lesbian Lightswitch: Talk about ourselves
Remote: Like what?
Lesbian Lightswitch: Like- Our siblings-
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Good one simp
Lesbian Lightswitch: -
Lesbian Lightswitch: Excuse me- Simp?
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Yes
Tree: Since when did she say anything about her crush?
Lesbian Lightswitch: I don't even have one!
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Says the one who runs away when she sees remote
Lesbian Lightswitch: HEY!
Tree: .
Tree: Seriously?
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Yes
Remote: Okay enough of this nonsense, How's your relationship with your siblings?
Remote: Tree?
Tree: I'm fine with mine, It's just that Birch Tree here is a bit annoying
Tree: Not as annoying as Pillow though
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Hey-
Dirt Lover is online
Dirt Lover: Hi guys! What are you all talking about?
Dirt Lover: Wait, How is my name dirt lover? It's true but how?
Lesbian Lightswitch: The settings, also we're talking about our siblings
Lesbian Lightswitch: Starting off with tree-
Tree: And now you
Lesbian Lightswitch: His in my username-
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Lightswitch?
Lesbian Lightswitch: Yep- My dude is cheerful and i luv him and i will protecc him
Dirt Lover: I have a lot of siblings
🅱️en is online
️🅱️en: Yep, i know cousin
Tree: You two are related?
🅱️en: Of course!
Remote: How much Marker?
Dirt Lover: More than 10, I think
🅱️en: You think?
Dirt Lover: Uh yeah?
🅱️en: Bro
Remote: Okay, Pillow, how is your relationship with your siblings
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: My sister hates me and my brother is why I'm like this :>
Tree: I can feel your sister
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Dawg shut
Blueberry Pastry and Cinnamon are online
Tree: Oh Bottle
Cinnamon: Hi! :D
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Hi there-
Lesbian Lightswitch: Talking about our siblings botol, Wanna talk about it too?
Cinnamon: Oh! Yeah sure! But I'd let anyone else go first
Cinnamon: Tree you done?
Tree: Yeah
Remote: My brother is...something
Lesbian Lightswitch: Why do you say that?
Remote: His a bit of a trouble maker
Blueberry Pastry: You do know that my brother is best friends with your brother
Remote: Oh
Oriented Aro Ace: Also some of them literally have a group-
Black Hole is online
Black Hole: Yeah it's called The Randomness Group
Tree: Oh Black Hole, with your sister Starry
Black Hole: Yeah I'm in it
Lesbian Lightswitch: You?
Black Hole: Sorry, Starry is in it
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Oh yeah your sister is the one texting-
Black Hole: Exactly
Tree: Hm, Okay
Cinnamon: The Randomness Group seems like a random name
Blueberry Pastry: Is there a pun intended?
Cinnamon: Wait wha
Cinnamon: Oh-
Blueberry Pastry: Yeah to be real with you, it is a random name
Blueberry Pastry: Cinnamon
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Your even calling her by her nickname-
Lesbian Lightswitch: Let us talk about random stuff
Dirt Lover and Black Hole are offline
🅱️en: Like what?
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot:
Cinnamon: Oh my gosh!! It looks so fluffy!!
🅱️en: Holy sh*t what
Tree: I'm not even gonna say it
Lesbian Lightswitch: OKAY YES BUT- BRO THATS HUGE-
Blueberry Pastry: That's only 9 months old?
Cinnamon: I wanna own one so badly now! It looks so big and fluffy!!
Blueberry Pastry: I'll buy, Just need to ask my mom
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: FR??
Blueberry Pastry: /Srs
Lesbian Lightswitch: W H A-
Remote: It's a Maine coon, It's huge
Tree: And expensive, Are you sure you wanna buy one for Bottle Pie?
Blueberry Pastry: Yes
Cinnamon: :O
Cinnamon: Really!? Oh my gosh thank you!!
Lesbian Lightswitch: Simp
Blueberry Pastry: Shut up Liy, Also my family has a lot of money for some reason so of course I'm gonna do it
Blueberry Pastry: Just one help, Remote, help me carry it-
Remote: Yeah sure, Just wondering how much one Maine coon costs
Cinnamon is offline
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Geez- A lot-
Tree: Pie are you sure?
Blueberry Pastry: Yes
Blueberry Pastry: Ihay
Tree: What?
Blueberry Pastry: I didn't mean to text or send that
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: tf happened-
🅱️en: Bro really just typed the most random sh*t bruh
Cinnamon is online
Blueberry Pastry: I just got a surprise hug so my fingers just did that
Lesbian Lightswitch: From who
Cinnamon: :>
Tree: From you Bottle?
Cinnamon: Yea :3
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Hehe-
Blueberry Pastry: I am this close to going in your room with a broom Pillow
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: WAIT NO
Lesbian Lightswitch: XD
🅱️en: Bruh you really want to buy a gigantic cat for bottle?
Blueberry Pastry: Yes, Stop asking me the same thing over and over again
Lesbian Lightswitch: Bro how much money does your family have-
Blueberry Pastry: Idk, But it's more than 50k
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: That's a lot-
Blueberry Pastry: Yes
Blueberry Pastry: Now if you excuse me
Blueberry Pastry is offline
Lesbian Lightswitch: What?
Remote: She's gonna buy it i just saw her going out of her room
Cinnamon: Oh my gosh!!
Tree: Welp, We will take care of a giant cat sooner or later
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: That simp will do anything-
Remote: Not anything but true
Lesbian Lightswitch: Holy- you actually agreed on what she said-
Remote: I know, I'm shocked too
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Bruh
To be continued
Lesbian Lightswitch - Liy
Oriented Aro Ace Idiot - Pillow
Dirt Lover - Marker
🅱️en - Pen
Blueberry Pastry - Pie
Cinnamon - Bottle
(A/N: Haha Pie being a simp in this AU go brrr- Okay what am I doing- also Yes Pillow added a space on "AroAce" on her nickname- Welp- Gotta go now- See ya-)
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