2: Welcome new members!
Remote added Marker,Lightning and Fanny
Tree, Marker, Lightning and Fanny are online
Remote: Hi guys!
Tree: Remote? Why did you add them here?
Remote: They're in Death P.A.C.T Again right?? They're basically like our new members!
Lightning: I didn't know you guys had a group chat?
Fanny: I hate it!
Tree: Well, Hate it or not, Welcome to this Group chat i guess
Liy is online
Liy: Why am i so curious to know everyone's sexualities all of the sudden-
Marker: why?
Liy: Idk i just randomly wanted to-
Liy: I know some are gae,some are lesbian,Bi,Pan but who?
Tree: Missed one
Liy: What??
Tree: Omni
Liy: Ohh, Your Omnisexual??
Tree: Almost, it's Omniromantic, Also asexual
Liy: Ah- But still-
Lightning: Rare to find tbh with you, no offense
Tree: I get it
Fanny is offline
Bottle is online
Liy: Hey look the botol is online
Bottle: Hai! :D
Tree: Hi Bottle, Anyways I've known you for 15 years (i think) and i don't even know your sexuality
Liy: FOR 15 YEARS-
Tree: Yeah, i think idk we've been friends when i was 6 and when she was 7
Marker: Hang on let me calculate to see how long you guys have actually been friends for
Tree: Okay
21 seconds later
Marker: Yep it's 15
Liy: Oh Wow-
Tree: Yeah yeah i know but we're just friends who have been together for a long time
Tree: We know each other's secrets too
Bottle: But not every secret!
Tree: Yeah not every
Liy: That's still so long- You two even went to Highschool together?
Tree: ..
Tree: No, That's..Where i haven't seen her since
Tree: Due to her being 1 grade up, She had to go to highschool, leaving me, as a 6th grader alone
Remote: When did this turn into a story of how Tree and Bottle met??
Liy: Lmao-
Tree: It's not how we met Remote I'm just explaining my backstory (Kind of)
Bottle: Well ya need a break tree! Let's talk about something else!
Remote: What else?
Lightning and Marker are offline
Pen is online
Tree: Oh great
Pen: H u
Pen: *H i
Liy: How tf did you mess up "hi"?? Bro are you fr that stupid?
Pen: I'm not the stupidest one here!
Liy: I didn't say you were ._.
Pen: Shut up
Remote: You two need to stop agruing for once
Tree: Agreed
Pen: Ok but it's not my fault that liy is over here being a b*tch
Pen: I'm not! I put a * on it!
Bottle: ??
Liy: Oh my electricity really?
Pen: Yes really
Tree: You really are stupid
Pen: I did not swear!
Remote: It still counts as a swear
Bottle: Swear?
Pen: Look at least SHE doesn't know what it is!
Tree: I'm still not changing my opinion
Pen: What?
Tree: That your stupid
Pen: Oh come on!
Pillow is online
Pillow: Everyone is stupid :>
Bottle: Not everyone!
Pillow: Ya your right, tree is the only one here that has a braincell
Remote: Hey..
Pillow: I hate you that's why :>
Tree: Black Hole
Pillow: I also hate him :>
Liy: Pie?
Pillow: Yes she has a braincell but tree's more smarter
Pen: Bruh that's not fair for remote and BH you know
Pillow: Yes i know, Life isn't fair so deal with it :>
Bottle: :<
Pillow: I'm not saying that your dumb bottle-
Liy: She kinda is ngl
Tree: Kinda true, No offense Bottle
Bottle: Hmm
Bottle: Eh it's ok! I'd rather be dumb and cheerful then being sad and lifeless!
Liy: Oh geez Sad and lifeless? That sounds horrible-
Pen: Truth be told
Tree: Yep
Remote: Remind me not to browse ourselves on Google
Pillow: Wait
Remote: Yeah..Regretted it
Bottle: Hm?? What's so bad about the internet??
Tree: ...
Tree: Just please don't search yourself Bottle, Just, Don't
Liy: Unless you wanna see...cringe stuff
Pillow: Most art about bottle aren't really cringe but some of them
Pillow: H e l p
Remote: Why did they make Fanart of me x Pen..?
Liy: THE
Pillow: FLUFF!?
Tree: Okay yeah no that's cursed
Bottle: Wha?
Pillow: Obvious
Liy: Yeah seriously obvious
Pie is online
Pie: The internet has everything
Pie: And i mean everything
Tree: Yeah i get your point
Liy: Scary
Pillow: Ikr, yes i murder people but bro
Pillow: The internet is so fluffin worse
Remote: Accurate right?
Pillow: Yes
Tree: Yep
Pen: Yas i am gay
Liy: I am an idiot- i thought the rainbow flag WAS the gay flag-
Pillow: Same smh
Bottle: Yeah i did too! Good thing my brother told me the correct flag
Tree: I've seen it in so many photos/posts/videos that they mistaken the rainbow pride flag as the Gay one, I can understand why but still
Pie: It's common don't blame them
Liy: Thank you-
Pillow: We're still all stupid :>
Pen: Oh my ink shut up
Tree: Are you serious right now Pillow?
Pillow: Hehe
To be continued
(A/N: Bro i did not expect this to be this long- welp looks like i have to split it into two chapters- see ya in chapter 2.5-)
874 words-
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