18: Broken Leg
Shipper >:3, Lesbian Lightswitch, Father Nature, Battery Lover and Blueberry Pastry are online
Shipper >:3: Yo lesbian lightswitch u okay
Lesbian Lightswitch: Yeah I'm fine, I feel like my leg is broken tho
Lesbian Lightswitch: I'm gonna stay on bed for the rest of da day with a plaster cast on-
Battery Lover: Pie..
Blueberry Pastry: I didn't mean to break her leg-
Father Nature: You broke her WHAT!?
Shipper >:3: Holy shit
Battery Lover: Hurting Liy is one thing, But breaking her leg!?
Battery Lover: How dare you
Blueberry Pastry: I didn't know!
Father Nature: And you only used a broom..
Shipper >:3: Geez
Lesbian Lightswitch: Remote it's fine
Lesbian Lightswitch: I already felt this pain before
Shipper >:3: Same with me but not by a broom bro
Lesbian Lightswitch: Wait you broke your leg before
Shipper >:3: Yeah, Tried to do a backflip
Father Nature: Seriously?
Shipper >:3: Also liy, First time?
Lesbian Lightswitch: Yeah, Though i already felt this type of pain before
Shipper >:3: a
Battery Lover: I'm gonna get you cereal Liy, Hang on
Lesbian Lightswitch: Thanks
Father Nature: Uh okay, Be careful of the milk
Battery Lover: Yeah i know
Lesbian Lightswitch: Love you
Battery Lover: <3
Shipper >:3: Hehe
Blueberry Pastry: I didn't mean to break her leg though
Father Nature: Then how did you even break her leg
Blueberry Pastry: i guess it's because i kept hitting her leg most of the time, Since I'm short as frick
Shipper >:3: You do the same thing to me but my leg isn't broken yet
Blueberry Pastry: Probably because your a pillow
Shipper >:3: But i broke my leg before?-
Blueberry Pastry: Wait what
Shipper >:3: Wow-
Father Nature: Well Pen is gonna return today, at afternoon soo
Father Nature: Prepare yourself
Lesbian Lightswitch: Damnit
Shipper >:3: Oh yeah
Cinnamon is online
Cinnamon: Hi!! :D
Shipper >:3: Pie broke liy's leg
Cinnamon: Wait what??
Blueberry Pastry: I didn't mean to
Lesbian Lightswitch: Then stap hitting me with a friggin broom
Cinnamon: Oh..
Father Nature: Yep, Her leg is broken, She can't move anywhere now
Cinnamon: Aw.. :<
Shipper >:3: Bruh
Battery Lover: I just got back, I can see Pen outside the window
Battery Lover: His approaching
Father Nature: Oh
Shipper >:3: Welp, The house is gonna be chaotic again
Lesbian Lightswitch: Bro it already was chaotic with just the two of us
Shipper >:3: a
Cinnamon: Liy, Are you okay..? Does it hurt?
Lesbian Lightswitch: Yea im fine, I have to stay in bed tho, and i have to eat rn
Shipper >:3: Okay
Battery Lover: Seriously
"...Oops" Said Pen while he was looking at the door that is on the floor while Tree came running outside "Are you serious!? Why can't you calm yourself!" Tree yelled as Pillow ran out of her door "Finally i didn't break it" Pillow said and Tree facepalms
"Well, I'm back! I miss my stuff that's why" Pen said and Tree sighed "Well, Pillow you get the supplies to fix this goddamn door" Tree points at Pillow and she shook her head "W-Wha- Why me!?" "You promised to help him right?" Remote walked by and Pillow groans "Fine! I wish Liy was here instead.." Pillow mumbled the last part and walks away
Death P.A.C.T GC:
Lesbian Lightswitch: I'm just glad that my leg is broken so then i won't have to help pillow fix the door
Lesbian Lightswitch: Thanks for the blessing lmao
Blueberry Pastry: Your welcome?
Cinnamon: But, a broken leg isn't a blessing..
Lesbian Lightswitch: It is right now lol
After a while
Shipper >:3, Father Nature and Battery Lover are online
Shipper >:3: P a i n
Father Nature: Now you know how it feels, Dimwit
Lesbian Lightswitch: Ha, L
Shipper >:3: Damnit why did you have to have a broken leg
Lesbian Lightswitch: Lmao don't ask me
Shipper >:3: Frick you pie
Cinnamon: >:<
Blueberry Pastry: I just said i didn't mean it
Battery Lover: At least he didn't immediately use butter as roller skates
Blueberry Pastry: At least
Father Nature: Yeah that's annoying
Shipper >:3: No I'm not ready to sweep the floor
Lesbian Lightswitch: XD
Father Nature: You better be ready later
Shipper >:3: ( ;;・_・) idk-
Cinnamon: How did you do that?? :0
Shipper >:3: It's simple bro-
Lesbian Lightswitch: Pen isn't even online too
Father Nature: Who cares about that, I for once am glad that his not online
Blueberry Pastry: I just heard him screaming "I'M GAY!"
Battery Lover: Like he used to
Shipper >:3: Finally no more silence
Blueberry Pastry: And Tree just yelled "SHUT UP IDIOT!"
Father Nature: Yeah i did
Cinnamon: XD
Lesbian Lightswitch: ...Where are the others
Lesbian Lightswitch: Like marker, lightning and fanny
Shipper >:3: Fanny doesn't even like this gc bro
Blueberry Pastry: She actually left
Lesbian Lightswitch: Oh-
Father Nature: Also Marker and Lightning have their own GC to take care of so
Father Nature: Yeah
Battery Lover: That would make sense
Shipper >:3: I just imagine the chaos that's happening in Iance now
Lesbian Lightswitch: Yeah
Battery Lover: Where's Floofer?
Cinnamon: What!?
Blueberry Pastry: Wait what? Don't tell me she escaped!
Father Nature: Oh no
Shipper >:3: SHIT
Lesbian Lightswitch: NOT FLOOFER
Father Nature: Did someone leave the door open!?
Battery Lover: Wait no nevermind she's in Pen's room
Cinnamon: Thank goodness..
Shipper >:3: Almost made me call the randomness group bruh
Father Nature: Or a search party
Lesbian Lightswitch: Same
Blueberry Pastry: Always check everything before saying it Remote ._.
Battery Lover: Ok
Lesbian Lightswitch: Remote where are you
Battery Lover: On the couch
Battery Lover: You need me?
Lesbian Lightswitch: I need watr
Shipper >:3: Tf is "Watr"??
Cinnamon: Lol! XD
Lesbian Lightswitch: Water
Feather Nature: I'll do it, Again she's a remote she can get electrocuted
Lesbian Lightswitch: Oh yeah sorry-
Battery Lover: It's fine <3
Blueberry Pastry: You really didn't realize that
Lesbian Lightswitch: Yeah I'm a dummy i know
Battery Lover: No your not
Shipper >:3: Wow
Shipper >:3: If only someone cared about me like that
Blueberry Pastry: Maybe if you weren't a chaotic piece of shit they would!
Cinnamon: I do care!
Shipper >:3: Thank you-
Lesbian Lightswitch: :'> i wanna move now
Shipper >:3: Ooh! But didn't you say that your broken leg is a blessing???
Shipper >:3: Ha!
Lesbian Lightswitch: Damnit i should've taken it back
Battery Lover: We have a wheelchair here Liy
Lesbian Lightswitch: Thank you for telling me-
Cinnamon: Are both of your legs broken or just one?
Lesbian Lightswitch: Just one
Father Nature: You really need to go to a hospital
Lesbian Lightswitch: Your infront of me why are you saying this in the GC
Shipper >:3: Why are you saying that in this GC?
Blueberry Pastry: In all seriousness though, yeah, i don't know why we didn't consider it earlier
Lesbian Lightswitch: Later, 1:00 PM bro
Lesbian Lightswitch: At least we have a wheelchair too
Shipper >:3: Yep
Father Nature: Great, When is this gonna heal
Battery Lover: I don't know... Hopefully soon..
Shipper >:3: Yeah, I don't wanna do everything by myself-
Blueberry Pastry: Is that literally what you care about right now?
Blueberry Pastry: You only want Liy to heal so then she can "help" you do chores?
Lesbian Lightswitch: That's how our friendship is sometimes, don't mind it
Shipper >:3: Yep
Blueberry Pastry: 🤦🏻♀️
To be continued
Lesbian Lightswitch - Liy
Shipper >:3 - Pillow
Father Nature - Tree
Blueberry Pastry - Pie
Cinnamon - Bottle
Battery Lover - Remote
(A/N: Uh oh Liy's leg is broken- Okay i don't really know why i thought of her leg being broken after getting uh, Tortured with a broom- it's just a random concept in my head
Also thank y'all for 1.68k reads!! :D Bye!)
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