17: Changing Subjects-
Shipper >:3, Lesbian Lightswitch, Nature, 🅱️en and Battery Lover are online
Lesbian Lightswitch: The name nature is boring bro
Nature: It fits me though, Are you saying i should change it?
Shipper >:3: Hehe, Let me do this
Shipper >:3 changed Nature's name to Father Nature
Father Nature: Are you serious?
Lesbian Lightswitch: What? It fits you better!
Shipper >:3: XD
Battery Lover: Also when is Pen coming back?
🅱️en: I thought y'all hate me
Father Nature: Yes but it doesn't feel the same without you
Shipper >:3: Don't let the Tren shippers see this
Father Nature: I don't fricking like him
Battery Lover: Yep
🅱️en: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
🅱️en: Tomorrow
Lesbian Lightswitch: Damnit
Father Nature: When he gets back, You guys have to help me clean the mess
Father Nature: Pillow you help
Shipper >:3: Why me?
Father Nature: You only stay in your room but when you do go out, You literally destroy everything
Battery Lover: True
Lesbian Lightswitch: Ye
Shipper >:3: Can liy join here
Father Nature: Yeah
Lesbian Lightswitch: Fuck
Blueberry Pastry is online
Blueberry Pastry: What's going on?
🅱️en: Hang on I'm playing the fractured but whole here
🅱️en: With my bros watching me
🅱️en is offline
Shipper >:3: The fractured but whole!? That's my favorite game!
Lesbian Lightswitch: Really
Shipper >:3: Yeah!
Blueberry Pastry: The Fractured But Whole, The South Park game?
Father Nature: Yeah
Battery Lover: No spoilers please
Lesbian Lightswitch: You don't know?
Battery Lover: Yeah, I only know that kids are roleplaying as superheros but that's it
Shipper >:3: Wow, you know so little
Battery Lover: Of course, I'm not that invested in South Park
Father Nature: South Park is...Something
Lesbian Lightswitch: Yeah it's not for kids
Lesbian Lightswitch: AT ALL-
Blueberry Pastry: Yeah, It's because of Cartman
Battery Lover: Who is that?
Lesbian Lightswitch: You don't even know who the fat kid is?
Battery Lover: Oh, So that's his name, i thought it was Eric
Father Nature: That is his name, Eric Cartman
Battery Lover: Oh
Blueberry Pastry: Change the South Park subject here
Shipper >:3: Okay fine
Shipper >:3: But just so you know remote
Shipper >:3: There's two gae kids there
Battery Lover: Really? But they're kids?
Shipper >:3: Yeah, But you'll get it when you watch it
Blueberry Pastry: Yeah
Blueberry Pastry: But still, Can we talk about something else
Shipper >:3: About bottle? Sure we can you simp >:>
Blueberry Pastry: NO IM NOT A SIMP
Battery Lover: No offense but you sort of are
Private Message between Pie and Remote
Pie: Don't expose me Remote
Remote: They already know that but okay
Death P.A.C.T GC:
Blueberry Pastry: No I'm not
Shipper >:3: Yeah right
Blueberry Pastry: No
Shipper >:3: Yes
Blueberry Pastry: No
Lesbian Lightswitch: YES-
Blueberry Pastry: I'm gonna hit both of you with a broom
Shipper >:3: Okay fine I'll stop
Lesbian Lightswitch: Do it I'm not scared
Blueberry Pastry: .
Blueberry Pastry is offline
Battery Lover: Honey why did you say that
Lesbian Lightswitch: Oops
Father Nature: Oh great
Shipper >:3: Yeah i hear running outside
Battery Lover: Oh
Lesbian Lightswitch: OHSHITHWN
Lesbian Lightswitch is offline
Father Nature: And now i hear Liy apologizing over and over again
Shipper >:3: And i hear screaming
Battery Lover: Why does she get into shenanigans so much? It should be Pillow
Shipper >:3: Hey! >:<
Father Nature: True
Shipper >:3: >:<
After 8 minutes later
Lesbian Lightswitch is online
Lesbian Lightswitch: Help me
Battery Lover: You okay Liy?
Lesbian Lightswitch: Help I'm in so much pain rn
Blueberry Pastry and Cinnamon are online
Blueberry Pastry: You deserve it!
Cinnamon: I heard screaming for like 10 minutes, What happened?? :<
Father Nature: Hi Bottle
Cinnamon: Tree?? You changed your name?
Father Nature: It's Pillow who did it
Shipper >:3: Remote go help your gf bro
Battery Lover: I would insult you but at this point it's the truth
Battery Lover and Lesbian Lightswitch are offline
Blueberry Pastry: I hate Liy so much
Cinnamon: Really?
Blueberry Pastry: Well not like, Enemy way but i don't like her personality
Father Nature: I don't like any of you honestly
Father Nature: Except for Black Hole, Bottle, Remote, and you get the point
Blueberry Pastry: Yeah i do
Cinnamon: Is liy gonna be okay?
Father Nature: I don't know
Blueberry Pastry: Lets worry about her later
Battery Lover is online
Battery Lover: What did you do to Liy? She can't even stand up
Cinnamon: Oh no :<
Shipper >:3: Oh hecc nah
Blueberry Pastry: The usual
Father Nature: The usual? She said she can't even stand up, Do you do that to Pillow too?
Shipper >:3: Yeah, Don't worry it happens all the time tho
Cinnamon: Um, How does it feel..?
Shipper >:3: Botol it's fine, Just sometimes i have to sleep while i feel the most intense pain of my life and it finally goes away!
Shipper >:3: We just sleep so then the pain can go away :>
Battery Lover: Is...Your leg fine?
Shipper >:3: Yeah, After a day
Battery Lover: Oh geez, what does Pie do to you two
Blueberry Pastry: The usual i just said that
Father Nature: Seriously?
Cinnamon: You should go easy on them pie, i don't want my friends to get hurt that much :<
Shipper >:3: Yeah i do not like getting hit with a broom
Blueberry Pastry: You think a broom is all i got? I have a slipper, hanger, belt, i can basically use anything else that is way more painful
Blueberry Pastry: You have not seen the worst of me here
Shipper >:3: Jeez how did lemon pie live with you-
Cinnamon: Don't hit them so hard <:<
Father Nature: I mean, they sort of deserve it Bottle
Cinnamon: How and why? :<
Father Nature: They are pretty annoying and chaotic, Pillow didn't even prevent death too!
Shipper >:3: Why did i used to date you
Father Nature: Yeah I'm still questioning that
Blueberry Pastry: You two used to what
Battery Lover: Pardon
Father Nature: Don't ask
Cinnamon: Is liy okay..?
Battery Lover: Yeah she's fine, Just needs a little rest on her bed
Shipper >:3: Im guessing that you're gonna kiss her on the forehead
Battery Lover: Oh i hadn't thought of that
Cinnamon: Aw!!
Shipper >:3: Bottle, Do you like pie?
Blueberry Pastry: Out of all questions
Cinnamon: I like all of you! :D
Father Nature: Even Pen?
Cinnamon: I love the girls more tho :>
Father Nature: Of course you do, But she's asking if you like Pie, like more than friends kind of way
Private Message Between Tree and Bottle
Bottle: Yeah i know tree
Tree: Yep
Bottle: But I'm not gonna surprise her now, Remember, the day :>
Tree: Oh yeah i remember
Bottle: Go with the flow with what I'm about to do :3
Tree: Okay then
Death P.A.C.T GC:
Cinnamon: When i like her as a best friend?
Father Nature: Uh no
Shipper >:3: More than that
Cinnamon: Super best friend?
Blueberry Pastry is offline
Battery Lover: Oh gosh-
Shipper >:3: AHA- Now I'm pretty sure that's the relationship of calculator and lemon pie-
Battery Lover: Yep
Blueberry Pastry is online
Blueberry Pastry: I don't know what to say
Cinnamon: Idk what their saying!
Shipper >:3: Lmao
Father Nature: Whatever
Battery Lover: Liy is adorable is all I'm gonna say
Blueberry Pastry: Don't make me have another argument with you in private
Battery Lover: Okay-
Shipper >:3: What-
Blueberry Pastry: Shut
Father Nature: Uh okay then
To be continued
Lesbian Lightswitch - Liy
Shipper >:3 - Pillow
Nature/Father Nature - Tree
🅱️en - Pen
Battery Lover - Remote
Cinnamon - Bottle
Blueberry Pastry - Pie
(A/N: Once again i told yall- i have no ideas- but yes Bottle is plannin' on something and Trei is helping her, Hehe
For now, Bye)
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